Part 7 (2/2)

Convert our enemies and check all our persecutors, help the oppressed, provide for the poor, feed the hungry, give drink unto the thirsty, clothe the naked, free the innocent captives, comfort the distressed, gladden the sorrowing, strengthen the weak, care for the sick, be merciful to the widows and orphans, deliver the oppressed, guide the traveler and accompany the dying through death unto life.

Lord! teach us to act according to Thy good pleasure, and Thy good Spirit direct our footsteps, that we may walk before Thee in faith, patience and hope, in G.o.dliness and honesty, in meekness, humility and chast.i.ty, and all Christian virtues. But when we sin, then chastise us gently; when our sins trouble us, comfort us with Thy grace, and Thy joyful Spirit uphold us. When satan a.s.sails us, do Thou support us, when the world persecutes us, then protect us; when our flesh and blood would overpower us, then strengthen our spirit; when we err, set us aright again. When we fall, lift us up by Thy hand. When we become weak and weary in our calling, refresh us. When we are in necessity and danger, relieve us. When we are sick and weak, then be our physician. Should we according to Thy will during this year depart from hence, grant that our spirits be commended into Thy hands. O Lord! hear; Lord! be merciful; Lord! take heed and grant it for Jesus' sake. Amen.

5. Prayer on Epiphany.

Most merciful Saviour! Thou didst indeed show Thyself to be the G.o.d of the Jews and the Gentiles, and as the true light that desires to enlighten all men who come into this world unto everlasting life, as Thou didst not only by a bright and wonderful star lead unto Thyself the wise men of the east, who were induced to honor and wors.h.i.+p Thee as their king, but didst also lead us poor heathen by the enlightening power of Thy holy Word into Thy gracious kingdom and unto the saving knowledge of Thee. O my Saviour! Thy faithfulness and mercy shown unto us are so great, that we can never sufficiently praise Thee. We were without G.o.d strangers and excluded from the commonwealth of Israel. But Thou hast made us Thy people, fellow-citizens with the saints and a household of G.o.d. On account of our blindness we were not enabled to know Thee and to find the way to everlasting life; but Thou, Lord Jesus! didst enlighten our minds and enrich us in all knowledge. We sat in darkness and in the shadow of death; but Thou didst let Thy glory s.h.i.+ne upon us, so that now we walk in Thy light, and finally enter eternal blessedness in heaven.

For this we justly wors.h.i.+p and praise Thee with thankful hearts and tongues on this holy day, and will sing of Thy grace and goodness all the days of our life. But we pray Thee, O most faithful Saviour! with our whole soul, that Thou wouldst so multiply Thy grace unto us, as to preserve us and our posterity to the end of time in a saving knowledge of Thee, and by Thy Holy Spirit wouldst so lead and direct us as no more to walk like the heathen in the vanity of our minds and our own fleshly l.u.s.ts, but rather live G.o.dly as children of light, and with humble obedience serve Thee all our days as our King. As Thou, most beloved Saviour, didst so gloriously deliver us from the kingdom of darkness and mercifully received us into the kingdom of grace--into Thy Christian church, grant us also to be blessed saints of heaven, and heirs of Thine eternal glory, for the sake and honor of Thy great name. Amen.

6. Prayer on the Day of Purification.

Lord Jesus! Thou highly exalted and beloved Son of G.o.d! I thank Thee with all my heart, that for my good Thou didst not only become true man, but also for my sake didst become subject to the law, and at Thy presentation didst partic.i.p.ate in the offering of purification, in order that Thou mightest redeem me from the curse of the law, and cleanse my soul from its abominable impurities. I acknowledge myself therefore under obligations also to present myself unto Thee, and offer myself a living and acceptable sacrifice to G.o.d. But whilst I cannot do so of my own self, I ask Thee, beloved Saviour, to sanctify me by Thy innocent blood and holy Spirit, in order that I may henceforth earnestly guard myself against all sins, keep my body and soul unpolluted and serve Thee during my life in holiness and righteousness. Most beloved Saviour! Grant, that, following the example of the devout Simeon, I may amidst all distress and misery of this life, in all fear and anguish of conscience, with the arms of true faith, embrace and press Thee to my heart, yea, enclose Thee in my heart and never permit Thee to depart therefrom. May my eyes ever be directed toward Thee, O desirable Light of the world! and behold in Thee their only delight. Infuse into my heart a knowledge of Thy holy will and a heartfelt confidence in Thy precious merit, and grant, that I may manifest the same through good works before men. Banish from my heart, O Thou Brightness of glory! all innate darkness and evil propensities, and may I with Simeon believe aright, live holy and die happy. When the end of my life draws nigh, then, O beloved Redeemer, bear me up in Thy strong arm and merciful hands, that satan may nevermore separate me from Thee.

Grant unto me with Simeon a joyous departure from this world and bestow unto me, Thy servant, such grace that I may depart in peace, and with all the elect behold Thee, face to face, in eternal bliss. Amen, dear Jesus!


