Part 35 (2/2)

”Right. We ran into a guy who told us a horse's tale about trying to prove his uncle murdered his grandfather to inherit the family fortune.”

A long silence preceded the lawyer's response. ”Dar, have you been at the rum?”

Dar sighed. ”Yes, but not today,” she said. ”Listen, if I shoot something over to you in email, will you just look at it and tell me what you think? It's a pile of legal c.r.a.p I don't have time to figure out.”

Richard chuckled. ”Sure, Dar, send it over. I was stuck watching my second cousin's vacation video from Mexico. It's a great rescue.”

Dar packed the files into an archive and sent it. ”Thanks. You can call me on the cell once you see what you think.”

”What's your percentage in this, Dar?”

Hm. Good question. ”Like I said, I got dragged into it,” Dar replied. ”Now some friends of mine got dragged in too, and they got hurt. I need to know what side the angels are on, so I can figure out what to do.”

”Ah, I see,” Richard murmured. ”It's your crusader side coming out, eh?”

”Why does everyone keep calling it that?” Dar whined. ”It's not crusading. This stupid a.s.shole just won't leave me alone!”

”Uh huh,” her lawyer replied. ”Lemme take a look, Dar. It sounds like some typical sordid, family in-fighting over money, but I'll give you my best opinion on it.”

”Thanks, Richard.” Dar smiled. ”I owe you one.”

”How about letting me handle your investments?” Richard shot back with cheerful mercenary humor. ”You know, I hate to admit*211 this, but you made me a bundle investing in ILS last quarter.”

Dar chuckled. ”We'll talk.”

”How are your mom and dad doing?” Richard asked. ”I heard some scandal that they were living out on a boat?”

”A sixty-foot Bertram, yes,” Dar replied dryly. ”Having the time of their lives.”

Richard laughed heartily. ”Good for them! I love it!” he chortled. ”I'll have to come down and see it sometime. Listen, let me get to this and I'll be back to you, okay?”

”Thanks, Rich.” Dar hung up the phone and turned to Kerry.

”Are we set?”

”Hook, line, sinker, and a tin can off the bottom.” Kerry nodded. ”He'll be on his way over in a little while. He's just finis.h.i.+ng dinner.” She scratched her nose. ”He sounded really happy to hear my voice for some reason.”

Dar gave her a very wry look. ”With the Southern Comfort, or without?”

Kerry stuck out her tongue. Dar obligingly leaned over and caught it between her teeth. She slowly released it, then fastened her attention on Kerry's lips instead. ”Mm,” she drawled softly as they parted. ”Much as I want to get this nailed, I'd be lying if I said I wanted it to be tonight.” She tilted her head and kissed Kerry again, then moved her nibbles down Kerry's throat to feel her pulse thrumming against her lips as she suckled the soft skin.

”Guess you see my point then,” Kerry murmured, her hand slowly gliding beneath Dar's s.h.i.+rt to explore the warm surface underneath. ”About feeling selfish.”

Dar set her laptop on the floor and then rolled over, shoving the island guide and phone aside and wrapping her arms and legs around Kerry's body. ”Oh, yeah,” Dar growled, continuing her a.s.sault. ”Call me selfish. I want you all to myself.”

”Ooh.” Kerry felt her heart rate speed up and a warm flush tingle her skin. There was a faint pressure at her waistband, then Dar's touch slid beneath her s.h.i.+rt and traced up her ribcage. She laced her fingers through Dar's hair and nuzzled her ear, nibbling lightly on her earlobe. She could feel Dar's breath against her neck, then the soft, insistent tug as Dar's teeth undid the top b.u.t.ton to her s.h.i.+rt. Kerry cupped her hand along Dar's cheek, stroking it as her thumb traced Dar's lip.

Dar unb.u.t.toned her s.h.i.+rt slowly, and Kerry felt the cool air from the room brush against her, raising goose b.u.mps along her belly. Dar's lips intensified the sensation, and Kerry rapidly lost any thought of their problems. All that mattered now were the teasing touches on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the warm, sun-filled scent of Dar's skin, and the need for Dar's body that made her hands push aside the soft cotton separating them with bold impatience.


”Grrrrrowlll...” The low rumble tickled her skin. Kerry felt Dar's teeth close gently, teasingly, on the skin around her belly b.u.t.ton. ”Mine.”

Definitely. Kerry's back arched and she wrapped her arms around Dar, feeling the powerful muscles along her spine bunch and move. They pressed together briefly, a jolt of heat before Dar s.h.i.+fted lower and her hand dropped to stroke Kerry's thigh. Oh, definitely.

”THANKS.” KERRY SIGNED the check and shooed the room service waiter out of the room before his eyeb.a.l.l.s could skitter out of his head and ramble across the floor. She shut the door behind him and turned, regarding the bed with a wry grin.

Dar was sprawled across it, the sheet just barely covering what was very obviously a naked body. She had the laptop propped on one thigh, but the other was outside the linen, extending its long, tanned length across the white surface.

Shaking her head, Kerry went over to the table and investigated the tray, peeking under one cover and grinning at what she saw. ”Hungry, sweetie?”

”Not anymore,” Dar drawled.

”Heh.” Kerry hitched up the edge of Dar's red muscle T-s.h.i.+rt, which she'd stolen and donned after they'd finished their lovemaking. She perched on the edge of the table, arranging a few of the plates on it. ”Well, okay-we'll start with this, then.” Taking one of the plates, she walked over to the bed and knelt down.

”Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...”

Dar looked up in alarm to see a beautifully made chocolate- something with more chocolate inside and chocolate topping, with berries surrounding it on the plate. In the center was a single candle. ”Aputer?” Kerry offered. ”I think that'll be easier than us trying to explain it. I'll set it to print out on the printer.”

”Ah would appreciate that, k.u.mquat. Mah wife is rattling her eyebrows at me wondering what the h.e.l.l's going on.”

Dar took the phone back. ”It's not that bad, Dad,” she 214*
