Volume III Part 21 (1/2)
Lord Hallifax died in the 54th year of his age, on the 19th of May 1715, and on the 26th of the same month, was interred in general Monk's vault in Westminster-Abbey: leaving no issue, his t.i.tles devolved on his nephew, George late earl of Hallifax.--Considered as a poet, his lords.h.i.+p makes a less considerable figure than the earl of Dorset; there is a languor in his verses, which seems to indicate that he was not born with a poetical genius. That he was a lover of the muses, there is not the lead doubt, as we find him patronizing the poets so warmly; but there is some difference between a propensity to poetry, and a power of excelling in it. His lords.h.i.+p has writ but few things, and those not of the utmost consequence.
Among others are the following, printed in Tonsen's Minor Poets.
1. Verses On the death of Charles the IId.
2. An Ode on the Marriage of the Princess Anne, and Prince George of Denmark.
3. The Man of Honour, occasioned by a Postscript to Penn's Letter.
4. An Epistle to Charles earl of Dorset; occasioned by King William's Victory in Ireland.
5. Verses written for the toasting Gla.s.ses of the Kit-Cat-Club, 1703; which consisted of persons of the first fas.h.i.+on, who were in the interest of the house of Hanover. These Verses are by far the compleatest of lord Hallifax's, and, indeed, genteel compliments to the radiant beauties, who were the chief toasts amongst the Whigs. I shall here present the reader with them.
d.u.c.h.eSS of BEAUFORT.
Offspring of a tuneful fire, Blest with more than mortal sire: Likeness of a mother's face, Blest with more than mortal grace: You with double charms surprize, With his wit, and with her eyes.
Fairest, latest of the beauteous race, Blest with your parents wit, and her first blooming face; Born with our liberties in William's reign, Your eyes alone that liberty restrain.
d.u.c.h.eSS of RICHMOND.
Of two fair Richmonds diff'rent ages boast, Their's was the first, and our's the brighter toast; Th' adorers offspring prove who's most divine, They sacrific'd in water, we in wine.
All nature's charms in Sunderland appear, Bright as her eyes, and as her reason clear; Yet still their force, to men not safely known, Seems undiscover'd to herself alone.
Admir'd in Germany, ador'd in France, Your charms to brighter glory, here advance; The stubborn Britons own your beauty's claim, And with their native toasts enroll your name.
[Footnote 1: Collins's Peerage. See Article Hallifax.]
This Gentleman was son of Daniel Wycherley, of Cleve in Shrops.h.i.+re, Esq; and was born (says Wood) in the year 1640.
When he was about fifteen years of age, he was sent to France, in the western parts of which he resided upon the banks of the Charante; where he was often admitted to the conversation of the most accomplished ladies of the court of France, particularly madam de Montaufieur, celebrated by mons. Voiture in his letters[1].
A little before the restoration of Charles the IId, he became a gentleman commoner of queen's college in Oxford, and lived in the provost's lodgings; and was entered in the public library, under the t.i.tle of philosophiae studiosus, in July 1660. He quitted the university without being matriculated, having, according to the Oxford antiquary, been reconciled to the protestant religion, which he had renounced during his travels, probably by the person of those gay ladies, with whom he conversed in France. This circ.u.mstance shews how dangerous it is to engage in a debate with a female antagonist, especially, if that antagonist joins beauty with understanding.
Mr. Wycherley afterwards entered himself in the Middle-Temple; but making his first appearance in town, in a reign when wit and gaiety were the favourite distinctions, he relinguished the study of the law, and engaged in pursuits more agreeable to his own genius, and the gallant spirit of the times.
Upon writing his first Play, ent.i.tled Love in a Wood, or St. James's Park; and acted at the Theatre-royal, in 1672, he became acquainted with several of the most celebrated wits, both of the court and town; and likewise with the d.u.c.h.ess of Cleveland. Mr. Dennis, in his Letters quoted above, has given a particular relation of the beginning of his acquaintance with this celebrated beauty of the times, which is singular enough.--One day Mr. Wycherley riding in his chariot through St. James's Park, he was met by the d.u.c.h.ess, whose chariot jostled with his, upon which she looked out of her chariot, and spoke very audibly, ”You Wycherley, you are a son of a wh.o.r.e,” and then burst into a fit of laughter. Mr. Wycherley at first was very much surprized at this, but he soon recovered himself enough to recollect, that it was spoke in allusion to the latter end of a Song in his Love in a Wood;
When parents are slaves, Their brats cannot be any other; Great wits, and great braves, Have always a punk for their mother.
During Mr. Wycherley's surprize, the chariots drove different ways, they were soon at a considerable distance from each other; when Mr. Wycherley recollecting, ordered his coachman to drive back, and overtake the lady.