Part 1 (1/2)

Work of Art.

The Unveiling.

by Ruth Clampett.

For my mom...

She married an artist, gave him her heart and stayed by his side as they painted all the colors of their life together.

As I finished this book She joined my dad in the world beyond No doubt their great romance lives on And now the universe is their canvas to paint What they taught me about love is woven through every page of this story.

Chapter One.

Thank G.o.d for Girlfriends.

A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.

~ Paul Cezanne.

I roll the window down and lean my head out into the ocean breeze, taking a deep breath as my hair whips around my face.

”Earth to Ava...what are you thinking about, girl?” Jess glances at me before refocusing on the road.

”That I'm done with crazy artists.”

”So you think,” she states cryptically.

I shrug. ”I mean it.”

”Well, let's find him first, and then you can decide.”

Jess's phone chirps. ”It's a text from Laura. Can you read it?”

I grab her phone from the car console. ”She's already at the cafe and has a table.”

Jess's grip on the steering wheel loosens as she takes a deep breath. ”Okay, good.”

We're silent the rest of the drive down PCH. The beautiful weather belies our somber moods, but I'm hopeful we'll figure out what we can do about Max's disappearance.

There's nothing countryish about Malibu Country Mart, with its collection of chic boutiques that surround a lush lawn and little playground in Malibu.

Luckily, Jess and Laura know the matre d` at the Italian cafe, so Laura gets us a choice table outside, facing the playground.

After we settle into our seats, my gaze wanders. There are certainly interesting people here to watch. Nannies gently push babies on the bucket swings, while the beautiful mothers chat and text on their phones from nearby benches.

I imagine the cool dads with their worn designer jeans and aviator are talking about their cars and the price of private schools. Small children in whimsical designer clothes chase each other around the playground. It's another world in Malibu. Despite all the money and hipness, it's more relaxed here than the vibe in West Hollywood or Beverly Hills.

Must be the sea air, I conclude.

It feels ridiculous, being here when we're all sick with worry over Max. The panoramic view of the beautiful people versus our dark, worried moods is a lot to take. I've never felt so out of place, and I can't tell if Jess and Laura are feeling the same, or just too sh.e.l.l-shocked to know how they feel.

After glancing at the menu, I wrap my arms around my waist and curl forward. ”I don't know if I can eat.”

Laura sets her menu on the table. ”I know, me too.”

Jess gives Laura a stern look. ”We've got to eat, baby. You don't want your blood sugar to crash again. Get some protein, or you'll just feel worse.”

Laura sighs and opens her menu again.

Jess picks up the wine list. ”Wine anyone? I know I could use some.”

”Sounds good. I could use some brain numbing about now,” I say.

The waiter brings us a basket of freshly-baked bread with a little dish of chopped olives and garlic in olive oil for dipping. I take a piece and pull off a bit to chew on.

Jess slaps her hands on the table. ”So, about Max...”

”Did he really trash his house?” Laura asks.

Jess sighs. ”He sure did.”

I tip my head to the side. ”I'm trying to understand this obsessive side of Max that lead to his meltdowns. You mentioned his old college girlfriend had a big impact on that side of his personality.”

Jess gets a sour look on her face. ”Yeah, that b.i.t.c.h, Chloe.”

”What happened?”

She gives me a dubious look. ”I don't know. You really want to hear the story about Max and his first love?”

I rest my cheek in my hand as I lean into the table. ”Maybe we'll get some clues about why he did this and where he is.”

Laura turns to Jess. ”You know, I think I want to hear it too. I've only heard bits and pieces.”

Jess waits for the waiter to finish pouring our wine. ”I guess it started our first week at Pratt. She was one of those girls-you know the sparkly blonde everyone was drawn to. And d.a.m.n, she knew how to work it. She had her pick of men. And, of course, there was Max, gorgeous and so talented-the best in our cla.s.s by far.”

”The thing is, Max had an odd personality, very antisocial. We were roommates our first year, but we didn't even talk that much. I was always out with friends, and he preferred to be alone. I think Chloe saw him as a challenge-she did whatever it took to get under his skin.”

My fingers tighten over my napkin. Is it possible to genuinely dislike someone you've never met?

”It was such a gradual progression. Most of us didn't realize until the second year how much he'd changed. It was around this time that we were working on a big project together. By that time, he was comfortable around me. He told me s.h.i.+t-how wild he was about her, and sometimes it was too much. I kept telling him to give her some s.p.a.ce, not be so obsessive and smothering.”

The edges of Jess's mouth turn down. ”The hardest part was that I knew she didn't feel the same. By the end of the first year, she was f.u.c.king around with other guys. I have no idea how she hid it from him. Maybe he was in denial and believed anything she told him.”

I simmer inwardly. How could she do that to Max?

”As she started to pull away, he realized what was happening and panicked. Holding onto her took over his life, and everything else suffered: his work, his health, and his mind. It was painful to watch. He'd never been in love before, so he couldn't imagine how to go on without her if she left him.