Part 35 (1/2)
”Luck! Happiness!” he repeated dully, with bowed head. ”For me there can be no happiness.”
With a low cry the girl was at his side and two tiny, white-brown hands clutched at the fringed arm of his buckskin s.h.i.+rt. The beautiful face was flushed, the bosom heaved, and from between the red lips poured a torrent of words:
”You _shall_ find happiness! You, who are great and strong and brave above all men! You, who are good, and whom the Great Spirit sent to me from the waters of the river!
”You, The-Man-Who-Cannot-Die, shall turn from your own kind, and shall find your happiness beside the rivers, and in the forests of my people!
Together we will journey to some far place, and in our lodge will dwell love and great happiness.
”And you shall become a mighty hunter, and in all the North you shall be feared and loved.”
The girl paused and gazed wildly into the eyes of the man. His face was drawn and pale, and in his eyes she read deep pain. Gently his hand closed over the slender fingers that gripped his sleeve, and at the touch the girl trembled and leaned closer, until her warm body rested lightly against his arm. Bill's lips moved and the words of his toneless voice fell upon her ears like the dry rustle of dead husks.
”Jeanne--little girl--you do not understand. These things cannot be.
Only unhappiness would come to us. There is nothing in the world I would not do for you.
”To you I owe my life--to you and Wa-ha-ta-na-ta. But, love cannot be ordered. It is written--and, far away, in the great city of the white men, is a girl--a woman of my own people----”
The girl sprang from his side and faced him with blazing eyes.
”A woman of your people!” she almost hissed. ”In your sleep you talked of her, while the fever-spirit was upon you. I _hate_ her--this Ethel!
She does not love you, for she will marry another! Ah, in the darkness I have listened, and listening, have learned to _hate_! She sent you away from her--for, in your eyes she could not read the goodness of your heart!”
Bill raised his hand.
”You do not understand,” he repeated, patiently. ”I was not good--I was a bad man!”
”Who, then, among white men is good? The men of the logs, who drink whisky, and fight among themselves, and kill one another? Is it these men that are good in the sight of your woman? And are you, who scorn these things--are you bad?”
”I, too, drank whisky--and for that reason she sent me away.”
”But, you cannot return to her! She is the wife of another! Over and over again you said it, in the voice of the fever-spirit.”
”No,” replied the man softly. ”To her I cannot return. But, listen; I start to-morrow for the white man's country. To find the man for whom I work, and tell him of the bird's-eye.
”Soon I shall come again into the woods. I cannot marry you, for only evil would come of it. I will bring you many presents, and always we shall be friends--and more than friends, for you shall be to me a sister and I shall be your brother, and shall keep you from harm.
”To-morrow I go, and you shall promise me that whenever you are in trouble of whatsoever kind you will send for me--and I shall come to you--be it far or near, in the night-time or in the daytime, I will come--Jeanne, look into my eyes--will you promise?”
The girl looked up, and a ray of hope lightened the pain in her eyes.
”You will surely return into the North?”
”I will surely return.”
”I will promise,” she whispered, and, side by side, in the silence of the twilight, they left the clearing.