Chapter 254 Of Course I Would Know the Actual Day Yousll Be Having Your Period (1/2)
Even though Rong Siman kept telling herself that everything was fine, her heart remained troubled. When Ying Qingcang noticed the way she was staring off into space every day, he did not try to comfort or reassure her. Instead, he even deliberately told her things that he knew would unnerve her further.
In the meantime, Xin Qing's suggestion was expeditiously approved by the town's mayor. The townsmen were very happy with the new plans as well, and would very soon move into the new and free premises provided to them by Xin Enterprises. On the day of the relocation, Xin Qing had shown up at the residential area to meet with the townsmen. That alone had helped her earn even more brownie points with the townsmen.
”See anything suspicious?” Xin Qing had returned to the car after interacting with the townsmen.
Ah Che pointed at one of the cars. ”Those guys loaded two large wooden boxes into the car just now.”
”Based on the current situation, it looks like we won't have get a chance to act today. Good thing we didn't make our move,” Zhang Mi said. ”Tsk, tsk. Looks like my man can be quite reliable at times.”
Their orginal plan had been to act while the relocation was taking place; however, Young Master Shen had disagreed with that plan on the grounds that there would be too much hustle and bustle during the relocation. The area would be too crowded with people to carry out a covert operation successfully. Also, they were still completely in the dark about Ying Hao and the chieftain's circumstances; hence, Young Master Shen thought they should play it safe by doing some reconnaissance first. So in the end, they had a change of plans...
There was an abandoned storeroom in the backyard of one of the residential premises. That night, the storeroom's back door was suddenly pushed open from the inside and Young Master Shen stepped out.
”Which one of you knuckleheads was in charge of digging the tunnel? Whoever you are, you sure did a sh*t job of cleaning up your mess. It's like a sh*thole down there,” Young Master Shen grumbled as he patted the dust and grime off his clothes.
Boss Wan's voice sounded in his headset, ”We had time constraints, so quit whining and stop making unreasonable demands. Listen, they've sealed up the underground cellar, so I'm guessing that's where they're keeping the hostages. You be careful, pal.”
The people inside the house were still awake; four foreign men were drinking alcohol while the mute woman was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. Young Master Shen did not intend to waste any more time. Before, they did not even have the chance to access the backyard of this house. Things were so much easier now. Without ado, Young Master Shen tossed a grenade through the window. In just few seconds, the entire house was filled with sleeping gas, knocking out everyone inside.
”Standby. I repeat, standby. I'll bring the hostages out if the coast is clear,” Young Master Shen said. Then, with much swagger, he yanked open the door of the underground cellar and walked down.
In a hotel nearby, Xin Qing and Zhang Mi were seated behind Boss Wan. All of them were waiting for Young Master Shen's signal to move in. Boss Wan's men were already lying in wait near the house; they could move in to rescue the hostages at a moment's notice.
A while later, Young Master Shen's voice sounded in the comm links, ”Stand down. I repeat, stand down. Abort mission.”
Xin Qing lunged forward and stood in front of the communication equipment. ”Why?” She yelled.
”I'll tell you when I get back.” Young Master Shen said before turning off the headset.
Young Master Shen explained the situation to them when they returned to S City the next day.
”I did speak with the chieftain, but I couldn't bring him out because Uncle Ying wasn't there.”
Xin Qing slumped against the couch, slightly dejected. ”Why were they kept in different places? Where are they keeping father? Didn't the chieftain tell you anything?”
”He doesn't know as well. Nor does Ah Cang.” Young Master Shen poured a glass of wine for Boss Wan. ”That was the reason why Ah Cang hadn't made any moves yet.”
After a long time spent in discussion, they still failed to come up with a satisfactory solution. Suddenly, Boss Wan stood up and said, ”I'll head back to base and keep on looking. There had to be a loophole somewhere that we can exploit. As long as they are both still being held captive, I know I'll find it eventually.”
”I'll walk you out,” Young Master Shen said, rising to his feet. ”Mimi, you stay here with Xin Qing. I'm going out to take care of some business.”
Once they were out of Ying's residence, Young Master Shen grabbed Boss Wan's arm. ”There's something else I hadn't mentioned back in there,” Young Master Shen said.
Boss Wan's heart sank when he noticed the grave expression on Young Master Shen's face.
In a blink of an eye, the summer holidays were around the corner. As usual, Caesar Academy had to organize a ball, which was why Xin Qing was once again buried herself in work and busy schedules. Xunxun had selected a little island in the Pacific Ocean for the academy's summer vacation trip this year. Wangwang kicked up a fuss and insisted on joining the trip, though that did not sit well with Xin Qing.
”You're only allowed to join the school trip after you turn 10,” Xin Qing told Wangwang during dinner.
”Even though I'm just four, I already have an IQ of a 10-year-old,” Wangwang grumbled in dissastisfaction.
”Who told you that?”
”I felt so myself,” Wangwang said with a straight face. ”In fact, I'm smarter than Aunt Monica.”
Xin Qing glanced at Monica, whose face was practically buried inside her bowl at this point.
”Since when have you become smarter than her? How come I didn't know that?” Xin Qing pinched Wangwang's cheek. ”Oh, my little boy is so adorable,” she thought. ”Just please don't let him acquire a sharp tongue like Xunxun, or Xiaorui's poker face.”
Wangwang pointed at Monica and said, ”I played a game with Aunt Monica a few days ago. She lost.”
”What did you play with him?” Xin Qing asked Monica.
Monica raised her head from her bowl. ”Tetris...” She said dejectedly.
”Aunt Monica didn't win a single round,” Wangwang said, smiling at the two women. ”She even said that you would do even worse than her if you played.”
Xin Qing shot Monica a dirty look. ”Oh, you're on! Let's go two rounds.”
In any case, Xin Qing would never allow Wangwang to join the school trip. In the end, it was Xiao Rui who came up with the idea that finally managed to dissuade Wangwang from joining the trip: Xiao Rui would take Wangwang with him and stay at Boss Wan's base for two months.
When Xin Qing asked Xiao Rui about his reason for picking Boss Wan's base to spend his summer holidays in, he told her that he wanted to do some training. Plus, Chen Huan gave Xin Qing her word that she would take good care of them. That had put Xin Qing's heart at ease, so she allowed Wangwang to go with Xiao Rui.
After she had sent off all four children, there was nothing else in the company which demanded Xin Qing's attention. With that much time on her hands, Xin Qing suddenly realized that it had been nearly a month since she last saw Ying Qingcang.
Today, Xin Qing finally caved. ”Are there any invitations for me lately?” She asked Zhang Mi.
Zhang Mi was doing some work on the computer. ”Oh, there are! Two, in fact. I didn't inform you about them,” Zhang Mi answered without raising her head.
”Why?” Xin Qing asked briskly.