Part 28 (1/2)
”They inform us that Fouquet thinks the king will grow bored of ruling and hand over the responsibilities to him. Fouquet believes Louis cannot rule the realm without him. He thinks he's indispensable. What makes matters worse is that Fouquet has the support of the majority of the n.o.bles. They call him the true king of France. Those who don't support him are indebted to him financially. He has been quite shrewd.”
”Captain,” began another. ”I have a letter from the former commodore, Robert d'Arles, Marquis de Nevelon.” He handed Simon the parchment with Robert's family seal on it.
Simon opened and read the note. ”The marquis believes that the king grows increasingly displeased with Fouquet and his extravagant ways,” he relayed.
Jules shook his head. ”And yet Fouquet still thinks he'll be the next First Minister.”
The commander nodded. ”His ambitions and arrogance seem to have no limits. And his excesses are extreme. It seems every day Fouquet spends funds on his new chateau, making it more and more opulent. He is quite unconcerned about what Louis thinks of Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte.”
Simon drained the brandy in his goblet, desperate for the fiery liquid to counter the ache he felt inside. The news was bittersweet. And monumental.
In his note, Robert wanted Simon's immediate return and advised that Fouquet had given up his post as a Member of Parliament at Louis's request. Though he was still the Superintendent of Finance, this left Fouquet vulnerable. Could it be that their young king had truly opened his eyes and seen the threat Fouquet was to his throne? Could he be planning Fouquet's downfall, drawing him out of the security of his parliamentary protection?
Between the war ending, Mazarin's death, and the king's request of Fouquet, Simon reeled. The very idea of peace seemed unreal. The war with Spain had been ongoing since '48, and before that, there had been the Thirty Years War.
Would the peace last? He hoped so. He was sick of war. Yet now that it was over, so was the opportunity to become an officer. To become enn.o.bled. It was no longer a matter of choice-whether he wanted to chase the dream or not. The door to betterment had just slammed shut in his face, leaving Simon trapped on the outside. Leaving him a commoner forevermore.
He knew he couldn't delay his return now. He wouldn't be given the extra time with Angelica he'd hoped for. This was an opportunity to get out from under Fouquet's hold with his life and the lives of his men intact, and even aid in his downfall, but Simon knew he would walk away with a life devoid of recognition for his naval successes.
And without Angelica.
That thought left him feeling cold. And empty.
She waited for him in his chambers. He had to go upstairs and tell her that he had to leave. That she had to go too. The king was beginning to rule. This was the perfect time for her to return and reclaim her estate. And her life.
What choice did he have but to take her back? She deserved to return to the upper cla.s.s-to all the benefit and privilege that came with it. To all the things he'd never have. France held promise for her, though it held nothing for him. He might have failed to elevate himself, but he wouldn't fail her. She deserved more than he had to offer. She was born into privilege. She deserved a husband who could provide her and her children with a name that carried with it esteem. A name that would grant them the prerogatives that came with it.
He stood, dismissed the men, and walked out of the dining room to the stairs, both his legs and his heart leaden.
Angelica paced.
She'd been advised that the s.h.i.+ps were friends, not foes, but that didn't seem to give her ease. Something was happening. She feared Simon would need to leave sooner than expected.
Would she be denied her chance before it had even begun?
The chamber door opened. She turned.
Simon gave her a lopsided smile and closed the door quietly. Her heart leaped to her throat. She hadn't missed the way his eyes flashed regret. Dear G.o.d, no. Not this soon.
”You have to leave, don't you?” The words rushed past her lips. His smile disappeared.
”Yes.” The soft word roared in her ears.
She battled back her devastating disappointment. ”When?”
He looked as though it pained him to say, ”A few days. A week at most. As soon as the s.h.i.+ps are prepared for the voyage back.”
She sank down onto the edge of the bed. ”I'm sorry that you have to leave so soon.” She hoped she didn't sound as shaken as she felt.
”So am I.”
He walked over and sat down beside her. Taking one of her cold hands in his, he said, ”There are great changes that have occurred in France.” Lightly, he caressed her hand with his thumb. ”France is finally at peace, and our king has for the first time indicated a desire to rule. These are positive changes. The realm will be a much better place for it.”
She remained silent, sensing there was more he wanted to say, yet he seemed to be struggling to find his words. He looked heavy-hearted.
”This affair between us has been...beautiful.” He gave her a rueful smile. Her heart pounded. She couldn't shake the feeling she was about to hear something worse than his departure.
His gaze caressed her face. ”Dear G.o.d, you are so fine. Everything a man could want and more. You deserve the finest life has to offer. You are one of the few n.o.bles who truly belong in the exalted cla.s.s.”
”What are you trying to say, Simon?”
”You don't belong here.”
Her heart lurched. ”Pardon?”
”You must go back.”
She jumped to her feet. ”Go back, where?”
Horrified, she took a step back. ”Surely you jest?”
”I would not jest about this.” He cleared his throat. ”I'm taking you back to France.”
Dear G.o.d, he was serious! ”Why? Why must I leave?”
He rose slowly. ”Because you were born to walk among royalty, the aristocracy. Not peasants. This is no place for you.”
A laugh erupted from her, void of mirth. ”Who are you to decide where I should be and what is best for me!”
He looked down and softly responded, ”I am in charge here. I decide who remains and who leaves.” He met her gaze, his look determined. ”You cannot remain here and teach children of commoners-”
”I refuse to go!”
”Your life is elsewhere. You need to return to the life you were meant to live.”
”What about the life I wish to live? I wish to stay here, with my friends,”
He closed his eyes briefly, and shook his head.
She could not believe this! How could she make him understand? ”I've told you that my n.o.bility means nothing to me!”
”It should.” Maddeningly, he kept his tone soft but firm. ”Once you return to France, you'll see all the privileges it grants you. Privileges and honor denied to the rest of us.”
”Privileges? Honor? What possible difference can any of that make? By forcing me to return to France, you place me in peril. You know what my stepfather did to me. How can you suggest such a thing?”
”No! He will never touch you again. This I swear. I and every man in my command will protect you with our lives. He will relinquish all that is yours, and he will pay for what he has done.”