Part 21 (1/2)
A minute ”Well?” I snuggle against him.
”Do you remember that note you left me after my art show in New York?”
”In your hotel?”
He rests his chin on the top of my head. ”Yes. You asked me about all the drawings I'd left around the room.”
My heart skips as I pull the blanket tighter around us. The image of his hotel room dramatically strewn with rough sketches is still vivid in my mind. ”The drawings of the woman? You'd drawn her so many times. I was so jealous of her.”
”You shouldn't have been. It was you.” His lips press into my hair.
”No!” I turn and look at him.
He nods solemnly. ”Yes.”
”But why?”
He shrugs as if the answer is obvious. ”Because you intrigued me. I wanted you, Ava. Surely you must know. I've always wanted you. Always...”
I let out a long sigh. ”And I you.”
My heart is full as I curl into him, and he holds me tight. Exhausted and deliciously content, we lie together silently, and I imagine the vastness of our journey until we finally drift off.
Wrapped in the cloak of sleep, we soar to the places Georgia dreamed of. The moon s.h.i.+mmers over us, silver and soft, edging us with light as love lifts us up toward the open sky.
Chapter Fifteen / My f.u.c.king Faux Pas.
The course of true love never did run smooth.
~ William Shakespeare Max and I sleep in each other's arms under the moonlight until a chill sets in and we make our way back inside to our bed.
The next morning, we hide under the covers as long as possible and order room service to put off dealing with the outside world. We're both wiped out from the last couple of days, so it feels good just lying in bed, eating French toast and bacon, watching old cartoons, and not rus.h.i.+ng off somewhere.
Eventually, we have to face the world though, as I'm meeting with Nick Castallani for lunch and Max has an interview this afternoon. Max isn't happy about my meeting, because he asks a bunch of suspicious questions, but at least he offers to drop me off on his way to the show.
I kiss Max good-bye in front of the restaurant, and as I slip inside to meet Nick, my insecurities start. Will I be successful with my writing a second time? Was Max's book just a fluke, a flash in the pan? I take a deep breath and push forward.
The hostess informs me that Mr. Castallani's already here, and she leads me to his table. There's an open a folder, a pad covered with notes, and a large Montblanc pen on the table. A half empty cup of coffee, several empty sugar packets, and a gla.s.s of water complete the mess he's created. In my mind, I decide to t.i.tle the scene Still Life of a Busy Man. He looks down at his phone as he types.
As I approach the table, he lifts his head and smiles.
”Ava, good.” He points to the chair opposite him. ”Have a seat.”
”Something to drink?” The waitress places a c.o.c.ktail napkin in front of me.
”Iced tea, please.” I sit down and place my notepad and phone on the table.
He finishes his text, sets his phone down, and studies me. ”So, as I said, I have you in mind for an important project, but first I'd like to give you something smaller to see if you live up to your hype.”
”Hype?” My shoulders curl in and I press my fingers into my knees.
”You're new to publis.h.i.+ng, but you already have fans, Ava. As I'm sure you can imagine, that's not a victory easily won with this d.a.m.n crowd.”
”Well, I appreciate that you're willing to take a chance on me. I do believe my enthusiasm and dedication make up for my lack of experience.”
”Hmm...Alistair said you're smart and tenacious...but he knows that's what I want to hear.”
”Did he tell you my deadline was pushed up by two months in the middle of the project, and I still made the deadline?”
He purses his lips and nods. ”That's impressive. He also said he didn't have to do any major edits to your work.”
”Well, he was great to work with.” I sit up straight, maintaining my composure, so there's no hint that anything else happened between Jonathan and myself.
”Look, what's most important is that you have a fresh voice. You bring a lot of emotion into your writing, which is unconventional, but works surprisingly well.”
”Art is emotionally driven, so why shouldn't the writing that accompanies it be as well?”
He studies my face for several moments and then smiles as he closes the folder. ”Why don't you check out the menu? Let's order.”
As we eat, he explains how he likes to work. There'll be no coddling with Rampart. My first a.s.signment will be a ten-page piece on multimedia artist Andrea Altman's traveling exhibit that's opening at the Smithsonian in Was.h.i.+ngton DC next January. She's been referred to as the next generation's Cindy Sherman, and I'm excited for the opportunity to work on a project about a female artist for a change.
Halfway through lunch, Jess and Max approach our table and I have to fight from saying something I shouldn't. Max watches Nick carefully and doesn't even look at me. Jess looks genuinely surprised to see us.
”Hey, Ava, Nick, good to see you again,” Jess says.
Nick shakes her hand.
She motions to Max. ”Nick, this is Maxfield Caswell.” Jess looks at Max suspiciously.
”Max,” Nick's voice booms in the quiet restaurant. ”Ava and I were just talking about your book. Great work. You must be pleased.”
Max shakes his hand. ”Yes, you have no idea how pleased.” He finally turns and smiles and I glare back. This is no f.u.c.king coincidence. He came here to watch me. My head starts to pound as my rage builds.
Max gestures to my plate. ”How's your lunch, Ava? We're going to eat here...why don't we join you?”
I push my plate away, since my stomach has flip-flopped and my appet.i.te's gone. ”The food's delicious. But, actually, you guys, Nick and I are having a business meeting, so why don't I catch up with you later.”
”Yes, and I need to leave soon for another meeting in a half hour. But good to see you again, Jess.”
”Likewise,” she says, while stepping back and nudging Max to follow.
Nick turns to Max while opening up his leather folder. ”And it's great to finally meet you, Max. Here's my card. I received a proposal for a book that could include you. I think we should talk about it. Why don't you contact my office next week, and we'll set something up.”
Although Max is probably p.i.s.sed that we're brus.h.i.+ng him off, he takes the card graciously. ”Okay, thanks, Nick.” Their parting handshake is a little aggressive for my taste.
As Max turns to leave, a darkness flares in his eyes and he clenches his hands.