Volume III Part 8 (1/2)

19. The Kind Keeper; or Mr. Limberham, a Comedy, acted at the duke's theatre, printed in 4to. 1680. It is dedicated to John lord Vaughan. Mr.

Langbain says, it so much exposed the keepers about town, that all the old letchers were up in arms against it, and d.a.m.ned it the third night.

20. The Spanish Fryar; or the Double Discovery, a Tragi Comedy, acted at the duke's theatre, and printed 1681. It is dedicated to John lord Haughton. This is one of Mr. Dryden's best plays, and still keeps possession of the stage. It is said, that he was afterwards so much concerned for having ridiculed the character of the Fryar, that it impaired his health: what effect bigotry, or the influence of priests, might have on him, on this occasion, we leave others to determine.

21. Duke of Guise, a Tragedy, acted 1688. It was written by Dryden and Lee, and dedicated to Hyde earl of Rochester. This play gave great offence to the Whigs, and engaged several writers for and against it.

22. Albion and Albanius, an Opera, performed at the Queen's theatre in Dorset-Gardens, and printed in folio 1685. The subject of it is wholly allegorical, and intended to expose my lord Shaftfbury and his party.

23. Don Sebastian King of Portugal, a Tragedy, acted 1690, dedicated to the earl of Leicester.

24. King Arthur; or the British worthy, a Tragedy, acted 1691, dedicated to the marquis of Hallifax.

25. Amphytrion; or the two Socias, a Comedy, acted 1691, dedicated to Sir Leveson Gower, taken from Plautus and Moliere.

26. Cleomenes, the Spartan Hero, a Tragedy, acted at the theatre-royal, and printed in 4to. 1692, dedicated to the earl of Rochester. There is prefixed to it the Life of Cleomenes, translated from Plutarch by Mr.

Creech. This play was first prohibited by the lord Chamberlain, but upon examination being found innocent of any design to satirize the government, it was suffered to be represented, and had great success.

In the preface, the author tells us, that a foolish objection had been raised against him by the sparks, for Cleomenes not accepting the favours of Ca.s.sandra. 'They (says he) would not have refused a fair lady; I grant they would not, but let them grant me, that they are no heroes.'

27. Love Triumphant; or Nature will prevail, a Tragi-comedy, acted 1694.

It is dedicated to the earl of Shaftsbury, and is the last Mr. Dryden wrote, or intended for the theatre. It met with but indifferent success, tho' in many parts the genius of that great man breaks out, especially in the discovery of Alphonfo's successful love, and in the catastrophe, which is extremely effecting.

In Obitum JOHAN. DRYDENI, poetarum Anglorum facile principis.

Pindarus Anglorum magnus, cujusque senilem Ornavit nuper frontem Parnissia laurus, Sive cothurnatum molitur musa laborem, Sive levem ludit focc.u.m, seu grande Maronis Immortalis epos tentat, seu carmine pingit Mordaci mores homitium, nunc occidit, eheu!

Occidit, atque tulit sec.u.m Permessidos undas; Et fontem exhausit totum Drydenius Heros.

Heu! miserande senex! jam frigida tempora circ.u.m Marcessit laurus, musae, maestissima turba!

Circ.u.mstant, largoque humeclant imbre cadaver; Sheffeildum video, in lacrymis multoque dolore Formosum, aetatis Flacc.u.m, vatisque patronum; Te Montacute, te, cujus musa triumphos Carmine Boynaeos cucinit, magnumque Wilhelmum aeternavit, et olim Boynam, ign.o.bile flumen; Teque, O! et legum et musarum gloria! et alter Maecenas; cui lingua olim facunda labantem Defendit mitrae causam; nee teruit aula Prava jubens--vos, O jam tanguni funera vatis!

Jamque dies aderat, magna stipante caterva, Quo Phoebea cohors facras comitatur ad urnam Reliquias, et supremum pia solvit honorem; Jamque graves planctus, jamque illaetabile murmur Audio Melpomenis late, dum noster Apollo Flebilis ante omnes, Sacvillus, tristia ducit Agmina Pieridum, Cytharamqueaccommodatodae; Ipse ego, dum totidem comitentur funera musae, Ipse sequor maestus; bustum venerabile fletu Carminibufque struam multis, animumque poetae His faltem donis c.u.mulabo, et fungar inani Munere.----

At te musa mori vetat, O post sata, vel ipsa Marmora, c.u.m annorum fuerint rubigine scabra; Major eris vivo; tibi scripta perennius aere Aut faxo, condent monumentum ill.u.s.tre per orbem, Secula cuncta legant, et te mirentur in illis.


1700. aetat. 24. Interioris templi alumnus.

The above were thrown in Dryden's grave. We are a.s.sured they were never in print before.

[Footnote 1: Athen. Oxon.]

[Footnote 2: He might have added, 'twas unnatural.]

[Footnote 3: Defence, or the Essay on Dramatic Poetry.]

[Footnote 4: Original Poems.]