Part 31 (2/2)

[802] Plut. _Mar_. 5.

[803] Ibid. 4.

[804] His military reputation amongst old soldiers had led to his easy attainment of the military tribunate. Sall. _Jug_. 63 Ubi primum tribunatum militarem a populo pet.i.t, plerisque faciem ejus ignorantibus, facile notus per omnis tribus declaratur. Deinde ab eo magistratu alium post alium sibi peperit.

[805] Plut. _Mar_. 4.

[806] Plut. l.c. [Greek: _nomon tina peri psaephophorias graphontos autou dokounta ton dynaton aphaireisthai taen peri tas kriseis ischyn_].

It is possible, however, that _kriseis_ may simply mean ”decisions”.

[807] Cic. _de Leg_. iii. 17. 38 Pontes ... lex Maria fecit angustos.

[808] Plut. l.c. [Greek: _ei me diagrapseie to dogma_.]

[809] Plut. l.c. [Greek: _nomou ... eispheromenou peri sitou dianomaes_]. See p. 284.

[810] Plut. _Mar_ 5. Cf. Cic. _pro Planc_. 21, 51; Val. Max.

vi. 9. 14.

[811] Val. Max. vi. 9. 14.

[812] Plut. _Mar_. 5.

[813] [Greek: _dikastai_] (Plut. l.c.). It seems, therefore, that a special _quaestio de ambitu_ existed at this time. Otherwise, the case would naturally have gone before the Comitia. We can hardly think of a Special Commission.

[814] Plut. _Mar_. 6 [Greek: _en men oun tae strataegia metrios epainoumenon heauton paresche_].

[815] Plut. l.c.

[816] Plut. l.c.

[817] Vellei. ii. 7 Porcio Marcioque consulibus deducta colonia Narbo Martius. Cf. i. 15.

[818] This was but a [Greek: _phroura Rhomaion_] (Strabo iv. 1. 5). It had been established in 122 B.C.

[819] Cic. _pro Font_. 5. 13 Narbo Martius, colonia nostrorum civium, specula populi Romani ac propugnaculum istis ipsis nationibus oppositum et objectum.

[820] This fact appears from Cic. _pro Cluent_. 51. 140 (Cra.s.sus) in dissuasione rogationis ejus quae contra coloniam Narbonensem ferebatur, quantum potest, de auctoritate senatus detrahit. A _rogatio_ against a project implies something more than opposition to a bill.

[821] Cic. _Brut_. 43. 160 Exstat in eam legem senior ut ita dicam quam illa aetas ferebat oratio.

[822] Cic. _Brut. l.c. Cf. pro Cluent_. 51. 140; _de Orat_. ii. 55. 223; Quinctil. _Inst. Or_. vi. 3. 44.

[823] The date is unknown, but the _lex Servilia repetundarum_ was probably a product of this tribunate. An approximate date can be a.s.signed to this law, if we believe that it immediately superseded the _lex Acilia_ as the law of extortion, and that the _lex Acilia_ is the _lex repetundarum_ which has come down to us on a bronze tablet (see p.

214); for the latter law must have been abrogated by 111 B.C., since the back of the tablet on which it is inscribed is used for the _lex agraria_ of this year. The side containing the _lex Acilia_ must have been turned to the wall, and this fact seems to prove the supersession of this law by a later one on the same subject. See Mommsen in C.I.L.
