Part 50 (1/2)

MUREY, dark crimson red.

MUSCOVY-GLa.s.s, mica.

MUSE, wonder.

MUSICAL, in harmony.

MUSS, mouse; scramble.

MYROBOLANE, foreign conserve, ”a dried plum, brought from the Indies.”

MYSTERY, art, trade, profession.

NAIL, ”to the --” (ad unguem), to perfection, to the very utmost.

NATIVE, natural.

NEAT, cattle.

NEAT, smartly apparelled; unmixed; dainty.

NEATLY, neatly finished.

NEATNESS, elegance.

NEIS, nose, scent.

NEUF (NEAF, NEIF), fist.

NEUFT, newt.

NIAISE, foolish, inexperienced person.

NICE, fastidious, trivial, finical, scrupulous.

NICENESS, fastidiousness.

NICK, exact amount; right moment; ”set in the --,”

meaning uncertain.

NICE, suit, fit; hit, seize the right moment, etc., exactly hit on, hit off.

n.o.bLE, gold coin worth 6s. 8d.

NOCENT, harmful.

NIL, not will.

NOISE, company of musicians.