Part 17 (2/2)

Rutilius Rufus, the consul of 105 B.C. (Mommsen Staatsr. in. p. 433).

See the last chapter of this volume. For the principle on which such _operae_ were exacted from freedmen see Mommsen l.c.

[168] Inliberales ac sordidi quaestus (Cic. _de Off_. i. 42. 150).

[169] Gell. vii. (vi.) 9; Liv. ix. 46; Mommsen _Staatsr_. i. p. 497.

[170] Cf. Cic. _de Off_. i. 42. 151 Omnium autem rerum, ex quibus aliquid adquiritur, nihil est agricultura melius, nihil uberius, nihil dulcius, nihil homine libero dignius.

[171] See de Boor _Fasti Censorii_. A disturbing element in this enumeration is the uncertainty of numerals in ancient ma.n.u.scripts. But the fact of the progressive decline is beyond all question. No accidental errors of transcription could have produced this result in the text of Livy's epitome.

[172] Liv. _Ep_. xvi.

[173] Ibid. lvi.

[174] Ibid. xlvi. xlviii.

[175] Euseb. Arm. a. Abr. 1870 Ol. 158.3 (Hieron. Ol. 158.2 = 608 A.U.C.).

[176] Liv. _Ep_. lvi.

[177] Eorum qui arma ferre possent (Liv. i. 44); [Greek: _ton echonton taen strateusimon haelikian] (Dionys. xi. 63); [Greek: ton en tais haelikiais_] (Polyb. ii. 23).

[178] Besides the _proletarii_ all under military age would be excluded from these lists. Mommsen (_Staatsr_. ii. p. 411) goes further and thinks that the _seniores_ are not included in our lists.

[179] The limit to the incidence of taxation was a property of 1500 (Cic. _de Rep_. ii. 22. 40), the limit of census for military service was by the time of Polybius reduced to 4000 (Polyb. vi.

19). Gellius (xvi. 10. 10) gives a reduction to 375 at a date unknown but preceding the Marian reform. Perhaps the numerals are incorrect and should be 3,750.

[180] Liv. xl. 38.

[181] Gell. i. 6. Cf. Liv. _Ep_. lix.

[182] See Wallon _Hist. de l'Esclavage_ ii. p. 276.

[183] _Concubinatus_ could not, by the nature of the case, become a legal conception until the Emperor Augustus had devised penalties for _stuprum_. It was then necessary to determine what kind of _stuprum_ was not punishable. But the social inst.i.tution and its ethical characteristics, although they may have been made more definite by legal regulations, could not have originated in the time of the Princ.i.p.ate.

For the meaning of _paelex_ in Republican times see Meyer _Der romische Konkubinat_ and a notice of that work in the _English Historical Review_ for July 1896.

[184] Cunningham _Western Civilisation_ p. 156. Cf. Soltau in _Kulturgesch. des kla.s.s. Altertums_ p. 318.

[185] Plin. _H.N_. xviii. 3. 22; Varro _R.R_. i. 1. 10.

[186] Colum. 1. 1. 18. The Latin translation was probably made shortly after the destruction of Carthage, _circa_ 140 B.C. (Mahaffy _The Work of Mago on Agriculture_ in _Hermathena_ vol. vii. 1890). Mahaffy believes that the Greek translation by Ca.s.sius Dionysius (Varro _R.R_.

i. 1. 10) was later, and he a.s.sociates it with the colonies planted by C. Gracchus in Southern Italy.

[187] Saturnia in 183 (Liv. x.x.xix. 55), Graviscae in 181 (Liv. xl. 29), Luna in 180 and again in 177 (Liv. xli. 13; Mommsen in C.I.L. i. n.

539). See Marquardt _Staatsverw_, i. p. 39.

[188] Plut. _Ti. Gracch_. 8; Nitzsch _Die Gracchen_ p. 198.

[189] Nitzsch _Die Gracchen_ p. 198.
