Part 18 (1/2)

698. With vizored falsehood: falsehood with its vizor, or face-piece, down, to conceal its ident.i.ty.

700. With liquorish baits. _Liquorish_, now usually spelled _lickerish_, is allied to _lecherous_, and has no connection with _liquor_ or with _liquorice_.

703. The goodness of the gift lies in the intention of the giver.

707. those budge doctors of the stoic fur. _Budge_ is defined by Dr.

Murray: ”Solemn in demeanor, important-looking, pompous, stiff, formal.”

Cowper, in his poem Conversation, has the couplet: ”The solemn fop; significant and budge; A fool with judges, amongst fools a judge.” _A doctor of the Stoic fur_ is a teacher of the Stoic philosophy, who wears a gown of the fur to which his degree of doctor ent.i.tles him.

708. fetch their precepts from the Cynic tub: teach doctrines learned from the Cynic Diogenes, who is reputed to have lived in a tub.

719. hutched: stowed or laid away, as in a chest or hutch.

721. pulse; conceived as the simplest kind of food.

722. frieze; to be p.r.o.nounced _freeze_.

724. and yet: and what is yet more.

728. Who refers back to Nature.

734. they below: the people of the lower world.

737. coy. See Lycidas 18. cozened. See Merchant of Venice II 9 38.

744. It refers back to beauty.

748. homely; in the modern disparaging sense.

750. grain: color.

751. To ply, or make, a sampler, as a proof of her skill with the needle, was, until very modern times, the duty of every young girl. The old samplers are now precious heirlooms in families. to tease the huswife's wool. To _tease wool_, or to card it, was to use the teasle, or a card, to prepare it for spinning. Carding and spinning were common duties of the huswife and her daughters.

753. In what respect can tresses be said to be like the morn?

760. when vice can bolt her arguments. There are two verbs, spelled alike, _bolt_. One means to sift, and is used often of arguments and reasonings. To bolt arguments is to construct them with logical care and precision. The other _bolt_ means to shoot forth or blurt out. We may take our choice of the two words.

773. How is the line to be scanned?

780. Or have I said enow? In the edition of Comus published in 1645 this pa.s.sage reads, _Or have I said enough?_ In the edition of 1673, the latest that he revised, Milton changed _enough_ to _enow_. Grammatically, _enough_ is the better form, as the Elizabethan usage favored _enough_ for the form of the adjective with singular nouns and for the adverb, and _enow_ as the adjective with plurals. It would seem that the poet must have had some motive of euphony for the change he made.

788. thou art worthy that thou shouldst not know. A Latinism: _dignus es qui non cognoscas_.

793. the uncontrolled worth Of this pure cause: the invincible power inherent in the cause by virtue of its nature.

804. Speaks thunder and the chains of Erebus To some of Saturn's crew: p.r.o.nounces sentence upon his foes, condemning them to the punishments named. _Erebus_--Darkness--is one of the numerous names of the lower world, the kingdom of Pluto.

808. the canon laws: the fundamental laws, or the Const.i.tution. Canon law, generally speaking, is ecclesiastical law, or the law governing the church.