Part 3 (1/2)
”You going to tell me about the crayon things now?”
Silence, then she slowly shook her head.
I found myself thinking about the way she'd looked a couple of hours ago, offering her virtue to me like... h.e.l.l. Like a character in one of those silly romance vids Lisa was always watching when we... nothing in my head now but Christie with her suit liner zipped open, t.i.tties hanging out, eyes begging me to...
I felt my face relax in a brief smile.
Her eyes narrowed. ”Who you going to tell?”
”n.o.body. I guess I was... reconsidering your offer.” My own snicker sounded nervous.
Christie's face darkened and her eyes fell, clouding over with anger. Then she said, ”I... I'm not steropoeic.”
Not... I suddenly realized the magnitude of her bribe, what it might've cost her to make the offer.
And then I was picturing us together, crammed into the little bunk, maybe sprawled on the habitat floor, having cleared away junk to make a big enough s.p.a.ce.
Felt my breathing grow ever so slightly shallow?
No way to tell.
I said, ”Sorry. I was just trying to... lighten things up. You know. I mean... when I saw you with that axe...”
She nodded slowly. ”Are you really not going to tell?”
I shrugged. ”What difference does it make?”
Eyes hooded. Keeping something to herself.
”You going to tell me?”
Long, shadowy look. Making up her mind about what kind of lie she might want to tell. The silence drew out, then there was that same little headshake.
I said, ”Okay,” then turned away and started getting into my suit, while she sat and watched. Every time I looked, there was something in her face, like she wanted to spill whatever it was.
Every time she saw me look, her face would shut like a door.
Once my suit was on and pressurized, I went out through the lock and was on my way.
I tried thinking about it rationally, all the long drive back, but I couldn't. All that kept coming into my head was, What difference can it make now? and, Why does she care?
Care enough to pick up an axe and consider splitting a doomed man's head.
There are fewer than two thousand people left alive in the entire universe. We are all going to die, sooner or later, when the tech starts to fail, when our numbers fall, the spare parts run out... when we all go mad and run screaming, bare-a.s.s naked, for the airlocks.
I pictured myself depressing the halftrack, rolling out the lock door, rising to my feet in G.o.dawful cold, taking a deep breath of ghastly air and... h.e.l.l. Can't even imagine what it might be like.
Like sitting in the electric chair, heart in your throat, senses magically alert, waiting for the click of the switch, the brief hum of the wires and... and then what?
We don't know.
Funny. Just a day ago, just yesterday, I thought I knew. Thought I wouldn't mind when the time came that I... yeah. Like Jimmy Thornton and his utility knife. Just like that.
I thought about getting myself a big bowl of nice warm water, sitting down on my bunk, all alone with the bowl between my legs, putting my hands and the knife under water, making those nice, painless cuts, watching the red clouds form.
Probably be a little bit like falling asleep, hm?
Jimmy looked asleep when they found him. Didn't even spill the water when he went under.
I crested the last hill before the base, Bonestell Cosmodrome coming over the horizon, and parked the halftrack on a broad, flat ledge at the head of the approach defile, wondering why the h.e.l.l my skin had begun to crawl.
TL-2 was on the launch pad now, tipped upright, fully fueled, her meilerwagen towed away. On Earth, a rocket like this is always surrounded by a falling mist of condensation. Here, where heating elements are used to keep the fuel from gelling, there's a narrow, rippling plume, mostly thermal distortion, going straight up.
Today, it only went up a few hundred meters, then was chopped off by wind shear.
As I watched, the engines lit, bubble of blue glow swelling between the landing jacks, TL-2's dark cone shape lifting slowly. There was a sudden, snarled blossom of red-orange fire spilling across the plastic as superheated hydrogen started combining with atmospheric components, nitrogen, miscellaneous organics, HCN a major combustion byproduct.
The flame was a long, beautiful tongue of blue-white-yellow-red, swirling like a whirlwind as it climbed against the orange-brown sky, pa.s.sing through first one layer of diaphanous blue cloud, then another, then disappearing, becoming diffuse light, then nothing.
She was on her way to Enceladus, I knew, where we'd found a few million liters of helium trapped in an old ice-9 cell, the precious gas one of the few things we couldn't make or mine on t.i.tan.
As I put the halftrack in gear, heading on home, I thought about what it would be like to try to live for the rest of my life on the Moon, Earth's moon, the only real Moon, dead old Earth hanging like an ember in the sky.
Maybe we're making a mistake.
Maybe they should all come here.
Driving under a featureless brown sky, surrounded by a blue-misty landscape of red-orange-gold, I tried thinking about Christie's little beasties again, but failed.
I wound up hiding in my room, staring at the bulkhead for a while, then turning on the miniterm, watching with alarm as the screen sparkled, choking with colored static for a moment before the menu system came up.
What will happen when the electronics go?
Will we all die then? Or try las.h.i.+ng up homemade replacements, try flying without guidance, try... there was a s.p.a.ce program before there were real computers. Men on the Moon, that sort of thing. That technology might have gotten us out here. Maybe not.
Nothing in the base library I hadn't seen a hundred times already, other than those last dozen episodes of Quel Horreur, the French-language sitcom that'd been all the rage right before the end. JPL wasted one of its last uplinks on that and... well, they knew. They must've known. What were they thinking?
Can't imagine.
I'd watched about thirty seconds of the first one, happy laugh-track, pale blue skies, white clouds, green trees, River Seine and Tour Eiffel.
Stayed in my room so I wouldn't have to deal with Jennah, who kept on looking at me as I stopped by the mess to pick up my dinner. Went to my room and then couldn't stop thinking about her, about the last time we'd... which led to thinking about Christie with her longjohns hanging open, offering herself up to a fate worse than death, then on to Lisa, sprawled in our marriage bed.