Chapter 97 Of Course Ism Sleeping Here (1/2)
Xin Qing's body grew taut the moment she heard that voice. Tremors shook her body, and she had to struggle with all her might not to bolt right then and there.
”What's wrong with you?” William had noticed Xin Qing's strange behavior and was just about to step closer to help her, but another hand emerged from behind Xin Qing's body and beat him to it. Xin Qing barely had time to react before a pair of tiny, soft, white hands touched her face.
”Ah... uh... ma...”
Xin Qing turned around abruptly. Her eyes fell upon a pair of dark pupils, which were gazing at her. A pale and plump little baby, who had foams at her mouth, was reaching out her hands towards Xin Qing.
”Ah Sha!?” Xin Qing yelled in surprise. At Xin Qing's voice, Ah Sha's eyes brightened instantly and she tilted her body towards Xin Qing. Xin Qing quickly reached out and took the baby, hugging its tiny form to her own body. ”You're here! Oh, God, you're here!” Xin Qing said, her tears spilling as she rained kisses upon the baby's tiny, pale and tender face.
”I brought her here, of course,” Ying Qingcang said, staring at her with gloomy eyes. ”She's turning one soon. I'd like the family to be together for her first birthday.” After he said those words, he gave William a pointed look.
Vacillating between tears and laughter, Xin Qing said, ”This is all my fault. I should've gone back. Thank you for bringing her here!”
”We're family. So you don't have to thank me,” Ying Qingcang said, smiling suddenly. Xin Qing shuddered inwardly when she saw that smile. She quickly lowered her head. ”That was close,” she thought. ”I was so close to being seduced again.”
William had been watching them from the sidelines. At that moment, he seemed to have come upon a realization. ”Seems like I'm not needed here after all!” William said, smiling. ”Since your family's here, then I guess I have no more business here.” William nodded to Ying Qingcang. ”You should be more careful if you have such a beautiful wife staying out!”
Xin Qing wanted to correct William, but clammed up pathetically after noticing the look Ying Qingcang's had given her.
”Thank you for the advice. But I trust her, because we are very much in love with each other!” Ying Qingcang said, pulling Xin Qing into his arms. When Xin Qing tried to move, he trapped her waist against him. There was nothing more Xin Qing could do but grin at William.
William looked at her, tipping his head slightly. Then he got into his car and left. Xin Qing jumped away when William's car was quite some distance away. ”Are you nuts? Since when did we become family?”
”I was listed as the father in Ah Sha's adoption papers. Your name was listed down as the mother. If you aren't willing to accept this, I could always change it when I go back. That's one reason for them to terminate our child custody,” Ying Qingcang said humorlessly. ”Also, I came all the way here with Ah Sha just to see you, yet here you are, flirting with another man on the streets. It's going to traumatize the poor child.”
Xin Qing was not in the mood to argue with him. Putting on a fake smile, she turned around and walked away. Ying Qingcang was not in a hurry, so he trailed after her lazily as he pushed the trolley along. Every time Xin Qing picked up her pace, Ah Sha's hand would wrap around her neck, trying to reach for Ying Qingcang who was trailing behind them.
”Ah... uh... da!” If Xin Qing did not stop to wait for Ying Qingcang to catch up, Ah Sha would start crying. This infuriated Xin Qing as she was now forced to stay within a few paces' distances from him.
When they reached her place, Xin Qing suddenly remembered that she did not have any food prepared for Ah Sha. She decided to make another trip to the supermarket. When she opened the door to head out, two people walked in with two massive suitcases.
”You even brought people here?” Xin Qing asked, wondering why she never saw those people.
Ying Qingcang gave her a look. ”They'd been following us around with the car, didn't you notice?”
”Young miss!” Ah Che exclaimed excitedly. Xin Qing had only just realized that Ah Che had come along too. Exhilarated, Xin Qing walked over and gave Ah Che a hug. ”Long time no see. Are you well?”
Ah Che's entire body grew taut when he noticed the daggers shooting out from Ying Qingcang's eyes. He quickly took a step back. ”Young miss, I'm very well! Aunt Tian and Uncle Fu sent their regards!”
”Mm! Mm! I bought them gifts. Please pass it to them when you return!”
Seeing that the men had already moved the bags upstairs, Ying Qingcang said, ”You can leave now.”
”Leave? Ah Che won't be staying here?”
”Oh! I'm staying at a hotel!” Ah Che said quickly.
”There's plenty of room here. There's no need for you to stay at a hotel!” Xin Qing said, glaring at Ying Qingcang.
”But it might not be appropriate for him to stay here since he was planning to hunt for women,” Ying Qingcang said coolly.
”Hu-hunt for women?” Xin Qing blushed, though her blush was inferior compared to Ah Che's. ”Ye-yeah,” Ah Che said, closing the door and hightailed it out of there.
Xin Qing stood in the living room with Ah Sha in her arms whereas Ying Qingcang sat on the couch as if he owned the place. None of them said a word. For Xin Qing, it was because she had no idea what to say, whereas Ying Qingcang was secretly looking for traces of male presence in her home.
”Um...” Xin Qing could not take the silence anymore. She sat down opposite of Ying Qingcang. ”You came here out of the blue. Is something wrong?”
Ying Qingcang seemed to be smiling at her all this while. Sometimes the smile was there, but sometimes it vanished. It was impossible to tell if he had actually been smiling. It gave Xin Qing the creeps. Ying Qingcang stood up and poured himself a glass of water. ”What could possibly go wrong?”
”You...” Xin Qing had wanted to ask whether his fiancé would be happy with him being here, but she held herself back because that would totally make her sound jealous.
”What?” Ying Qingcang smiled again.
Xin Qing felt like covering Ying Qingcang's face with a rag or something. Why was he smiling for no reason? Her brain was short circuiting because of his smile.
”I'm going to make our meals,” she said, passing Ah Sha to Ying Qingcang. Ying Qingcang stopped her. ”Unpack Ah Sha's things first.”
Ah Che had left a cartoon-themed suitcase in the living room. It contained Ah Sha's things. From the suitcase, Xin Qing took out a children's mat, a baby walker in the form of a toy car, and several other playthings. She set the items on the floor.
Ying Qingcang placed Ah Sha on the baby walker. Ah Sha could already walk with its help, just that she was still unable to maintain stability, causing her to fall on her but from time to time.