Chapter 56 1 He Wonst Marry You (1/2)

Chapter 56 (1) He Won't Marry You

Shi Qianqian's words had thrown everyone off. Jian Bai stared at Shi Qianqian for a long time until finally, a glint of recognition flashed across his eyes. ”Oh. We met during that amateur Go tournament held in the city two years ago!”

Shi Qianqian nodded, ”I remember you were ranked second in the city.”

”And you were fifth,” Jian Bai smiled happily. ”Can't believe I'd actually run into you here.”

Shi Qianqian pointed at Xin Qing, ”I'm here to accompany a friend.”

”Oh, what a coincidence!” Jian Jie noted, ”so you and Qianqian know each other. And on top of that, you're even Go buddies. Ooh, I know, from now on you guys can hang out together and practice your Go skills,” Jian Jie nudged her brother, ”come on, give Qianqian your number.”

The rest of the afternoon went by with Xin Qing and Zhang Mi accompanying Le Le for its intravenous infusion while Shi Qianqian and Jian Bai seemed to be engrossed in an animated conversation. The two of them had warmed up to each other quickly. When she left, Jian Jie could barely conceal the smile on her face.

”Since when did Qianqian become so passionate when interacting with another person?” Zhang Mi asked, looking in the direction of Jian Bai and Shi Qianqian. Jian Bai was examining a cat while Shi Qianqian stood beside him grinning.

Xin Qing shook her head, ”Beats me.”

By nightfall, Ying Qingcang came to pick her up, though he did not drive because he had brought Monica along. Under normal circumstances, Ying Qingcang would never allow any woman other than Xin Qing to ride his car. But Xin Qing had insisted on treating Monica to a welcoming dinner, so Ying Qingcang had no other choice but to bring Monica along in his car.

Noticing the extra company, Zhang Mi saw the potential for a jolly night. So she reminded Ying Qingcang of his previous offer to treat Shi Qianqian and herself to a meal. ”Since we're all here tonight, why not just make it tonight!” Zhang Mi said.

So it became a dinner for five, at least until they bumped into Young Master Shen at the restaurant's entrance. The latter was getting off his car when they saw him. There was also a beautiful woman with him. Well, the dinner company just got bigger.

After dinner had ended, Xin Qing went to freshen up in the ladies room. The woman who came with Young Master Shen was also there, reapplying her makeup. The woman looked at Xin Qing. ”I know you,” she said in a slightly envious tone, ”President Ying treats you really well. He even called you his fiancee in front of so many people.”

Xin Qing chuckled. ”Young Master Shen seems to be treating you pretty well, too!” To be honest, Xin Qing had no idea what to say to the woman. After all, she knew very well about Young Master Shen's attitude towards women in general.

Sure enough, the beautiful woman laughed bitterly. ”Don't joke around,” she said, ”I know the rules of the game. He seems to like me now, so he'll do my bidding for now. But who knows whose bed he'll be rolling in after a few days!”

”Although,” the woman went on, ”do you think that President Ying would really marry you?”

Xin Qing glanced at the woman, though she could not detect any malice in the woman's eyes. ”What do you mean?”

”Oh gosh, so you really have no idea! Right now all the women of note are placing bets. Bets on when you'll be dumped by President Ying,” the beautiful woman lowered her voice, ”look, we all know men like President Ying. If they ever get married, it would have to be with someone of equal standing. They would only settle for women who can contribute to their families' interests. As for women like us without social standing? I'd say we're lucky enough just to have a chance to be eye candy.”

Xin Qing left the ladies room in a daze. A while later after Xin Qing had left, a smiling Monica walked out of the last stall in the bathroom.

Later that night, Ying Qingcang, who had just finished his shower, noticed Xin Qing writing something in her journal.

”What are you writing this time?” Ying Qingcang asked as he embraced Xin Qing from behind.

Xin Qing slammed the journal shut. ”Nothing, really. Just a habit. It'd feel strange if I don't write anything for a few days.”

”You should warn your friend about that guy, Jian Bai. I don't think he's as innocent as he seems,” Ying Qingcang said, biting down on Xin Qing's earlobe. Xin Qing was torn between feeling numb and ticklish, so she turned around and threw herself into the embrace. ”Qianqian is not usually this forward,” Xin Qing said, ”I don't know what's got into her today.”

Xin Qing raised her head to look at Ying Qingcang, ”Is there something wrong with that Jian Bai?” Ying Qingcang lifted a finger to Xin Qing's lips and began a series of gentle caresses, ”Young Master Shen told me he'd seen the guy interacting with people from the underworld a few times.”

At Ying Qingcang's words, Xin Qing reacted instantly. She knew what 'underworld' meant. It meant the mob. Gangsters. She panicked, ”Is Qianqian in danger?”

”I'd rather you worry more about yourself. Or me!” Ying Qingcang flicked Xin Qing's forehead, ”That friend of yours is smart. Well, at least she's smarter than you, anyway. You just need to drop her a hint, and she'll take care of the rest on her own.”

It was as if Xin Qing had suddenly turned into a cat whose hackles were raised. She began pawing and scratching against Ying Qingcang's torso. ”Why aren't I smart? Which part of me isn't smart?” Ying Qingcang, who had been entertaining thoughts of taking Xin Qing to bed since earlier, instantly reacted to her playful and flirtatious gesture. Amidst trying to figure out a way to prove her intelligence to Ying Qingcang, Xin Qing found herself thrown onto the bed.

”Ah! That tickles... Hahaha...”

”Say my name, babe!”

”Ying Qingcang...”

”Don't use the full name!”

”Xiao Qing... Xiao Cang...” Xin Qing shouted as she kicked out her calves.


”Okay. I think you should just go back to using the full name!”

The following day after class, Xin Qing was on the way to the vet to see Le Le. Shi Qianqian offered to accompany her.

”Qianqian... Don't tell me you've actually fallen for that Jian Bai?” Xin Qing thought of Ying Qingcang's words of advice to drop Shi Qianqian a few hints. ”That guy has connections to the mob, I don't think you should get too close to him.”

Shi Qianqian flashed a smile, one that was profound and meaningful. That smile gave Xin Qing the creeps and she shuddered.

Ying Qingcang had to attend a dinner party that evening, so the driver came to pick up Xin Qing instead. But when she got into the car, she was taken by surprise.

”Hi!” Monica waved at her. Xin Qing smiled at Monica before settling down in the seat across her. ”I thought you'll be attending the dinner party with Ying Qingcang!”