Part 3 (2/2)

”Thou wilt fare there an' thou hast the mind, Deb, but thou wilt never come back an' bide in peace at One Tree Inn.”

The girl suddenly wound her arms about his neck and laid her cool sweet face against his. When she raised it, it glistened with tears.

”I will, Dad! I will, I will,” she cried softly, then bent and caught little Dorian up and went swiftly out of the room.



The house in London where Darby Thornbury lodged was on the southern side of the Thames in the neighbourhood of the theatres, a part of the city known as Bankside. The mistress of the house was one Dame Blossom, a wholesome-looking woman who had pa.s.sed her girlhood at Shottery, and remembered Darby and Debora when they were but babies.

It was on this account, probably, that she gave to the young actor an amount of consideration and comfort he could not have found elsewhere in the whole of Southwark. When he returned from his holiday, bringing his sister with him, she welcomed them with a heartiness that lacked no tone of absolute sincerity.

The winter had broken when the two reached London; there was even a hint of Spring in the air, though it was but February, and the whole world seemed to be waking after a sleep. At least that was the way it felt to Debora Thornbury. For then began a life so rich in enjoyment, so varied and full of new delights that she sometimes, when brus.h.i.+ng that heavy hair of hers before the little copper mirror in the high room that looked away to the river, paused as in a half dream, vaguely wondering if she were in reality the very maid who had lived so long and quietly at the old Inn away there in the pleasant Warwicks.h.i.+re country.

Her impulsive nature responded eagerly to the rapid flow of life in the city, and she received each fresh impression with vivid interest and pleasure. There was a new sparkle in her changeful blue eyes, and the colour drifted in and out of her face with every pa.s.sing emotion.

Darby also, it struck the girl, was quite different here in London.

There was an undefined something about him, a certain a.s.surance both of himself and the situation that she had never noticed before. Truly they had not seen anything of each other for the past two years, but he appeared unchanged when he came home at Christmas. A trifle more manly looking perchance, and with a somewhat greater elegance of manner and speech, yet in verity the same Darby as of old; here in the city it was not so, there was a das.h.i.+ng way about him now, a foppishness, an elaborate attention to every detail of fas.h.i.+on and custom that he had not burdened himself with at the little half-way house. The hours he kept moreover were very late and uncertain, and this sorely troubled his sister. Still each morning he spoke so freely of the many gentlemen he had been with the evening before--at the Tabard--or the Falcon--or even the Devil's Tavern near Temple Bar--where Debora had gazed open-eyed at the flaunting sign of St. Dunstan tweaking the devil by the nose--indeed, all these places he mentioned so entirely as a matter of course, that she soon ceased to worry over the hour he returned. The names of Marlowe and Richard Burbage, Beaumont, Fletcher, Lodge, Greene and even d.i.c.k Tarleton, became very familiar to her, beside those of many a lesser light who was wont to s.h.i.+ne upon the boards. It seemed reasonable and fair that Darby should wish to pa.s.s as much time with reputable players as possible, and moreover he was often, he said, with Ned Shakespeare--who was playing at Blackfriars--and the girl knew that where _he_ was, the master himself was most likely to be for shorter or longer time, for he ever shadowed his brother's life with loving care.

Through the day, when he was not at the theatre, Darby took his sister abroad to see the sights. The young actor was proud to be seen with her, and though he loved her for her own sweet sake, perhaps there was more than a trifle of vanity mixed with the pleasure he obtained from showing the city to one so easily charmed and entertained.

The whispered words of admiration that caught his ear as Debora stood beside him here and there in the public gardens and places of amus.e.m.e.nt, were as honey to his taste. And it may be because they were acknowledged to be so strikingly alike that it pleased his fancy to have my lord this--and the French Count of that--the beaus and young bloods of the town who haunted the playhouses and therefore knew the actors well--plead with him, after having seen Debora once, to be allowed to pay her at least some slight attention and courtesy.

But Darby Thornbury knew his time and the men of it, and where his little sister was concerned his actions were cool and calculating to a degree.

He was careful to keep her away from those places where she would chance to meet and become acquainted with any of the players whom she knew so well by name, and this the girl thought pa.s.sing strange.

Further, he would not take her to the theatres, though in truth she pleaded, argued, and finally lost her temper over it.

”Nay, Deb,” said her brother loftily, ”let me be the best judge of where I take thee and whom thou dost meet. I have not lived in London more than twice twelve months for naught. Thou, sweeting, art as fresh and dew-washed as the lilac bushes under Dad's window--and as green.

Therefore, I pray thee allow me to decide these matters. Did I not take thee to Greenwich but yesterday to view the Queen's Plaisance, as the place is rightly named?--Methinks I can smell yet that faint scent of roses that so pervaded the place. Egad! 'tis not every la.s.s hath luck enow to see the very rooms Her Majesty hath graced. Marry no!

Such tapestries and draperies laced with Spanish gold-thread! Such ancient portraits and miniatures set on ivory! Such chairs and tables inlaid thick with mother o' pearl and beaten silver! That feast of the eye should last thee awhile and save thy temper from going off at a tangent.”

Debora lifted her straight brows by way of answer, and her red curved mouth set itself in a dangerously firm line; but Darby appeared not to notice these warning signals and continued in more masterful tone:--

”Moreover, I took thee to the Paris Gardens on a day when there was a pa.s.sable show, and one 'twas possible for a maid to view, yet even then much against my will and better judgment. I have taken thee to the notable churches and famous tombs. Thou hast seen the pike ponds and the park and palace of the Lord Bishop of Winchester! And further, thou hast walked with me again and again through Pimlico Garden when the very fas.h.i.+on of the city was abroad. Ah! and Nonsuch House! Hast forgotten Nonsuch House on London Bridge, and how we climbed the gilded stairway and went up into the cupola for a fair outlook at the river?

'Tis a place to be remembered. Why, they brought it over from France piecemeal, so 'tis said, and put it together with great wooden pegs instead of nails. The city was sorely taxed for it all, doubtless.”

He waited half a moment, apparently for some response, but as none came, went on again:

”As for the shops and streets, thou know'st them by heart, for there has not been a day o' fog since we came to keep us in. Art not satisfied, sweet?”

”Nay then I am not!” she answered, with an impatient gesture. ”Thou dost know mightily well 'tis the playhouses, the playhouses I would see!”

”'Fore Heaven now! Did a man ever listen to such childishness!” cried Darby. ”And hast not seen them then?”

”Marry, no!” she exclaimed, her lovely face reddening.
