Chapter 5 (1/2)
The price of being overexcited
Yalin was gasping in amazement, there was a creature that only exist in legends at his fingertips.
A immense White Dragon!
Its height exceed barely 100 meters when measured with the eye, it’s like a small size hill. The complete dragon’s scale is like the most pure white jade, exquisite, beautiful and incomparably hard. On its forehead there is a beautiful dragon horn as if was done with crystal, it was standing upright pointing to the sky. The White Dragon powerful and majestic wings incites an Ice cold chill, even the air seemed to freeze.
When it looks at the tiny figure under his body, the White Dragon lowers his forehead and with a ice cold voice that sounds like a machine, said: “My master, please give an order.”
Yalin used his hand gently and stroked the White Dragon’s forehead. This is the first creature I’ve done that is loyal to me, Yalin feels extremely happy: “Name… Do you have a name?”
The White Dragon gently shook his head.
Yalin patted the dragon’s forehead and said: “Can you change your appearance into mine? It’s a little inconvenient talking to you like this.”
Again, the immense White Dragon raised his forehead and accompanied by a burst of white light, the immense body disappeared without trace. A person, a tall man wearing a silver armor was kneeling respectfully in front of Yalin.
Yalin took a deep breath and looked at the far away mountain that was covered with ice and snow. Recalling the White Dragon King’s memories, memories of the former mountains were slowly emerging in his mind. The collapsed ruins were again standing erect showing its former grandeur and magnificence, a group of White Dragons were flying on the sky, along with the dragon’s m.u.f.fled cry letting this epic scene being even more amazing.
This is not a CG, and it’s not something humanity can imagine to this degree, but something I can make reappear in reality once more!
“Hahaha! Hahaha!” Yalin looked at the sky, laughing loudly: “I must really thank ‘Panda’, this is the best surprise you gave me!”
Someday I will make this scenario reappear in front of me, and not some flas.h.i.+ng scenery inside of my mind! Yalin makes a fist with all his strength towards the White Dragon’s body and said: “Felix! From today, that is your name.”
Felix nodded and said: “I understand, master. I, Felix pledge allegiance to you.”
“Very good!” Yalin rubbed his hand with an incomparable excitement and said: “Since the White Dragon clan has to make reappear their past glory, being just you and me is insufficient. System! Summon three Adult White Dragon!”
<system prompt:=”” to=”” summon=”” three=”” adult=”” white=”” dragons,=”” 144000=”” soul=”” energy=”” it’s=”” needed!=”” are=”” you=”” sure?=””>
“Definitely. Summon them in this place!”
Three huge white dragons appeared in front of Yalin, and like a machine with their ice tone of voice, they were swearing their loyalty to me…
Being in a frenzied state, Yalin continued to summon those White Dragons, then, a electronic voice interrupted Yalin’s actions: “I have let you wait a long time, master. The summon system a.s.sistant greets you!”
The summon system a.s.sistant! Right! Yalin started to remember, ‘Panda’ said before I would have a small a.s.sistant. Yalin consciousness again returned inside the mountains, at the sealed temple. At the previous display interface, there was a very cute chibi version of the Young White Dragon.
Coming out, the chibi Young Dragon bowed respectful towards Yalin.
“You are the a.s.sistant that ‘Panda’ said?”
“Yes! From now on I will answer your questions regarding this summon system.”
Yalin tilted his head and with a sarcastic tone said: “It’s been at least half hour from the time when I opened the system…”
“I’m sorry my master, it’s only because the system’s data was huge that the loading took some time.”
“It’s alright!” Yalin spoke indifferently: “It doesn’t matter, but if you want to show me how it works, then start now and better be quick and a brief introduction because I don’t like people who talk too much.”
The chibi version of the Young White Dragon batted his wings with a smile and said: “I will do what you said, master! I will begin the explanation now…”
Just when the Young White Dragon was about to start, Yalin gestured with his hands to stop for a moment, then he said: “Can you change your tone… I’m not very comfortable hearing your synthetic electronic voice.”
“Of course I can, master. What kind of tone you want me to use?”
Yes… Thinking for a little, Yalin said with a grin: “A little cute and lovely voice!”
“Yes! Master!” A sweet and soft lolita voice came from the chibi Young White Dragon.
Holy s.h.i.+t~~~ Yalin whole body started to s.h.i.+ver, because in this moment he thought about these so-called voice actor experts and their cute voices, but from this moment and so on, they are s.h.i.+t! This is a genuine and adorable lolita voice. The dragon is not imitating the lolita voice meticulously and also there isn’t sense of disharmony, this leave a person completely silent, that kind of feeling.
“Master! Are you satisfied with it?”
Yes! Yalin had to admit that if the voice appears in his world, he estimates that without missing a second, there will be a large number of crazy fans. It’s a pity I’m not a voice otaku, but now in the capacity as the ancient White Dragon King, I feel a bit strange thinking I would heard that kind of cute voice coming from my little a.s.sistant everyday.
“Change it to another one, this time it may be as low and calm as possible, like a wise man from the ancient times, like a awe-inspiring huge dragon! Change your character as well, but it has to fit that kind feeling.”
“Yes! My esteemed master!” The chibi White Dragon version disappeared, and instead, a young man dressed in a gorgeous robe, with a calm and steady face and wise eyes, with a delicate gold border appeared. It would appear that this person can’t help but make other people want to wors.h.i.+p him.
Being greatly satisfied, Yalin nodded his head and asked: “Do you have a name?”
“Nemo!” The young man nodded respectfully and said: “You can call me by that name.”
“Good! Now you can start your explanation.”
Supporting his shoulder with one hand, Nemo saluted and said: “I will begin to explain about the energy needed to summon a creature and the method to gain material energy as well. Master, I think you’ve already noticed. When you open the interface, at the top it shows how much energy you have, the initial material energy is 1000000 and the initial soul energy is 8000…”
Nemo voice suddenly stopped, and after a short awkward silence, Nemo asked with a thin voice: “My esteemed master, have you already been using the summoning system?”
Yalin nodded indifferently: “I have summoned four Adult… White Dragons…”
When speaking to this moment, Yalin has gradually calmed down from his frenzied state, and also he realized that he might have made a beginner mistake! And the next words of Nemo sure enough confirmed his thoughts.
“In fact, my esteemed master, you can still exchange your material energy for food, weapons, armors and everything you need. The method to gain material energy is quite simple, you only need to mine every kind of mineral from this world and exchange them for energy. The soul energy is used to mold the life energy into the body and its method to gain resembles the material energy, you have to use the life of others and exchange it for energy. The soul energy is restored gradually every day, it can be said that every bit of soul energy is very precious.”