Part 7 (1/2)

”Is she now?” Charlie asked. ”Think she'd give me one, too?”

He glanced at Dar. ”You in a rush out of here?”

”Nah,” Dar replied easily. ”We're just planning on b.u.mming around, doing some diving. Kerry and I needed some time off.”

”Great.” Charlie seemed to have recovered his spirits completely. ”Bud's due back tomorrow; I know he'd love to see you,” he said. ”You need a bunk for the night?”

Dar shook her head. ”We're fine on the boat. You'll have to let me know what dock power costs. No BS, Charlie. I can afford it.”

He chuckled. ”So you said the last time.” He stood up. ”Great.

We'll see ya tomorrow, then. I gotta get this place cleaned up, and get this little pup to bed.”

”Bye.” Rufus waved at Kerry. ”Nice t'meet you.”

”Nice to meet you too, Rufus,” Kerry replied. ”See you tomorrow.”

”Bye, Dar.”

”Night, Rufus,” Dar said, watching as the two disappeared into the kitchen, leaving her and Kerry alone in the room. With a sigh, Dar leaned her head against Kerry's. ”I'm trashed.”

”Me too,” Kerry murmured. She decided to put off discussing the odd evening until after a good night's sleep. ”You interested in a nice, soft bed?”

”That means I have to get up and walk, huh?”

”I could try carrying you.”

Dar stood and pulled Kerry up with her. They left the tiny restaurant and walked down the path, now lit only by the moonlight that poured up from the beach. It was incredibly quiet, only the surf sounds breaking the night, and the faint whispers of the leaves around them rustling in the breeze.

Kerry put her arm around Dar's waist and leaned her head against her shoulder as they walked. She tried to think about what she'd heard, but the two tankards of very good beer thwarted her best efforts, and she finally had to be content to simply concentrate 48*

on getting back to the boat. ”Urmph.” She stifled a yawn as they stepped off the dock and onto their deck.

Dar opened the door to the cabin and they went inside. Kerry was already shucking her overalls as she trudged into the bedroom.

She pulled off her cutoff sweats.h.i.+rt and stood for a moment, swaying gently. Dar took her by the shoulders, guided her to the bed, and pulled down the light blankets. Kerry crawled gratefully into its soft confines and waited until Dar slid in behind her, the warmth of her bare skin brus.h.i.+ng against Kerry's in a very pleasant way.

Thoughts buzzed like bees through her mind, but she shooed them away as she tangled her arms and legs with Dar's and snuggled close to her, leaving the problems for another day.



DAR LET HER eyes drift open as the sunlight poked its way inside the hatch, dusting the bed with a square of b.u.t.tery warmth.

She remained still for a while, watching Kerry sleep curled up against her, the blonde woman's arm wrapped around Dar's waist.

Kerry has always been that way, Dar reflected idly. Even when they'd barely known each other, she'd noticed Kerry's almost unconscious instinct for close contact-a hand on the back or the shoulder, making a connection with her that seemed as natural to her as breathing.

Dar had at first been bemused at that. She never could stand anyone putting their paws on her. Then she'd suddenly realized one day, after Kerry had put both hands on her shoulders as she'd stepped around behind her in a meeting, that far from objecting to it, her body was craving the touch.

Dar gazed wryly at the roof of the cabin. Shoulda been your first clue, bucket head.

Kerry s.h.i.+fted, rolling onto her other side and releasing Dar for the moment. Since she was awake anyway, Dar decided to get up and shake out the cobwebs, and maybe surprise her lover with breakfast. She carefully slid out of bed and tucked the covers in around the blonde's sleeping body, then ambled into the corridor and down to the head.

A quick scrub of her face with cold water and an experiment with Kerry's new sparkly toothpaste later, Dar emerged from the bathroom in her swimsuit, pulling her hair back and fastening it with a bit of elastic as she walked.

The boat was moving gently and she rocked with it, making her way out onto the back deck and into the sun. It was very quiet on the dock, and they were still the only boat there. The beach was empty of everything except for a few gulls, and the water around her was still, with only a few ripples and pops to indicate the presence of the marine life below the surface.

Beautiful morning. Dar hitched herself up on the stern railing and hooked her feet under the bottom rung. She leaned back and 50*

stretched her body out over the water, holding the position until she felt her spine pop gently into place. Then she extended her arms out and did a few slow rotations, giving her entire body a good warm up.

Satisfied, she pulled herself upright, then just for fun did a couple of sets of sit ups before she unhooked her legs and hopped off the railing. Cautiously, she extended her arms and checked her range of motion, pleased when her injured shoulder responded with only a mild grumpiness, allowing her to swing her arm in almost a complete circle.

Ah. Dar chuckled happily to herself. The diving and relaxing seemed to be doing the trick. With a contented grunt, she checked the boat's lines and rigging, then went back inside and made her way to the galley. She filled the water pot and put it on the burner, then examined her choices for breakfast. Ah. She plucked a box from the cabinet and set it down, then turned to get a bowl.

Halfway around, she stopped, feeling a sudden p.r.i.c.kle up her spine. A hoa.r.s.e cry sent her bolting for the bedroom. She shouldered the door open to find Kerry thras.h.i.+ng, apparently caught in a nightmare, her hands clenching into fists in the sheets.

”Ker!” Dar quickly caught hold of her and shook her gently.


”! No! No!” Kerry woke up abruptly with a gasp, her eyes snapping open wide. She looked around wildly, stopping when her eyes met Dar's. ”Oh,” she exhaled, still breathing hard. ”Dar.”

Dar rubbed her shoulder. ”Easy.”

Kerry lifted a shaking hand to her head. ”s.h.i.+t.”

”You okay?” Dar asked quietly.

”Yeah. I'm fine,” Kerry replied, trying to collect herself. ”I'm okay.”

Kerry was, Dar had long ago decided, really good at a lot of things. Lying wasn't one of them. She slid under the covers and folded Kerry into her arms, pulling her close in an attempt to comfort her. For a moment, she thought the effort was going to fail, then Kerry's body relaxed and slumped against hers as Kerry buried her face in Dar's shoulder. ”Shh.” Dar stroked her disordered hair. ”It's okay. I've got you.”

”I hate nightmares,” Kerry whispered.

”I don't think anyone likes them, sweetheart,” Dar said. ”I know I don't.” She rocked Kerry a little, unsettled by the spate of bad dreams her partner had suffered from ever since they'd gotten back from Michigan. The worst of the recurrent nightmares was of Kerry watching her father die in the hospital, and Dar found herself wondering how long it would take for that horror to fade. ”Was it the same dream?”

”Yeah.” Kerry lifted her head and rested her cheek against*51 Dar's arm. ”Bah.” Her voice had lost its hoa.r.s.eness, though, and seemed more normal in tone. ”What a way to wake up.”

Dar stroked her cheek. She could see the sparkling remains of tears caught in Kerry's lashes, but her expression had relaxed and she appeared much calmer. ”And here I thought I'd let you get a little extra sleep. Shoulda woke you up and made you go do calisthenics with me.”

”Mm. Yeah,” Kerry agreed with a wry smile. ”Or at least let me watch.” She poked Dar in the belly, a rea.s.suringly playful action.