Part 3 (2/2)
Such have an altogether false conception of the Holy Supper, who regard it as a mere feast at which a person does but commemorate Christ's sufferings and death. No, the Holy Supper is the exalted and holy mystery, in which Christ with the consecrated bread gives us his body to eat, and with the consecrated wine gives us his blood to drink, even the same body which he took on himself from the virgin Mary and gave in death for our sins, and the same blood which he shed upon the cross for the remission of our sins. True, we cannot see this with our eyes, we cannot taste it with our mouth, nor can we understand it with our reason, but must believe it, for our Lord and Saviour says: ”Take, eat, this _is_ my body; take, drink, this _is_ my blood.” Our Lord and Saviour is true, and certainly he will fulfill what he says in the words of his testament; he is of infinite wisdom, and knows of ways and means for the fulfillment of his promises, even though it be beyond our comprehension; he is almighty, with whom nothing is impossible, who can do infinitely more than we are able to ask or think. If we believe with all earnestness, that it is not mere bread and wine, but also the true body and blood of our Saviour, who is G.o.d and man in one person, which we receive in the Holy Supper, then we will not be thoughtless and indifferent, but we will approach the table of the Lord with devotional and humble hearts and with the centurion exclaim: Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst come under my roof!
The benefits derived from the Holy Supper are threefold: first, by a worthy partaking of the Holy Supper we receive the forgiveness of sin and are a.s.sured of the same. Our gracious G.o.d has given many and manifold means to a.s.sure the poor sinner of the forgiveness of his sins; such means are, the preaching of the Gospel, Holy Baptism, Absolution and the Holy Supper. We should not ask the impertinent question, why G.o.d has given us _four_ means of grace, instead of _one_, but rather thank him, that he has so richly blessed us in making us partakers of the forgiveness of our sins, and that he, through these means, gives unto us a joyful heart and a certain a.s.surance that we are acceptable unto him.
Whoever knows from own experience, how important it is for one whose heart is terrified on account of his sins, to believe in the forgiveness of such sins, will readily conceive the greatness of divine mercy and care, in not providing only one, but many means, through which we have the a.s.surance of the forgiveness of our sins. Therefore, just as certain as with your mouth you eat the body of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which was given for you in death for the forgiveness of your sins, and drink that blood which was shed for the remission of your sins, just so certain also should you be that such forgiveness is your portion and inheritance. Second, the Holy Supper also confers life. This is not a temporal, natural life, which we have received through birth and which is nourished through the ordinary food and drink, but it is that new, spiritual life, which has been regenerated through the new birth in Holy Baptism, and which subsists by virtue of faith in the Lord Jesus and in love to G.o.d and our neighbor. But inasmuch as this life is yet weak and imperfect and constant growth is necessary, the Lord has inst.i.tuted the Holy Supper as a spiritual means of nourishment, in order to strengthen the new spiritual life. Luther says concerning this: The Holy Supper is rightly regarded as food for the soul which nourishes and strengthens the new man; for through Baptism we are first born again, but there still remains the old Adam in our flesh and blood; there are so many temptations and impediments thrown in the way by the world and the devil, that we often grow weary and languid and sometimes fall. Hence the Holy Supper is given us as a daily nourishment and food that our faith may grow and be strengthened, and that in such contest it may not fall back, but ever grow stronger and stronger; for the new life must be such as always to increase and progress; it has on the other hand, to suffer much; for the devil is such a wrathful enemy, when he sees that one opposes him and a.s.sails the old man, and he is unable to prevail with his power, then he will sneak and creep around on all sides, making use of all kinds of artifice and keeps on until he finally has made us weary, that a person either falls from the faith altogether, or gives way to disgust and impatience. Thereto then this comfort is given, that the heart, when it feels the temptations too great to bear, receives new strength and solace from the Holy Supper. But, thirdly, the Holy Supper also confers eternal salvation. Just as sin, as long as it is not forgiven, deprives us of salvation, so sin which is forgiven opens unto us the door of eternal salvation. Where there is forgiveness of sin, there is also life and salvation.
