Part 4 (1/2)
Among the officers under treatment we may mention: 1 wounded right knee, 1 scalp wound, 1 compound fracture of the thigh, 1 neck wound, 1 bullet wound in the chest, 1 bullet wound in the face, all recent cases coming from El Arish.
Number Number Cause of Death. of Deaths of Deaths in 1915. in 1916.
Surgical cases 30 17 Pleurisy 2 5 Dysentery 8 19 Typhoid 1 1 Pericarditis 1 2 Pneumonia 3 11 Pulmonary tuberculosis -- 26 Intestinal tuberculosis -- 21 Nephritis -- 5 Gangrene -- 1 Hepat.i.tis -- 1 Pernicious anaemia -- 1 --- --- Total 45 110 === ===
The dead were buried in the Musulman cemetery with military honours, such comrades as were well enough attending the ceremony.
~5. The Cairo Citadel Camp.~
_(Visited on January 3, 1917.)_
This camp occupies the curious Jewel-Palace, one of the monuments of the citadel, and contains only women and children coming from Hedjaz, who were captured near Mecca.
The dates of arrival are as follows:
Women and Children.
1st convoy of 123 September 11, 1916 2nd ” ” 66 October 16, 1916 3rd ” ” 26 ” 28, 1916 4th ” ” 82 November 7, 1916 5th ” ” 132 ” 29, 1916
_Numbers._--The total includes 229 women and 207 children (7 of whom were born in camp), and a further batch of 200 women is expected shortly.
_The Head Matron_ is Miss Lewis. It is she who has the management and full control of this camp, which, by its character and its diversity of nationalities, and religions, demands great patience, tact and kindness--qualities possessed in the highest degree by Miss Lewis. She devotes herself entirely, and most capably, to this often very ungrateful task, and we welcome this chance of conveying to her the expression of our appreciation.
Those interned are divided into three The first cla.s.s consists of officers' wives and children; the second cla.s.s, of those of the non-commissioned officers; and the third cla.s.s, of soldiers' wives and servants. This cla.s.sification has been adopted in order that the dormitories shall be occupied by persons of as nearly as possible the same social standing.
_Accommodation._--The important group of buildings known as Saleh-el-din (Saladin) comprises a great number of rooms whose size and curious ornateness contrast strangely with their present use as a concentration camp for civilian prisoners. From the windows of these apartments one looks across the panorama of Cairo, with its mosques, its minarets and the misty background of the desert.
The 40 inhabited rooms are allotted in three sections, corresponding to the social cla.s.sification established for the interned women.
The rooms and corridors are paved throughout with marble, but the general distribution of mats and even beautiful carpets gives an impression of comfort. The large dimensions of the chambers, as compared with the smallness of the number of occupants, give plenty of room for exercise and work. Corridors and vestibules connect the different buildings. They are lighted with paraffin lamps.
An extensive garden is always at the prisoners' disposal.
_Bedding._--The j.a.panned iron bedsteads are furnished with spring and stuffed mattresses, sheets, blankets, and pillows. In their arrangement one notices the influence of personal taste. Embroidered coverlets, hangings and upholstery give to some of the apartments an aspect of comfort and even of elegance. The military administration supplies all the furniture and the regulation bedding, to which the inmates may add what they like at their own expense.
_Dress._--The English authorities supply women and children with all their linen and other clothing.
_Food._--Provisioning is a private enterprise, carried out under a contract. The food is the same for all, and is unlimited in quant.i.ty. The women are given as much as they desire of each dish. No complaint was made concerning the food, which is wholesome and palatable. We visited the kitchen and sampled the day's menu. Milk in large quant.i.ties is provided for the children. The meals are served in three well-appointed dining-rooms.
The hours for meals are: Breakfast, from 7.30 to 8.30.
Lunch, from 12.30 to 1.80.