Part 12 (2/2)

”Thou wilt be better soon,” said the girl. ”I will have it so, Nick.

I will not have thee die for this.”

”Dost remember what I asked thee last Christmas, Deb?”

”Yes,” she said, not meeting his eyes.

”Wilt kiss me now, Deb?”

For answer she stooped down and laid her lips to his, then rose and stood beside him.

”Ah! Deb,” he said, looking up at her adoringly. ”'Twill be something to remember--should I live--an' if not, well--'tis not every man who dies with a kiss on his lips.”

”Thou must not talk,” she said.

”No,” he answered, faintly, ”nor keep thee. Yet promise me one thing.”

”What would'st have me promise?”

”That thou wilt return on the morrow to Shottery. London is no place for thee now.”

”I will go,” answered the girl; ”though I would fain take care of thee here, Nick.”

”That thou must not think of,” he replied. ”I will fare--as G.o.d wills.

Go thou home to Shottery.”

The physician crossed over to them and laid his white fingers on Berwick's wrist.

”Thou dost seem set upon undoing my work,” he said. ”Art so over-ready to die, Master Berwick? One more swoon like the last and thou would'st sleep on.”

”He will talk no more, good Doctor,” said Debora, hastily. ”Ah! thou wilt be kind to him, I pray thee? And now I will away, as 'tis best, but my brother will stay, and carry out thy orders. Nay, Nick, thou must not even say good-bye or move thy lips. I will go back to Dame Blossom quite safely in the coach.”

”An' to Shottery on the morrow?” he whispered.

”Ay!” she said, looking at him with tear-blinded eyes, ”as thou wilt have it so.”



It was early morning of the next day and Debora Thornbury was in the upper room at Mistress Blossom's house. She folded one garment after another and laid them away in the little trunk that had come with her from home.

Darby entered the room before she had finished, and threw himself wearily into a chair.

”Thou hast brought news,” she said, eagerly; ”he is better--or----”

”Nay, there is no great change. The Leech is still with him and makes no sign; yet I fancy he hath a shade of hope, for no further hemorrhage hath occurred. Nick sent me back to thee; he would not be denied.”