But if we would obtain this threefold blessed benefit from the Holy Supper, we must receive it worthily and well prepared. This is however not a worthiness brought about by the law, but by the Gospel, and does not consist in a perfect life and entire purity of the soul from sin; but much more in this, that we are conscious of our unworthiness and sinfulness; that we have a heart poor in spirit and mournful, and long heartily after the forgiveness of sin, that we also comfort ourselves with it or wish to comfort; that we regard our sins to be very great, but that we rejoice in the help which is found in none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. On the other hand, all those communicants are unworthy and unfit, who in their self-righteous conceit think it unnecessary to have the forgiveness of sin, as was the case with the Pharisee, who stood and prayed thus with himself: G.o.d, I thank Thee, that I am not as other men are,--or who entirely doubt the forgiveness of sin, as did Cain, who said unto the Lord: My punishment is greater than I can bear, and who will not permit himself to be delivered from his despondent thoughts, or those who continue in evil purpose and who knowingly go on and serve sin, or who live in malicious hatred against their neighbor. When such unworthy communicants receive the Holy Supper, it is true, they also receive the body and blood of Christ, but they receive it unto judgment and unto the increase of their own d.a.m.nation. Hence, too, St. Paul gives the earnest admonition: Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup, for whoso eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh d.a.m.nation to himself. Now, whoever recognizes in himself the above named characteristics of an unworthy communicant, should not dare to approach the table of the Lord in this condition; not that he should remain away, but in the meanwhile he should examine himself, and instead of being an impenitent, become a penitent sinner.
But are not also weak believers to be numbered among the unworthy communicants? By no means. But much more those who are both weak in faith and defective in G.o.dly life, and who are overtaken in this or that sin, and who painfully feel their weakness and long to become stronger, are Christ's right welcome guests at his table; such the Lord does not cast away, but much more invites to come; for he inst.i.tuted the Holy Supper especially for the weak and infirm, that through this spiritual nourishment they might become stronger. He extends unto all such the gracious call: Come unto me all ye that are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, and whosoever comes, I will in no wise cast out.
38. Morning Prayer of a Communicant.
Lord Jesus, I this morning rejoice that I, with other pious Christians, am permitted to receive Thy body and blood in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine. O! how my soul longs for the courts of the Lord and for the holy altar. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O my G.o.d. For Thou art my Shepherd, I shall not want. O, Lord Jesus, as Thou hast begun the good work in me a poor miserable man, so also accomplish the same in mercy, through the gracious power of the Holy Spirit unto Thy name's glory and unto my own welfare and eternal salvation. Dear Redeemer, I am, it is true, not worthy that I should come under Thy roof, but Thy grace, which is all-sufficient, make me worthy and amply qualify me, that the precious food and drink of Thy true body and blood may quicken my soul in this heavenly feast of joy and love. Clothe me with the garment of salvation and with the robe of Thy righteousness by a true faith, that I may not be found among the pretending guests and would-be-Christians, but may be a worthy partaker at Thy table and receive all Thy gracious treasures which Thou hast acquired for me. O Lord Jesus, may Thy grace be and remain with me, as I ever put my trust in Thee. May Thy visitation preserve my spirit, my life and walk. And whatever else is needful, grant Thou, O Lord, unto me in this life and in the life hereafter. Give me true repentance, renew my heart, deliver my body and soul. O Lord! hear this my desire, and do not permit my prayer to remain unanswered, that I may be acceptable unto Thee in time and in eternity. Amen, in Jesus' name, Amen.
39. Prayer for a worthy Partaking of the Holy Supper.
Behold me, Dear Saviour, As I Come Relying on Thy Gracious Invitation.
