Part 33 (1/2)
It seems almost incomprehensible that the promulgator of such political views should have taken himself seriously. But Smith was in deadly earnest, and not only was he satisfied of his political power, but, in the church conference of 1844, he declared, ”I feel that I am in more immediate communication with G.o.d, and on a better footing with Him, than I have ever been in my life.”
The announcement of Smith's political ”principles” was followed immediately by an article in the Times and Seasons, which answered the question, ”Whom shall the Mormons support for President?” with the reply, ”General Joseph Smith. A man of sterling worth and integrity, and of enlarged views; a man who has raised himself from the humblest walks in life to stand at the head of a large, intelligent, respectable, and increasing society;... and whose experience has rendered him every way adequate to the onerous duty.” The formal announcement that Smith was the Mormon candidate was made in the Times and Seasons of February 15, 1844, and the ticket--
Nauvoo, Illinois.
was kept at the head of its editorial page from March 1, until his death.
A weekly newspaper called the Wasp, issued at Nauvoo under Mormon editors.h.i.+p, had been succeeded by a larger one called the Neighbor, edited by John Taylor (afterward President of the church), who also had charge of the Times and Seasons. The Neighbor likewise placed Smith's name, as the presidential candidate, at the head of its columns, and on March 6 completed its ticket with ”General James A. Bennett of New York, for Vice-President.”* Three weeks later Bennett's name was taken down, and on June 19, Sidney Rigdon's was subst.i.tuted for it. There was nothing modest in the Mormon political ambition.
* This General Bennett was not the first mayor of Nauvoo, as some writers like Smucker have supposed, but a lawyer who gave his address as ”Arlington House,” on Long Island, New York, and who in 1843 had offered himself to Smith as ”a most undeviating friend,” etc.
Proof of Smith's serious view of his candidacy is furnished in his next step, which was to send out a large body of missionaries (two or three thousand, according to Governor Ford) to work-up his campaign in the Eastern and Southern states. These emissaries were selected from among the ablest of Smith's allies, including Brigham Young, Lorenzo Snow, and John D. Lee. Their absence from Nauvoo was a great misfortune to Smith at the time of his subsequent arrest and imprisonment at Carthage.
The campaigners began work at once. Lorenzo Snow, to whom the state of Ohio was allotted, went to Kirtland, where he had several thousand pamphlets printed, setting forth the prophet's views and plans, and he then travelled around in a buggy, distributing the pamphlets and making addresses in Smith's behalf. ”To many persons,” he confesses, ”who knew nothing of Joseph but through the ludicrous reports in circulation, the movement seemed a species of insanity.”* John D. Lee was a most devout Mormon, but his judgment revolted against this movement. ”I would a thousand times rather have been shut up in jail,” he says. He began his canva.s.sing while on the boat bound for, St. Louis. ”I told them,” he relates, ”the prophet would lead both candidates. There was a large crowd on the boat, and an election was proposed. The prophet received a majority of 75 out of 125 votes polled. This created a tremendous laugh.”**
* ”Biography of Lorenzo Snow.”
** ”Mormonism Unveiled,” p.149.
We have an account of one state convention called to consider Smith's candidacy, and this was held in the Melodeon in Boston, Ma.s.sachusetts, on July 1, 1844, the news of Smith's death not yet having reached that city. A party of young rowdies practically took possession of the hall as soon as the business of the convention began, and so disturbed the proceedings that the police were sent for, and they were able to clear the galleries only after a determined fight. The convention then adjourned to Bunker Hill, but nothing further is heard of its proceedings. The press of the city condemned the action of the disturbers as a disgrace. Mention is made in the Times and Seasons of July 1, 1844, of a conference of elders held in Dresden, Tennessee, on the 25th of May previous, at which Smith's name was presented as a presidential candidate. The meeting was broken up by a mob, which the sheriff confessed himself powerless to overcome, but it met later and voted to print three thousand copies of Smith's views.
The prophet's death, which occurred so soon after the announcement of his candidacy, rendered it impossible to learn how serious a cause of political disturbance that candidacy might have been in neighborhoods where the Mormons had a following.
Having followed Smith's political operations to their close, it is now necessary to retrace our steps, and examine the social conditions which prevailed in and around Nauvoo during the years of his reign--conditions which had quite as much to do in causing the expulsion of the Mormons from the state as did his political mistakes.
It must be remembered that Nauvoo was a pioneer town, on the borders of a thinly settled country. Its population and that of its suburbs consisted of the refugees from Missouri, of whose character we have had proof; of the converts brought in from the Eastern states and from Europe, not a very intelligent body; and of those pioneer settlers, without sympathy with the Mormon beliefs, who were attracted to the place from various motives. While active work was continued by the missionaries throughout the United States, their labors in this country seem to have been more efficient in establis.h.i.+ng local congregations than in securing large additions to the population of Nauvoo, although some ”branches” moved bodily to the Mormon centre.*
* Lee's ”Mormonism Unveiled;” p. 135.
Of the cla.s.s of people reached by the early missionaries in England we have this description, in a letter from Orson Hyde to his wife, dated September 14,1837:--”Those who have been baptized are mostly manufacturers and some other mechanics. They know how to do but little else than to spin and weave cloth, and make cambric, mull and lace; and what they would do in Kirtland or the city of Far West, I cannot say.
They are extremely poor, most of them not having a change of clothes decent to be baptized in.”*
* Elders' Journal, Vol. I, No. 2.