Part 15 (1/2)
She didn't regret what she'd done last night with Simon.
She'd needed his touch and the way he'd made her feel. And he had touched her in places she would never have let any other man touch her. He'd helped her to overcome her fear of this act, and had replaced the foul image she'd had with a glorious memory she'd quietly cherish the rest of her days.
Ten years ago, her maid Audrey had told her that a man could be fooled into believing her virtue was still intact but had never told her how one would execute such deceit. How was it possible to tell? Angelica had been young and had fled before ever learning the answer. At the convent, the answer no longer mattered. She knew she'd been disgraced. Sullied. No man would ever want her. And she would never want a man to touch her.
Until she met Simon.
A beautiful experience with a beautiful man had been tainted because of her past. Hadn't her past caused her enough suffering already?
An urgent knock startled her. ”Yes?”
Suzette entered in a terrible hurry.
”We are home!” she exclaimed. Rus.h.i.+ng to her, she gave Angelica a hug.
”Home?” She pulled away, surprised.
”Yes!” Suzette beamed. ”Marguerite. The island. We've arrived!”
Last eve, she'd seized a moment for herself, something special to hold on to-with a man like none she'd ever known. But now, having tasted heaven, she wanted more.
With him.
It was an unrealistic longing. Simon wasn't likely to want to have anything more to do with her. She had no explanation to offer to fix matters between them. And to tell him the truth, to allow him to know her repulsive secret, wasn't something she could bring herself to do.
”We will be on land shortly,” Suzette said, so full of enthusiasm.
What was to become of her now? For so long, her life had been laid out. She was going to live out her days in the convent, safe from the world that had devastated her-from a stepfather who had destroyed everything, and stripped her of her innocence.
The convent was no longer a part of her future. She simply couldn't return there now that she felt so different.
But what would replace it?
Suzette squeezed her hand. ”A new beginning lies on the horizon. You'll see! Things will look different on our beautiful island.”
Things looked very different now.
Their tender reached the sh.o.r.e.
Angelica was helped out of the boat by Paul and Lucio. Crowds of people pressed past her-people of all ages in presentable clothing of varying degrees of quality and expense.
This was not at all what she'd expected.
She couldn't believe the number of people on the beach.
Cheers went up as each tender containing the men from the s.h.i.+ps touched the sh.o.r.e. Gestures of affection ranging from a pat on the back to heartwarming embraces were all around her.
In the excited crowd, she was pushed and shoved along until Lucio grabbed hold of her arm. ”This way,” he said, leading her out of the ma.s.s.
”Is this island part of France?” she asked over the din.
”No, mademoiselle. The French government gave up on the islands here. Lots of problems. Pirates, Caribs, civil wars. They wanted no part of it any longer. The islands were sold to their governors.”
”Pirates and Caribs?”
Lucio smiled. ”No need to worry. We know how to combat the local pirates. Or anyone else interested in Marguerite. We are heavily fortified. The captain made sure of it. A fortress wall surrounds the island up to the cliffs. The cliffs are treacherous and impossible to scale without being detected or killed. You need not fear.”
”So this island belongs to...?”
”The captain and all of us. There are many islands here. Many have come to claim them-the pirates, the Spanish... That is the way here. You fight. You take. The island is yours.”
He escorted her up to the road where open, empty carriages were parked in a row and a.s.sisted her into one before excusing himself and returning to the crowd. Little by little, the carriages filled with the people from the s.h.i.+ps.
Angelica caught sight of Gabriella and Domenico just as they reached the sh.o.r.e. A cheer immediately rose up from the enthusiastic crowd at Domenico's arrival. Smiles were on both his and Gabriella's faces as he escorted her through the throng.
Within a short time, Gabriella was seated beside her, and they were locked in an enthusiastic hug.
”I've missed you, Angelica!”
Angelica squeezed her eyes shut, grateful to be with her dear friend again. Not only did Gabriella mean the world to her, but her presence at the moment was ever so comforting.
A man cleared his throat. She was so overwhelmed to have Gabriella near, she'd completely forgotten that Domenico sat across from them in the carriage.
”I'm sorry.” Angelica apologized to him with tears in her eyes. She hated how emotional she was today. ”Good day, Domenico.”
”Good day, Angelica.” He smiled and then reached over and took Gabriella's hand. ”Are you going to tell her, my darling?”
”Of course!” Gabriella grinned. ”Angelica, I have wonderful news. Domenico and I are getting married!” The couple stared back at her, their faces clearly aglow over the prospect.
”Oh! How wonderful!” She hugged Gabriella. ”Congratulations to both of you.” Her good wishes came from the heart.
Clearly, this voyage had changed them both. Gabriella had found happiness, and Angelica had discovered how much she had been missing in her life.
The crowd suddenly whipped into a frenzy of cheers and shouts, a roar far greater than before.
Angelica's gaze darted back to the sh.o.r.eline.
Simon stepped out of one of the tenders. The wind caressed his hair and pressed his s.h.i.+rt to his strong chest. He looked absolutely beautiful. She tamped down the emotions that welled inside her.
She was not like Gabriella. Gabriella was free to love and accept love in return. Gabriella had nothing to hide and wasn't forced to hold back in any way.
The people on the beach, hysterical with joy, pressed in on Simon. Hands from every direction reached out to him. A smile was upon his lips, and his dark head turned this way and that, trying to acknowledge as many people as he could as he made his way through the crowd.
Awed by his reception, all Angelica could do was stare.
A woman with a little girl of about seven years of age caught Angelica's eye as they stood holding hands, apart from the commotion. Simon finally exited the large group and walked straight to them.
Stopping before them, he bent his head and spoke to the woman. Suddenly, she lowered her head and wept into her trembling hand. Not tears of joy. Simon pulled her into his arms, allowing her to bury her face in his chest. He held her while she wept.