Part 144 (1/2)
GILDED YOUTH. (Sitting on railings opposite Town Hall.) Hullo, Gadsby!
'Been trotting out the Gorgonzola! We all thought it was the Gorgon you're mas.h.i.+ng.
Capt. G. (With withering emphasis.) You young cub! What the--does it matter to you?
Proceeds to read GILDED YOUTH a lecture on discretion and deportment, which crumbles latter like a Chinese Lantern. Departs fuming.
(FURTHER INTERVAL OF FIVE WEEKS.) SCENE. Exterior of New Simla Library on a foggy evening. Miss THREEGAN and Miss DEERCOURT meet among the 'rickshaws. Miss T. is carrying a bundle of books under her left arm.
Miss D. (Level intonation.) Well?
Miss T. (Ascending intonation.) Well?
Miss D. (Capturing her friend's left arm, taking away all the books, placing books in 'rickshaw, returning to arm, securing hand by third finger and investigating.) Well! You bad girl! And you never told me.
Miss T. (Demurely.) He--he--he only spoke yesterday afternoon.
Miss D. Bless you, dear! And I'm to be bridesmaid, aren't I? You know you promised ever so long ago.
Miss T. Of course. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. (Gets into 'rickshaw.) O Emma!
Miss D. (With intense interest.) Yes, dear?
Miss T. (Piano.) It's quite true--about-the-egg.
Miss D. What egg?
Miss T. (Pianissimo prestissimo.) The egg without the salt. (Forte.) Chalo ghar ko jaldi, jhampani! (Go home, jhampani.)
Certain people of importance.
SCENE. Smoking-room of the Degchi Club. Time, 10.30 P. M. of a stuffy night in the Rains. Four men dispersed in picturesque att.i.tudes and easy-chairs. To these enter BLAYNE of the Irregular Moguls, in evening dress.
BLAYNE. Phew! The Judge ought to be hanged in his own store-G.o.down. Hi, khitmatgar! Pour a whiskey-peg, to take the taste out of my mouth.
CURTISS. (Royal Artillery.) That's it, is it? What the deuce made you dine at the Judge's? You know his bandobust.
Blayne. 'Thought it couldn't be worse than the Club, but I'll swear he buys ullaged liquor and doctors it with gin and ink (looking round the room.) Is this all of you tonight?
DOONE. (P.W.D.) Anthony was called out at dinner. Mingle had a pain in his tummy.
Curtiss. Miggy dies of cholera once a week in the Rains, and gets drunk on chlorodyne in between. Good little chap, though. Any one at the Judge's, Blayne?
Blayne. c.o.c.kley and his memsahib looking awfully white and f.a.gged.
Female girl--couldn'tcatch the name--on her way to the Hills, under the c.o.c.kleys' charge--the Judge, and Markyn fresh from Simla--disgustingly fit.
Curtiss. Good Lord, how truly magnificent! Was there enough ice? When I mangled garbage there I got one whole lump--nearly as big as a walnut.
What had Markyn to say for himself?