Part 25 (2/2)
Dar turned, her expression a mixture of consternation and sheepishness. ”I trust you,” she said. ”You just do things so differently than I do, it's...”
”Dar, we've had this argument already,” Kerry interrupted her quietly. ”It really is okay. You're my boss, and it's your job to make sure things happen.” She sensed the upset in the woman next to her. ”I know you trust me.”
”It has nothing to do with trust,” Dar muttered. ”I was just curious.” She sighed. ”I like to know how things work, so I was curious as to how you did what you did. So, after you were all done, I went in and looked.”
Kerry blinked. ”You mean you weren't-”
”No.” Dar shook her head. ”I'm sorry you thought that.”
”Oh.” Kerry sat down on the sill, her head c.o.c.king to one side 152*
as she absorbed this new information. ”Wow.”
”I checked up on you the first couple of times, but that was before you went to closure on anything,” Dar said. ”So if there was a problem, I could fix it. After” She sat down next to Kerry. ”You didn't do things the way I would have, but it worked, and that's all I really care about in the long run.”
Kerry scratched her jaw. ”Um.” She cleared her throat. ”Sorry for a.s.suming.”
”S'okay.” Dar sighed. ”It's a reasonable a.s.sumption to make.”
They looked at each other. ”I think we got a little sidetracked there,” Kerry suggested. ”So, are we going to go after this creep?”
Dar exhaled. ”Yeah, I think we did get a little off course,” she agreed. ”Let's go see what he wants. Maybe we can just talk to him and cut through some of the c.r.a.p.”
Kerry nodded. ”Okay.”
They both sat there for a few moments in silence. Then Kerry took a breath. ”So, did I-”
”You did great,” Dar cut in. ”You impressed the h.e.l.l out of me,” she added. ”Or, as your boss, I would have said something.”
Kerry kicked her heels gently against the wall. ”I figured that.
But it's nice to hear it.”
Dar made a mental note, again, to work on her positive feedback. It was so easy to tell everyone when they did something wrong, and she often forgot to take care of the flip side. Bad mistake. She knew better. ”Sorry I didn't take the time to let you know,” she told Kerry. ”I'll try to do better.”
Kerry peeked at her. ”Thanks, boss.”
They looked at each other. ”Aren't we supposed to be on vacation?” Dar asked plaintively.
”We are,” Kerry replied. ”Sorry about that.”
Dar gave her a wry look, then chuckled. ”Let's get dressed. We can go get you some soup for lunch.”
”You're on.” Kerry leaned over and gave Dar a one-armed hug.
”Let's go be crusaders.”
Rolling thunder boomed an enthusiastic endors.e.m.e.nt.
KERRY STOOD JUST inside the door to the verandah of the restaurant, watching the rain fall. She'd managed a bowl of cream- of-something bland soup with some crackers for lunch, and her body seemed to have settled back down to near normal.
Dar had been very quiet since they'd left the room, though, and Kerry sensed there was still a little strain between them from their abrupt foray into the business side of their lives. There are times, she admitted privately, when I wish we didn't work so closely together. She didn't mind having Dar as her supervisor-as far as corporate*153 officers went, Dar was better than most in that department. It was just that as their relations.h.i.+p deepened and evolved, separating their lives at work got tougher and tougher on both of them.
In this case, she knew she'd made Dar feel bad about her a.s.sumptions, even though Kerry didn't actually mind if they'd been true. The first time she'd spotted the log-on, she'd been a little unsettled, but after that, she'd watched for it with a sense of antic.i.p.ation. ”Dar's final check-off” became a way for her to put closure on a project, and she knew once she'd seen it, she could put that puppy to bed and not have to worry about it coming back to nip her in the b.u.t.t. It was a very safe feeling.
Kerry sighed. Ick. Though, now that she thought about it, the fact that Dar took the time to review her techniques, evaluating them and learning how she did things, was extremely flattering.
However, she realized that her thinking Dar was snooping after her wasn't. So... She heard footsteps behind her, and Dar emerged onto the porch, standing quietly as she sucked on a mint candy. Kerry backed up a step and leaned against her, feeling Dar's body relax as she felt the contact. She curled her fingers around Dar's and squeezed them, and smiled a little as the pressure was returned.
”You doing okay?” Dar asked.
”Almost,” Kerry replied, turning her head to look up at Dar.
”Are you okay?”
Dar gazed back at her with a quizzical expression, then her face relaxed into a smile. ”I'm fine,” she rea.s.sured Kerry. ”But do me a favor, wouldja?”
”Anything,” Kerry replied sincerely.
”Next time, ask me.”
Kerry understood what she meant. Ask instead of a.s.suming. It was a key concept she thought she'd learned from Dar from the very start; she'd just seldom needed to apply it to her very straightforward boss. ”I will,” she promised.
”Okay.” Dar gave her a pat on the hip. ”You ready to go meet our mysterious adversary?”
”Ready as I'll ever be.” Kerry felt her insides unknot as they pulled their jackets closed and zipped them. Then they walked together down the steps and into the rain. The drops. .h.i.t her shoulders heavily, beating a gentle tattoo across them as she put her head down and kept walking.
Dar threw an arm over Kerry's shoulders and pulled her casually closer, turning slightly to take the brunt of the rainfall on her taller form. She focused her attention on the approaching docks.
Spotting the ominous form of the big black boat at the very end of them, her pulse raced.
There were two men guarding the gangplank when they arrived. Dar stopped comfortably short of them and put her hands 154*
into her pockets. She stared at them until they got uncomfortable, then she pulled the envelope out of her pocket and frisbeed it over to the nearer one, smacking him in the chest with it.
Ten points for style. Dar returned her hand to its dry haven and waited.
The guard scrambled for the envelope and s.n.a.t.c.hed it before it hit the ground. He gave Dar a threatening look, then opened it and unfolded the paper. After he read it, he turned away and spoke into the radio clipped to his shoulder.
Kerry rocked up and down gently on her heels, taking the opportunity to study the boat. The bow near the waterline bore fresh paint, and she gauged they'd had to patch at least ten feet of the fibergla.s.s. She chuckled silently, but looked up as she heard the guard coming closer.
The lackey spoke gruffly to Dar. ”Come with me. Just you.”
”Kiss my a.s.s,” Dar replied in a pleasant drawl. ”Tell your boss if he wants to talk, c'mon out here.”
The guard just looked at her.