Part 20 (2/2)

”Better that the lady should know all--she will act both wisely and tenderly--perhaps for her son's sake, she will aid me to leave New-York.” Such was the only language into which she allowed even her thought silently to form itself.

Arranging her simple dress with as much care as though she were about to meet her lover himself, Lucy set out for her interview with Lady Houstoun. She had but a short distance to traverse, but she lingered on her way, oppressed by a tremulous anxiety. She was apprehensive of she knew not what or wherefore--for again and again her heart acquitted her of all blame. At length she is at the door--it opens, and, with a courtesy which the servants of Mrs. Blakely never show to a visitor who comes without carriage or attendants, she is ushered into the presence of Lady Houstoun. The lady fixes her eyes upon her as she enters, bows her head slightly in acknowledgment of her courtesy, and says coldly, ”You are the young woman, I suppose, whom Mrs. Blakely was to send to me?”

Lucy paused for a moment, to still the throbbing of her heart, before she attempted to reply. The thought flashed through her mind, ”I am a woman, and young, and therefore she should pity me”--but she answered in a low, sweet, tremulous tone, ”I am the Lucy Watson, madam, to whom Sir Edward Houstoun was so kind.”

At that name a softer expression stole over the Lady Houstoun's face, and she glanced quickly at a portrait hanging over the ample fireplace, which represented a gentleman of middle age, dressed in the uniform of a colonel of the American army. As she turned her eyes again on Lucy, she saw that hers were fastened on the same object.

”You have seen Sir Edward?” she said in gentle tones.

”Seen him, lady!--I loved him--oh how dearly!”

”Honored him would be a more appropriate expression.”

”I loved him, lady--we are permitted to love our G.o.d,” said Lucy, firmly.

Lady Houstoun's brow grew stern again.--”And from this you argue, doubtless, that you have a right to love his son.”

Lucy's pale face became crimson, and she bent her eyes to the ground without speaking--the lady continued--”I scarcely think that you could yourself have believed that Edward Houstoun intended to dishonor his family by a legal connection with you.”

The crimson deepened on Lucy's face, but it was now the flush of pride, and raising her head she met Lady Houstoun's eyes fully as she replied--”I could not believe that he ever designed to dishonor himself by ruining the orphan child of him who died in his father's defence.”

”And you have intended to avail yourself of his infatuation. The menial of Mrs. Blakely would be a worthy daughter, truly, of a house which has counted n.o.bles among its members.”

”If I have resisted Mr. Houstoun's wishes--separated myself from him, and resigned all hope of even looking on his face again, it has not been from the slightest reverence for the n.o.bility of his descent, but from self-respect, from a regard to the n.o.bleness of my own spirit. I had eaten of your bread, lady, and I could not do that which might grieve you--yet the bread which had cost me so much became bitter to me, and I left the home you had provided to seek one by my own honest exertions. I have earned my bread, but not as a menial--not in the companions.h.i.+p of the vulgar--and this Mrs. Blakely could have told you.”

”If your determination were, as you say, to separate yourself from Mr.

Houstoun, it is unfortunate that you should have taken up your residence so near us.”

”I knew not until this morning that I was near you.”

”If you are sincere in what you say, you will have no objection now to leave New-York.”

”I have no objection to go to any place in which I can support myself in peace.”

”As to supporting yourself, that is of no consequence. I will--”

”Pardon me, Lady Houstoun, it is of the utmost consequence to me. I cannot again live a dependent on your bounty.”

”What can you do? Has your education been such that you can take the situation of governess?”

”Mr. Merton was a highly educated man, and Mrs. Merton an accomplished woman--it was their pleasure to teach me, and mine to learn from them.”

”Accomplished! There stands a harp which has just been tuned by a master for a little concert we are to have this evening. Can you play on it?”

Lucy drew the instrument to her and played an overture correctly, yet with less spirit than she would have done had her fingers trembled less.

”Can you sing?”
