Part 52 (1/2)
”I do not know,” he answered quite simply. ”He did not tell me, while he kept me with him. I had only seen him once before that night, on a day when he came to treat with the master for a cargo of gla.s.s which he never bought. I gave myself up to the archers, as I gave myself up to your lords.h.i.+ps, for I thought that I should have justice the sooner if I sought it instead of trying to escape from it.”
”Your Highness,” said one of the oldest Councillors, addressing the Doge, ”is it not a pity that such a man as this, who is a good artist and who speaks the truth, should be driven out of Venice, by a law that was not meant to touch him? For indeed, the law exists and always will, but it is meant to hinder strangers from coming to Murano and learning the art in order to take it away with them, and this we can prevent. But we surely desire to keep here all those who know how to practise it, for the greater advantage of our commerce with other nations.”
”That is the intention of our laws,” a.s.sented the Doge.
”Your Highness! My lords!” cried Zorzi, who had taken courage from what the Councillor had said, ”if this law is not made for such as I am, I entreat you to grant me your forgiveness if I have broken it, and make it impossible for me to break it again. My lords, you have the power to do what I ask. I beseech you that I may be permitted to work at my art as if I were a Venetian, and even to keep fires in a small furnace of my own, as other workmen may when they have saved money, that I may labour to the honour of all gla.s.s-makers, and for the good reputation of Murano. This is what I most humbly ask, imploring that it may be granted to me, but always according to your good pleasure.”
When he had spoken thus, asking all that was left for him to desire and amazed at his own boldness, he was silent, and the Councillors began to discuss the question among themselves. At a sign from the Chiefs the urn into which the votes were cast was brought and set before the Doge; for all was decided by ballot with coloured b.a.l.l.s, and no man knew how his neighbour voted.
”Have you anything more to say?” asked the secretary, again speaking to Zorzi.
”I have said all, save to thank your Highness and your lords.h.i.+ps with all my heart,” answered the Dalmatian.
”Withdraw, and await the decision of the Supreme Council.”
Zorzi cast one more glance at the great half circle of venerable men, at their velvet robes, at the carved wainscot, at the painted vault above, and after making a low obeisance he found his way to the door, outside which the guards were waiting. They took him back to a cell like the one where he had already sat so long, but which was reached by another pa.s.sage, for everything in the palace was so disposed as to prevent the possibility of one prisoner meeting another on his way to the tribunal or coming from it; and for this reason the Bridge of Sighs, which was then not yet built, was afterwards made to contain two separate pa.s.sages.
It seemed a long time before the tread of guards ceased again and the door was opened, and Zorzi rose as quickly as he could when he saw that it was the secretary of the Ten who entered, carrying in his hand a doc.u.ment which had a seal attached to it.
”Your prayer is granted,” said the man with the sharp grey eyes. ”By this patent the Supreme Council permits you to set up a gla.s.s-maker's furnace of your own in Murano, and confers upon you all the privileges of a born gla.s.s-blower, and promises you especial protection if any one shall attempt to interfere with your rights.”
Zorzi took the precious parchment eagerly, and he felt the hot blood rus.h.i.+ng to his face as he tried to thank the secretary. But in a moment the busy personage was gone, after speaking a word to the guards, and Zorzi heard the rustling of his silk gown in the corridor.