Chapter 261 The Head of the Jiang Family (1/2)
Xin Qing recounted the incident involving the Jiang family to Xiao Rui. In the end, she told him, ”No matter what your thoughts are, I'll never let you return right now. Not yet.”
Xiao Rui went silent in thought. After a while, he asked, ”Will you allow me to meet with them?”
”Sure. I'll call them.” Despite knowing that Xiao Rui was wise beyond his years, his reaction to what she had just told him still brought conflicted feelings to Xin Qing's heart. Somehow, she had a feeling that this kid might be tougher than she ever was.
When told that Xiao Rui desired to meet with them, Song Chunli thanked Xin Qing profusely over the phone, which made Xin Qing feel rather awkward. After all, it was not Xin Qing's own idea to have the meeting but Xiao Rui's own decision.
After discussing with each other, Xin Qing and Song Chunli had decided that, for security reasons, they should have the meeting at Ying's residence. The meeting would take place this coming weekend.
Friday came all too soon. Compared to Xiao Rui who was calm and composed, Xin Qing was a complete nervous wreck.
”Mom, I won't go back with them,” Xiao Rui said, concerned that Xin Qing's emotional state might negatively affect the baby. He reached out and took Xin Qing's hand. Then, in a reassuring tone, he said, ”You don't have to be nervous.”
Xin Qing smiled at him sheepishly. It was not like she wanted to look so pathetic, just that she could not help the anxiety bubbling inside her...
Song Chunli and Jiang Qianren were very punctual; they both arrived at Ying's residence during dinner time on the dot.
Song Chunli's eyes were practically pinned onto Xiao Rui the moment she stepped through the door. ”Xiao... Xiao Rui?!” She said. Jiang Qianren, on the other hand, appeared calmer, though his tightly balled fists had betrayed his true emotions.
Chen Huan gave Xin Qing a pointed look before carrying Liuliu upstairs. Xin Qing got the message and nodded at Chen Huan.
”Please, have a seat, Aunt Song!” Xin Qing took Xiao Rui's hand and gestured for Song Chunli to take a seat. ”Is tea okay?”
Song Chunli's focus was entirely on Xiao Rui right now, so she answered Xin Qing's question with a half-hearted nod. ”Anything will do,” she said.
Jiang Qianren slinked up to Xin Qing and asked, ”What's with the kid's poker face?”
Xin Qing tilted her head and whispered back, ”He's born that way.”
Jiang Qianren smirked and said nothing else.
”Xiao Rui, I'm your grandmother!” Song Chunli said with tears in her eyes. Then, she rummaged in her handbag and took out a photo. ”And these are your parents!”
”I'm your uncle!” Jiang Qianren said, trying his best to inject a bit more friendliness into his smile.
When Xiao Rui remained taciturn, Xin Qing patted his head and said, ”You don't have to use those titles if you're still not used to them.”
A while later, Xiao Rui finally spoke. ”I need some time to get used to all this,” he said. ”But I acknowledge the fact that you're my family.” Song Chunli nodded quickly. ”Oh, it's no big deal, no big deal at all. You can use them once you're more comfortable with them!”
Unbeknownst to everyone, Xiao Rui had already frowned several times during the exchange. The meeting went much smoother than Xin Qing had expected. Heck, it did not even feel like a meeting involving the reunion of lost relatives. Other than Song Chunli's relentless crying and the way Jiang Qianren was looking at Xiao Rui with a face that screamed, ”Orphans deserve all the love and care in the world!” Xiao Rui had never spoken another word for the rest of the meeting.
Xiao Rui spoke for the second time when they were sending off their guests, ”Goodbye!”
”So. What do you think of them?” Xin Qing asked Xiao Rui after their guests left.
Xiao Rui tilted his head to one side and thought for a moment. ”Nothing's wrong with Jiang Qianren.”
”Okay. Are you saying that something's wrong with Song Chunli?” Xin Qing asked in surprise.
Xiao Rui nodded and said, ”Her aura is in chaos. I've been getting strange vibes from her the moment I saw her. She's exceptionally unstable.”
”I suppose that's very normal for a grandparent to see their long-lost grandchild for the first time.”
Xiao Rui went silent in thought. After a moment, he reached over and picked up a tea cup. Then, he emptied the contents of a half-finished bottle of coke into the cup.
”...” Once again, Xin Qing found herself being put to the test of parenting a child with a high IQ. ”What does that mean?” She asked weakly.
Xiao Rui pointed at the tea cup. ”When two incompatible substances are mixed together, the result will always be uncanny.”
”So you're saying that Song Chunli's behavior is uncanny?”
”Yes. That's how her emotions felt like to me. It's like she's struggling with something internally.”
Xin Qing patted her chest in relief. ”Okay. Then something must be wrong with her!” She said. Good thing she never brought up the thing about Ying Qingcang.
”About what happened to father, it's fine to ask Jiang Qianren for help. Although Song Chunli is acting strangely so far, she won't try to harm me for now.”
Xin Qing nodded and said, ”I'll ask Ah Cang first.”
Back in the capital, an FAW sedan slowly pulled up at the lawn of the military district. The guards opened the passenger door carefully and a silver-haired old man stepped out of the vehicle. The old man's face was full of vitality and his body looked tall and straight; he gave the impression of someone who was in the pink of health.
With huge and long strides, the old man entered the quadrangle. When he stepped through the door, he immediately spoke to the woman sitting in the living room, ”Have you confirmed it? Is he the lost child?”
”He looks exactly the same as Qianze as a child. It has to be him,” Song Chunli said in an exhausted tone. ”I'll do a DNA test once I have your permission.”
Jiang Min was the commander-in-chief of the nation's three armed forces. Even until today, he had yet to retire from his post and his hold on the nation's military power remained as tight as ever. He knew he had to hold the fort until Jiang Qianren was capable enough to take over his position, only then would he finally retire. Otherwise, there was not a single doubt that the Jiang family would be forced out of the main stage of the military world.
Locating his long lost grandchild was, to the old man, the greatest source of comfort he could have in recent years. In a stern voice, he spoke to Song Chunli, ”Don't take the test just yet. It'll draw too much attention.” He turned around and prepared to head upstairs. Then, he halted his steps and turned his head back around to glance at Song Chunli.
”If you're still unable to let things go after so many years, then Qianze won't be able to rest in peace,” he warned.
A violent shudder shook Song Chunli's body. In a high-pitch voice, she yelled, ”Would my son die the kind of horrific death that he did if it weren't for that child? Why didn't you hand the child over to them that year? Why did you let my son die!”