3 Venerable Senior (1/2)

”It's ok. Wait, WHAT?” Yang Feilong's eyes widened. He grabbed his son and interrogated him, ”Are you lying? Because I will beat the sh*t out of you if you are!”

”I'm not lying!” Yang Lei was bewildered. Shouldn't his father be rejoicing and celebrating. Maybe some jumping around and skipping?

”How did you get cured?”

”An old man gave me a flower thingy. He said it was a Soul Blending Rose or something,” Yang Lei lied.

There was no old man, no Soul Blending Rose. Only a System of Order and Chaos and a Soul Blending Orchid. He couldn't let anyone find out about his system. It would endanger both him and that person.

”Where is this old man?” Yang Feilong asked as his eyes narrowed with suspicion. Any person who could take out a Soul Blending Orchid like it was cabbage had to be powerful and famous. Why would such a person cure his son for no reason?

”He was just here 20 minutes ago… Ask them, they must have seen him!” Yang Lei pointed at his father's subordinates.

”Wait here,” Yang Feilong walked out and shifted his interrogation to his subordinates.

”Old man? No, I haven't seen any old man…”

”I have been watching Young Master this whole time and nobody has entered his room…”

”Clan Lord, an old man, you say? Now that I think about it, my old man died exactly 888 days ago. Did your old man die yet? ...”

One after another, his subordinates denied having seen an old man in or near his son's room. Yang Feilong felt pissed. Were his subordinates so useless? The last one even cursed his father! Did you old man die yet?

Hell no! Just because your father died 888 days ago, it doesn't mean that you can go talking about other people's fathers like that! Although, that last subordinate was known for being a little crazy. He was always like that…

Suddenly, Yang Feilong realized something. 'This Senior is so powerful that he can enter my son's room and cure him without being seen, all under the eyes of my subordinates!'

He unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and didn't even realize that he had unknowingly gone from addressing this person as 'old man' to 'Senior'. Evidently, this non-existent 'Senior' was deemed important by the Clan Lord.

”Ah, I already expected that my subordinates would be unable to see the Venerable Senior, even if they were to never blink…” Yang Feilong came back and sat down casually.

”Hack, hack!” Yang Lei was drinking water when his father came back. When he heard his father's shameless statements, he began to choke. He tried to swallow the water, but unfortunately, the water refused to go down properly.

'Your 'Venerable Senior' doesn't even exist! It's the system!' He wanted to shout out loud when he saw his father's proud 'I'm the Best Detective' look. Poor Clan Lord. He probably mistook his son's widened eyes as a look of shock and amazement.

”What? They didn't see, hack, the old man? Hack, hack,” Yang Lei coughed.

”Shh! Don't call the senior that! Call him…Venerable Senior!” The Clan Lord gave him an incredibly serious and profound look.

'Why do I have to call him that? He doesn't even exist! It was the system!' Yang Lei complained in his mind. Of course, he couldn't say that out loud and had to call the system Venerable Senior, ”Venerable Senior, thank you so much for saving my life and curing me!”

The Clan Lord nodded his head in approval after he heard his son. The Venerable Senior may still be around, hiding in the vicinity. In fact, he may even be standing before them in plain sight! Alas, he would never meet this Venerable Senior of his.


Chen Xue was waiting to board a flight. She looked at the time and sighed, ”In 6 days, and Yang Lei will die…”

She was the divine doctor who was taking care of Yang Lei just earlier. For some reason, she had agreed to help the Yang Clan Lord and was now on the way to meet her master. If anyone could cure the Mind Eater Poison, it had to be her master!

Chen Xue got up when she heard her that her flight was ready to board in 3 minutes. She got in line to board the plane.

The reason why she was traveling to meet her master was that her master was old-fashioned. He called himself 'traditional'. He didn't have a phone. No computer. No tablet. No iPad. Nothing.

”Riiiiiiinnnng!” Her phone rang in her pocket. She took it out and saw that it was the Yang Clan Lord. She raised her eyebrows and answered the phone, ”Hello?”

”The Mind Eater Poison has been resolved!” Yang Feilong's ecstatic voice shocked Chen Xue.