7. Prayer on the Day of the Annunciation.

Awake, my soul, and rejoice in the Lord, thy Saviour, thank the Most High, who so faithfully fulfilled his prophecy and sent his Son into the world. Rejoice and be glad that G.o.d himself out of love to thee became man and related to thee through blood. Who can sufficiently praise His mercy and loving-kindness? O Lord! what is man that Thou art mindful of him; and the son of man that Thou doest thus receive him unto Thyself? O dear Jesus! I thank Thee with all my heart, that Thou in the blessed womb of Thy mother Mary didst so intimately unite Thyself with our human nature, and in the a.s.sumed humanity didst reconcile me with Thy heavenly Father. Thou, my Saviour! didst humble Thyself so deeply in order that I should be exalted; Thou didst become the son of man in order that I might become a child of G.o.d, Thy brother (sister) and a beloved spouse. Thou didst descend from Thy throne unto us, that Thou mightest render it possible for me to partake of Thy great glory in heaven. How couldst Thou indeed have shown greater love to me? Therefore, most beloved Saviour! do I rejoice in my heart and know truly that I stand in Thy grace, for Thou canst not despise nor be angry with Thy own flesh and blood. Though I am sinful and unholy, yet do I comfort myself by Thy holiness and innocence.

Though I offended G.o.d with sins, yet I know that Thou art the Mediator between G.o.d and me, and that Thou wilt appease His wrath and deliver me from all evil, which I have to fear on account of my misdeeds. Jesus, my brother, although I have deserved death and h.e.l.l, Thou canst make me holy and receive me unto eternal life. Where my flesh and blood reigns, there I hope also to be and remain eternally. To this help me, most beloved Saviour! for the sake of Thy blessed incarnation. Amen.

8. Prayer on Maundy-Thursday.

Most beloved Jesus! I thank Thee with all my heart, in the council of the pious and congregation of the Lord, that Thou, before Thy entrance into death, hast been so mindful of us, Thy christian people, and didst prepare such a glorious feast for our souls. I praise Thee, O most merciful Saviour! with all my powers and abilities, that Thou didst not only present Thyself as an offering, that Thou wast sacrificed upon the cross for my sins and those of the whole world, but also doest feed us poor creatures in Thy Holy Supper with Thy body and blood, through which Thou doest appropriate unto us all Thy purchased gifts of grace and benefits. Lord! the bread we break is indeed the communion of Thy body that died for us upon the cross, and the cup we drink at the holy altar, is the communion of the most precious blood, which Thou in all Thy painful sufferings hast shed for us. In what respects indeed are we worthy that Thou doest manifest such grace unto us? Who are we that Thou doest draw so nigh unto us and unite with us in such a manner as to be and dwell within us, and also we, as members of Thy body, shall remain with Thee forever! How can we compensate Thee that Thou doest so heartily receive our souls unto Thyself and freest them from all transgression and threatening condemnation; on the other hand doest bestow upon them Thy perfect obedience, merit and righteousness, yea, doest give Thy own Self as a pledge for their salvation! Most beloved Jesus! as Thou hast inst.i.tuted by Thy Holy Supper a memorial of Thy wonderful gifts of grace, so it shall be a lasting memorial in my heart of Thy love and mercy. As oft as I shall eat of this bread and drink of this cup, will I proclaim Thy death and with a thankful heart praise what Thou hast done for us. O help! my Saviour and Redeemer, that I may be confirmed more and more in my faith by this blessed food and glorious cup, that I be forever united with Thee and strengthened to lead a holy life upon earth and be positively a.s.sured of the eternal life of joy in heaven, for the sake of Thy holy merit. Amen.

9. Prayer on Good-Friday.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou innocent and spotless Lamb of G.o.d, who didst suffer for us the ignominious death of the cross, which it is Thy will that it never be forgotten by us. From the depth of our hearts we again give Thee praise, honor and thanks for this Thy love and mercy, that Thou didst so dearly purchase us poor sinners by Thy innocent sufferings and death, and didst become obedient to Thy heavenly Father, unto death on the cross. Thou didst also shed Thy precious blood to wash away and blot out our sins, and didst lay down Thy life in order to rescue us from eternal death. O faithful Saviour! how much didst Thou suffer in our behalf; what unspeakable torture and pain didst Thou endure in body and soul in order that we might be free from it forever. O Lord Jesus! Thou patient Lamb of G.o.d, that taketh away the sins of the world, we confess, that with our manifold and gross sins we have caused Thee such pains and labors and brought about this Thy death. Be gracious and merciful unto us and let this Thy bitter and painful suffering not be in vain for us.

Grant unto us Thy grace that daily we may think of Thy death, heartily praise and thank Thee for the same, and by the contemplation of these Thy sufferings and crucifixion we may crucify and mortify in us all l.u.s.ts of the flesh and evil pa.s.sions of our corrupt nature, and since Thou didst suffer for us, help therefore also, that we may obediently follow Thee with the cross, which we daily deserve on account of our sins, and for Thy sake, bear all things patiently, that, finally, we may, with all the elect, be and forever remain with Thee in heavenly joy and bliss. Amen.
