10 Chapter 10: Raider Base Part 2 (1/2)
Clearing the path to advance Specter did not move up, a sentry took the point for Specter.
Specter can't have all the Sentry bots in the Base so taking two one for back up if the first goes down the others moved to secure the surrounding and head to Lexington.
Getting to the blue door that leads down right into the action, the Sentry not moved down the steps and before it was all the way passed the wall bullets flew and started hitting the Sentry bot. The metal armor held strong defending against the bullets, the Sentry not got around the corner and started shooting the 5 Raiders, Specter and an Assaultron gave supporting help, as this is going on shots was heard in the room doing the hallway the blue double doors, the Five Raiders got killed quickly. Specter advanced behind the Sentry that moved up closer getting to the staircase on the right, the blue double doors down the hallway opened and Assaultrons walked out with blood dripping down their swords.
Lowering our guns, specter spoke.
Assaultron team that just arrived take the elevator we are taking the stairs we will be on your six when we arrive so don't turn around to attack us. (Specter)
Sir, there are still places needing to be checked in that room we had not cleared that area out yet completely. (Assaultron)
Got it. Specter looked to the Assaultron on his right and spoke.
Take five Assaultrons and through and clear it and regroup outside. (Specter)
Yes, Sir! (Assaultron)
Splitting up, Specter followed a sentry bot with two Assaultrons beside him and another Sentry bot in the back.
Advancing up the stairs, a kitchen area was first it had nobody there advancing up a Raider popped around the corner sending potshots down the steps the sentry finished him off quickly.
Advancing up the steps we here gun Shots above knowing the battle was starting, Advancing, even more, we get to the top. As we are at the top the Assaultrons are pinned down by there turrets that take turn firing never letting up and not allowing a way to get up and attack. Sentry bots advanced and started sending grenades this made a chain reaction the ground burst into flames, the flames traveled the room and the cars burst into flames that made the core in the cars to go unstable as it blew up sending shrapnel of vehicle everywhere, the building shook from the Car blowing up but that was followed by another car then another the wall collapsed and fell caving onto the Assaultrons pinned down, shooting the turrets and blowing them up, Specter advanced with he Assaultrons that spread apart in the room keeping undercover and shot at the Raiders in the room that also keep behind walls, bullets and layers flying back and forth lasted for 46 minutes before the Raiders yelled.
We give! We Give! Don't kill us! (Raiders)
{Bang! {Bang!} {Bang!}
Three shots and three Raiders fell dead.
Nobody gives up! (Leader)
Assaultron next to Specter shot and killed the leader his head popped like a balloon, the room became quiet.
If anyone is alive give up and you will not be killed! (Specter)
No responses, Specter gave the order.
Advance inside, clear the room, keep alert and be ready to attack on a second notice. (Specter)
As they spread out to start clearing the room, Specter moved to the collapsed in area on the right of the room after getting up the staircase Jade removed the rubble, Specter actually surprised the Assaultrons were just fine.
Sir. (Assaultron)
Status on your body? (Specter)
Damaged left arm nothing too bad. (Assaultron)
The others? (Specter)
All good here, nothing worry about Sir, once we get back to base we will be repaired back to new. (Assaulteons)
That is good. (Specter)
Sir! The room is clear! (Assaultron)
We are done here, we are leaving! (Specter)
Collecting everything up, Jade spoke to Specter.
You have leveled up! (Jade)
Remind me when we get back to base. (Specter)
Will Do! (Jade)
We are returning back to base! (Specter)
Backtracking the way they entered, Specter and the others got outside, Specter seeing Sentry bots moving around the building and keeping guard, Specter had Jade collect the Sandbags before leaving and the sandbags at the entrance.
Heading back to Starlight in the way Specter repaved the ground as they moved this increased the speed of movement for the Sentry bots as they moved, following the same road they used to get there, they arrived at Starlight, the wounded were sent to get repaired, and the others moved to get more ammo.
Specter brought up his Level.
{Level 9}
Perk points: 1
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: --
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Strength: Armored level 1, BlackSmith level 1, Heavy Gunner Rank 1.
Perception: Rifleman Level 1.
Charisma: Local Leader level 1.
Intelligence: gun nut level 2, scrapper level 1.
Add it to Rifleman make it rank 2. (Specter)
Will do! (Jade)
{Level 9}
Perk points: 0
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: --
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Strength: Armored level 1, BlackSmith level 1, Heavy Gunner Rank 1.
Perception: Rifleman Level 2.