May I find favor in Thine eyes, Thou Lover of Life. For who am I that Thou shouldst so friendly call me? Were I even holier than the angels, yet would I not be worthy of this repast; how then should I be worthy, seeing that I am of impure lips, yea, an abomination and offensive, if Thou doest not make me worthy? Therefore come Thou to my succor with Thy grace, and prepare me. Thou hast said: Whosoever cometh to me, Thou wilt in no wise cast out. Then take my soul into Thy favor, according to Thy great mercies. Dear Jesus, remember that of myself I have indeed much evil, but nothing good; so help me for Thy great goodness' sake. O see how poor and miserable I am! Remember Thy faithfulness, O Saviour of the world, and fill my heart with grace. O! how I long to appear at Thy table with glowing devotion and becoming reverence in full faith, but where is the power to do, if I do not receive it of Thee, thou Author and Finisher of my faith? Therefore give Thou unto me whatsoever is pleasing to Thee.
Graciously take from me whatsoever displeases Thee, or cover it, at least, I most humbly pray Thee, with the cloak of Thy righteousness. O!
blessed is the soul that finds favor with Thee! Open Thou mine eyes that I may behold the wonders in Thy ordinances. Rouse my heart, and free me of all strange thoughts, increase my hope, inflame my desire, make ardent my devotion, purge me of all uncleanness, and sanctify me wholly, that I may approach with joyful confidence, that I may receive with pure mouth and holy heart, and with heartfelt desire eat and drink unto the life, welfare and blessing of my soul. Amen.
40. Thanksgiving after Partaking of the Holy Supper.
Lord Jesus Christ, I give Thee most hearty thanks and praise, that Thou hast again washed me, a poor sinful being, of all my transgressions, and, for the most certain a.s.surance of such was.h.i.+ng and forgiveness of all my sins, hast permitted me to eat of Thy true body, and to drink of Thy true blood, and, taking me as an impure child after such cleansing, hast again received me into the fatherly arms of Thy grace and mercy, and doest thus show and present me blameless, pure and without fault unto Thy heavenly Father.
I pray Thee most heartily and from my whole soul, that, after Thy great benefit, Thou wouldst yet add this in abundance, and graciously grant me Thy grace through the working of the Holy Ghost, that I may be truly sensible of Thy great goodness, thankfully receive it, and from my heart magnify and praise Thee during my whole life. And do Thou further work in me through Thy Holy Ghost, and effect that I also may heartily forgive my neighbor anything he may have done against me, as Thou, O Lord, hast pardoned and forgiven all my great and numerous transgressions, yea, and hast entirely wiped them out of Thy remembrance; that I may also love my neighbor, and from my heart show him all manner of good, even as Thou, O Lord, hast shown unto me more than I am able to thank for; in order that Thou, O good and faithful G.o.d, in us mayest be magnified and praised together with the Father and Holy Ghost throughout all ages. Amen.
41. Prayer that G.o.d would hereafter keep us from sin, and if we sin, that He would not reckon it to our account.
O thou kind and merciful G.o.d, Thou dear Father in heaven, Thou hast out of grace and divine love, bestowed upon us Thy dear Son, and with Him all grace, life and salvation. We pray Thee, dear Father, preserve unto us this blessed treasure and heavenly gift, the gracious countenance of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, that we may never lose Him through unthankfulness, or otherwise be deprived of Him. We are indeed poor, miserable and frail beings, who fall from one sin into another; we now sin in thought, now in word and deed, and it is with difficulty that we stand. Here we never find rest and peace; the devil watches our very thoughts, stirs them up, and fans the pa.s.sions into flame, the world watches our words and deeds, walk and life, and gives us much offense and occasion to sin, our own flesh also never rests, besides yet all the occasional sins, vices and weaknesses which daily beset us, and which terribly trouble our conscience, entirely destroy the joy of our heart and turn it into sorrow and sadness. Therefore we pray Thee, Thou kind and merciful G.o.d, that when, as it may happen, we have become negligent and unthankful, and do not so walk as we should--O do Thou still remain our gracious G.o.d; be Thou friendly towards us, comfort us in goodness and mercy, do not hold us accountable or make us suffer for our manifold sins, but purge our hearts and consciences by Thy word, in order that we may serve Thee in sorrow and joy, magnify, honor and praise Thee in time and in eternity. Amen.