Part 1 (2/2)
Thinking of the Fairy Queen, when she was almost there; And soon her fine Fish Monster drew down his under jaw A Sea-Lion from ocean deep held out his ugly paw.
She tripped down quite gracefully and took the Lion's paw, But I really cannot tell you all the riches that she saw: On her right, there was a Grotto with gates of solid gold, Guarded by a Devil Fish--to meet him would be bold.
On her left, a Fairy Palace, its walls of silver bright, Its windows set with diamonds, which shone both day and night; Its doors were made of jasper, its steps of onyx fine-- A worker up of cameo would think he'd found a mine.
The Lion touched her lightly, and she took his s.h.a.ggy arm.
She felt while she was with him he'd s.h.i.+eld her from all harm; They tripped nimbly up the steps--he touched a little slide, And almost in an instant the door was open'd wide.
A Water-Lily met them and pa.s.sed her through the hall,-- So rich I'd fain describe it, but can't do so at all;-- Then to the audience chamber, with all things bright and airy, There, right upon a golden throne, sat San Francisco Fairy.
A lovely figure, tall and straight, in elegant attire, Looking for all the world like gold refined by fire; She greeted Li-Lamboni in an off-hand, easy style.
Was tickled that she came, and would have her stay awhile.
With a motion of her hand for Li-Lamboni to draw near, She spoke unto the Lily to bring for her a chair.
When seated near the throne, what should the Fairy do But wave again her hand, and up through the floor they flew!
Here was a room of wampum, the ceiling, walls, the floor And furniture were lined with it, as also was the door.
Says the Fairy to Li-Lamboni, ”This wampum's all your own; You see it's only lining, and you can easy take it down.
You can pack it in a compa.s.s small, and show it to your Pa, Who never saw the like before, nor neither did your Ma; And also when your chosen Fish shall take you to the air, When stepping down the ladder you can take the wampum chair.
You wonder why I do this? I'll make it all quite plain: Once, while running as a rabbit, you saved me from all harm; The coyotes and the wolves had nearly run me dead.
When you threw them off the scent and took me to your bed.
And since that time I've look'd for you that action to repay, But no good chance e'er offered till I heard you cry to-day.
We shortly move away from here--this Lake is to be drained-- For out quite near the Farallones another home we've gained.
The water will be drained away--a City here will rise, Here will be marts of commerce, and wealth which men do prize; Here'll be temples of the living G.o.d, and of Heathen idols, too, Showing how Christians wors.h.i.+p, and what Barbarians do.
This City great for me they'll name, the world will know it well, And when it will stop growing, no one, I'm sure, can tell; No London can to it compare, or Canton, I am sure, For while the World does stand this City will endure.
And when at home you're settled and your Chieftain calls on you, Just lay these out quite nicely and give him a good view; If that don't melt his stony heart and bring him to his knees, Cast him quickly from your heart, and marry whom you please.”
Then at a word the wampum came quickly from the wall, And from the door and ceiling, and soon she had it all; No Indian maiden e'er so rich as Li-Lamboni that day, And she thought that with the Fairy she could no longer stay.
Then the Fairy waved her little wand and they pa.s.sed down below, When the Maiden, having kissed her, said that she must go; And through the hall the Lily was again her pleasant guide, And without the slightest effort the door swung open wide.
And right beyond the portal stood her Lion, as before, Waiting very patiently her exit through the door; Then he bent his ugly paw with the manners of a beau, She put her hand within it, and down the steps did go.
She found her old Fish Monster with everything all right, Down came his handy under jaw,--she mounted to the height; And scarcely was she seated in that splendid wampum chair.
When they were on the water and she breathed the nice fresh air.
Again came down that lower jaw upon her light canoe, With the chair upon her arm she bade the Fish adieu; And seizing quick the paddle, she drove the boat along, And she really felt so happy she burst into a song.