Part 35 (1/2)

[967] Urbem venalem et mature perituram, si emptorem invenerit! (Ibid.

35. 10).

[968] There was still an heir in Gauda--one too who had been recognised in the testament of Micipsa (p. 323); but he may not have been regarded as a suitable candidate.

[969] Sall. _Jug_. 36. 1 Albinus renovato bello commeatum, stipendium, aliaque, quae militibus usui forent, maturat in Africam portare, ac statim ipse profectus, uti ante comitia, quod tempus haud longe aberat, armis aut deditione aut quovis modo bellum conficeret.

[970] Cf. Sall. _Jug_. 36. 1 Armis aut deditione aut quovis modo.

[971] Sall. _Jug_. 36. 3 Ac fuere qui tum Albinum haud ignarum consili regis existumarent, neque ex tanta properantia tam facile tractum bellum socordia magis quam dolo crederent.

[972] His colleague Quintus Minucius Rufus was making war with the barbarians of Thrace (Liv. _Ep_. lxv; Vellei. ii. 8; Florus i. 39 (iii.

4); Eutrop. iv. 27).

[973] See cf. Meinel _Zur Chronologie des Jug. Krieges_ p. 11.

[974] Quae dissensio totius anni comitia inpediebat (Sall. _Jug_. 37.


[975] The tribunician year ended with 9th December, but it is not likely that the consuls of 109, Metellus and Sila.n.u.s, were elected between this date and 1st January of 109. Had they been, Metellus would have held Numidia and Sp. Albinus would not have been allowed to return there.

[976] Sall. _Jug_. 37. 3.

[977] There is little probability that the Calama (Gelma) of Orosius (v.

15) and the Suthul of Sall.u.s.t are identical. Those who have visited the site of Gelma deny that Sall.u.s.t's description suits this region and think that Suthul was a place near by. Grellois (_Ghelma_ pp. 263 foll.) thinks that Suthul may be placed on a site where now stands the village of Henschir Ain Neschma, one hour's distance from Gelma. See Wilmanns in C.I. L. viii. p. 521.

[978] Sall. _Jug_. 37. 4.

[979] Vineas agere, aggerem jacere, aliaque quae incepto usui forent properare (Sall. _Jug_. 37. 4).

[980] Sall. _Jug. 38. 9. The treaty perhaps gave to Jugurtha a specific guarantee of the undisturbed possession of Numidia.

[981] Oros. v. 15.

[982] Sail. _Jug_. 39. 1.

[983] Sall.u.s.t (_Jug_. 39. 2) improperly calls him _consul_. The only position which he held now was that of proconsul of Numidia.

[984] Senatus ita uti par fuerat decernit, suo atque populi injussu nullum potuisse foedus fieri (Sall. _Jug_. 39. 3).

[985] Sall. _Jug_. 39. 4.

[986] Sall. _Jug_. 40. 1.

[987] Occulte per amicos ac maxume per homines nominis Latini et socios Italicos inpedimenta parabant (Ibid. 40. 2). For the later relations of the government with the Latins and allies see p. 288.

[988] Sed plebes incredibile memoratu est quam intenta fuerit quantaque vi rogationem jusserit, magis odio n.o.bilitatis cui mala illa parabantur, quam cura rei publicae: tanta lubido in partibus erat (Sall. _Jug_.

40. 3).

[989] Ibid. 40. 4.