Part 5 (2/2)

In a s.p.a.ce between the planks, a foot above the surface of the water, and the same distance from the side, the pocketbook was thrust in. It could not be seen from the inside of the boat, nor from the platform; and it could not have got there of itself.

Lawry's face turned red, and his heart bounded with emotion, for the situation of the pocketbook pointed to but one conclusion. It had been placed there by his father, who had evidently taken it from the pocket of the coat, and concealed it, either before or after the garment had fallen into the water. He was appalled and horrified at the discovery. He knew that his father was discontented with his lot; that he was indolent and thriftless; but he did not think him capable of committing a crime.

He reached under the platform, and took the pocketbook from its hiding-place. It was perfectly dry; it had not been in the water.

John Wilford had probably taken it from the coat pocket, and after thrusting it into the aperture beneath the drop, had let the platform fall into the water for the purpose of dislodging the coat, and making it appear that the money had been lost in the lake.

The pocketbook seemed to burn in Lawry's fingers, and he returned it to the place where he had found it; for he was confused, and did not know what to do. He stood, with flushed face and beating heart, on the sh.o.r.e, considering what course he should take. He could not think of exposing his father's crime, on the one hand, or of permitting him to retain the money, on the other.

After long and painful deliberation, he decided to take the pocketbook, follow Mr. Randall, and return it to him, telling him that he had found it under the drop of the boat. He was about to adopt this course when his father came out of the house, and walked down to the ferry-boat.

”Not gone yet?” said Mr. Wilford.

”No, sir; that money has troubled me so much that I could not go,”

replied Lawry.

”What's the use of bothering your head about that any longer?” added the father petulantly.

”It troubles me terribly.”

”Let it go; it can't be found, and that's the end of it.”

”But it can be found.”

”Why don't you find it, then?”

”I have found it, father!”


”It's in a crack under the platform,” replied Lawry.

”You don't mean so!” exclaimed the ferryman.

”It's no use to talk round the barn, father; the pocket-book is just where you put it.”

”Where I put it? What do you mean, Lawry?”

”There it is in the crack under the drop, a foot above the water. It did not wash in there of itself. Oh, father!”

Lawry, unable longer to control his feelings, burst into tears.

”What are you crying about, Lawry? Do you think I hid the pocketbook?”

”I know you did, father,” sobbed Lawry.

”Do you accuse me of stealing?” demanded Mr. Wilford, with a weak show of indignation.
