Part 19 (1/2)
”We seem to be favoured with unusual events to-day, Jamie,” said he, wiping his forehead with the corner of his ap.r.o.n with one hand, while he worked the handle of the bellows with the other, ”yonder comes another boat; what can it be, think you?”
”Surely it can't be tea!” said the smith with a smile, as he turned the end of a pickaxe in the fire, ”it's too soon after dinner for that.”
”It looks like the boat of our friends the fishermen, Big Sw.a.n.kie and Davy Spink,” said Ruby, shading his eyes with his hand, and gazing earnestly at the boat as it advanced towards them.
”Friends!” repeated the smith, ”rascally smugglers, both of them; they're no friends of mine.”
”Well, I didn't mean bosom friends,” replied Ruby, ”but after all, Davy Spink is not such a bad fellow, though I can't say that I'm fond of his comrade.”
The two men resumed their hammers at this point in the conversation, and became silent as long as the anvil sounded.
The boat had reached the rock when they ceased, and its occupants were seen to be in earnest conversation with Peter Logan.
There were only two men in the boat besides its owners, Sw.a.n.kie and Spink.
”What can they want?” said Dove, looking down on them as he turned to thrust the iron on which he was engaged into the fire.
As he spoke the foreman looked up.
”Ho! Ruby Brand,” he shouted, ”come down here; you're wanted.”
”Hallo! Ruby,” exclaimed the smith, ”_more_ friends o' yours! Your acquaintance is extensive, lad, but there's no girl in the case this time.”
Ruby made no reply, for an indefinable feeling of anxiety filled his breast as he threw down the fore-hammer and prepared to descend.
On reaching the rock he advanced towards the strangers, both of whom were stout, thickset men, with grave, stern countenances. One of them stepped forward and said, ”Your name is--”
”Ruby Brand,” said the youth promptly, at the same time somewhat proudly, for he knew that he was in the hands of the Philistines.
The man who first spoke hereupon drew a small instrument from his pocket, and tapping Ruby on the shoulder, said--
”I arrest you, Ruby Brand, in the name of the King.”
The other man immediately stepped forward and produced a pair of handcuffs.
At sight of these Ruby sprang backward, and the blood rushed violently to his forehead, while his blue eyes glared with the ferocity of those of a tiger.
”Come, lad, it's of no use, you know,” said the man, pausing; ”if you won't come quietly we must find ways and means to compel you.”
”Compel me!” cried Ruby, drawing himself up with a look of defiance and a laugh of contempt, that caused the two men to shrink back in spite of themselves.
”Ruby,” said the foreman, gently, stepping forward and laying his hand on the youth's shoulder, ”you had better go quietly, for there's no chance of escape from these fellows. I have no doubt it's a mistake, and that you'll come off with flyin' colours, but it's best to go quietly whatever turns up.”
While Logan was speaking, Ruby dropped his head on his breast, the officer with the handcuffs advanced, and the youth held out his hands, while the flush of anger deepened into the crimson blush of shame.
It was at this point that Jamie Dove, wondering at the prolonged absence of his friend and a.s.sistant, looked down from the platform of the beacon, and beheld what was taking place.
The stentorian roar of amazement and rage that suddenly burst from him, attracted the attention of all the men on the rock, who dropped their tools and looked up in consternation, expecting, no doubt, to behold something terrible.
Their eyes at once followed those of the smith, and no sooner did they see Ruby being led in irons to the boat, which lay in _Port Hamilton_, close to _Sir Ralph the Rover's Ledge_, than they uttered a yell of execration, and rushed with one accord to the rescue.