Part 22 (1/2)

_”So,”_ said she, without bowing or any other ceremony, ”that little rascal is troubling you again.”

Lady Ba.s.sett colored and panted, and looked lovingly at her, before she could speak. At last she said, ”Yes; and you have come to help us again.”

”Well, the lawyer said there was no time to lose; so I have brought you the anonymous letter.”

”Oh, thank you, madam, thank you.”

”But I'm afraid it will be of no use unless you can prove Mr. Ba.s.sett wrote it. It is in a disguised hand.”

”But you found him out by means of another letter.”

”Yes; but I can't give you that other letter to have it read in a court of law, because--Do you see that gentleman there?”


”That is Marsh.”

”Oh, is it?”

”He is a fool; but I am going to marry him. I have been very ill since I saw you, and poor Marsh nursed me. Talk of women nurses! If ever you are ill in earnest, as I was, write to me, and I'll send you Marsh. Oh, I have no words to tell you his patience, his forbearance, his watchfulness, his tenderness to a sick woman. It is no use--I must marry him; and I could have no letter published that would give him pain.”

”Of course not. Oh, madam, do you think I am capable of doing anything that would give you pain, or dear Mr. Marsh either?”

”No, no; you are a good woman.”

”Not half so good as you are.”

”You don't know what you are saying.”

”Oh yes, I do.”

”Then I say no more; it is rude to contradict. Good-by, Lady Ba.s.sett.”

”Must you leave me so soon? Will you not visit us? May I not know the name of so good a friend?”

”Next week I shall be _Mrs. Marsh.”_

”And you will give me the great pleasure of having you at my house--you and your husband?”

The lady showed some agitation at this--an unusual thing for her. She faltered: ”Some day, perhaps, if I make him as good a wife as I hope to. What a lady you are! Vulgar people are ashamed to be grateful; but you are a born lady. Good-by, before I make a fool of myself; and they are all coming this way, by the dogs' music.”

”Won't you kiss me, after bringing me this?”

”Kiss you?” and she opened her eyes.

”If you please,” said Lady Ba.s.sett, bending toward her, with eyes full of grat.i.tude and tenderness.

Then the other woman took her by the shoulders, and plunged her great gray orbs into Bella's.

They kissed each other.