2 Out of Business (1/1)

I was walking down the stairs of my house in the morning when I heard my parents speaking in hushed voices. ”What are we gonna do?” my Mom asked. ”I don't know love but we'll figure this out we always do.” my Dad said. ”Mom, Dad what's going on?” I asked. My Mom smiled gently at me, ”Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.” she said.

I ignored them because they kept trying to evade my questions. Instead I decided to make breakfast. I grabbed eggs, cheese, butter, and bacon from the fridge. I got a frying pan from on of the kitchen cupboards and made four slices of bacon and two cheesey scrambled eggs.

When I was done with breakfast I got ready fir school. Like always, I went fir clothes that would help me blend in so Ryan would leave me alone.

When I got to school I heard that terrible voice again. ”So, you guys poor yet?” Ryan asked. So much for blending in. ”What the hell are you talking about?” I asked with acid in my voice. He smirked, ”Still haven't figured it out? Guess you will soon then.” That's all he said before walking away.

When I got home I approached my parents. ”Are we poor?” I asked them. My mother sighed, ”No honey, we just aren't working anymore. We lost the family business.” I can't believe what she just said. We actually went out of business.