Part 2 (1/2)
He slipped his hand under her arm and her dress loosened as he released the hidden zipper. Her bodice sagged to reveal her strapless blue lace bra and she heard his breath catch.
Alexei sank to his knees once more, pressing forward between her legs. He placed a kiss between her exposed mounds before taking her dress into his hands. Silent, he urged her hips up to allow him to remove the garment. She leaned back, arching her hips to allow him to slide the dress off her body.
aChrist, woman.a His jaw closed with an audible click when he saw the barely-there matching thong. aYouare going to kill me.
Hidden beneath her mask, Elaine felt bold as she reached for him. aYouall die a happy man,a she murmured.
She tangled her fingers in his hair as he kissed her just above her belly b.u.t.ton, curling her toes as his tongue dipped inside. He reached for her hands, twining their fingers as he pushed her back on the bed. Soft kisses trailed heat to her mons where he nuzzled the blue lace and soft curls contained there.
aAlexei?a her voice trembled.
His grip tightened urging her to slide toward him, spreading her thighs to accommodate the width of his shoulders as she bared herself to his touch. He nuzzled the thin material of her panties aside and, with the first swipe of his tongue, sent fire through her blood. As he settled in to suckle her tight bead of sensitive flesh, she bit her lip to prevent herself from crying out at the delicious sensations he was creating. Heat raged through her body as the tension built beneath his mouth.
She made a sound of protest when he stopped and raised his head, their gazes clas.h.i.+ng.
aSing for me,a he said. aI want to hear your pleasure.a He lowered his head once more and she dropped back to the bed. As he teased her sensitized flesh, soft moans poured from her lips. Vaguely, she was aware of the animal sounds but paid them no mind. He wanted to hear her, to let him experience what his touch did to her.
He released her left hand, sliding down to tease at her nether lips before inserting one thick finger into her tight channel. She arched her hips as he filled her with a second finger, his tongue never losing its persuasive rhythm.
Tension pooled low in her gut as Alexei stroked her needy flesh, her cries increasing in volume. Her breath caught as her world exploded into spasms of delight against his mouth. Deep and convulsive, stars showered against her closed eyelids as release raged through her body. It seemed to go on and on until, finally, their intensity lessened and she sagged against the bed, her breathing ragged.
She was vaguely aware of Alexei as he rose from the floor. She heard the sound of a drawer sliding then he stalked around the bed. He opened and shut another drawer, muttering under his breath as he did so.
Feeling as if she were drugged with pleasure, she forced her eyes open to see him standing at the foot of the bed, a frustrated expression on his face.
aWhatas wrong?a aNo condoms.a She gaped at him. aYou donat have any in your room?a aNo, I checked earlier.a She blinked, then began to laugh.
aI donat think itas very funny,a he growled.
aI donat either.a She bit her lip until her merriment was contained before she continued. aI was thinking that I have an entire drawer of s.e.xual hardware in the bathroom and not one condom to be found. Talk about lack of planning.a She burst into laughter.
He moved around the bed to stand between her spread thighs. aThis lack of planning will kill me.a aSo you keep saying.a She sat up and grabbed his pants, her fingers dipping into the waistband mere inches from his thrusting erection. She pulled him down, fully clothed, to cover her, raising her legs to cradle him. He moaned and gave an involuntary thrust, his c.o.c.k grinding against her sensitized core.
aNot the optimum answer, but it will do in a pinch,a she panted.
He caught her mouth in a searing kiss as her fingers captured his hips, guiding him into the perfect rhythm. She twined her legs around his hips, giving herself up to the sensations he aroused in her.
She came again, hard. Fast.
He paused only long enough for her to catch her breath before he started again, his thrusts hard and short. Urgency raced along her skin and, within seconds, she peaked for a third time, her cry thin and high. Her eyes closed as a myriad of sensations poured through her body.
aCan you take more?a His strained voice sounded harsh in her ear.
She blinked, seeing his face, only a shadow, so close to hers. His tone told her he was in agony. Shead been multi-o.r.g.a.s.mic for as long as she could remember, she usually outlasted her male partners every time. But shead never seen a man last as long as Alexei did.
She released her grip on him and snaked her hands between their bodies. The front of his pants were damp from her arousal and she unzipped them, eliciting a strangled groan from him as he angled up, allowing her to free him.
His breath hissed through his teeth as she stroked his impressive erection from root to tip. Silk over steel, she marveled over the size she felt but couldnat see. He thrust against her hands, gentle involuntary movements she knew he couldnat prevent.
She cupped the head, running her fingers along the sensitive underside of his c.o.c.k, glorying in the mix of ecstasy and pain that sounded in his groans. Was she hurting him? Was he so sensitive she was causing him pain? She repeated her movement and he growled deep in his throat as he thrust against her hands, harder this time.
aAlexei,a she whispered. aDo you like this?a She cupped his b.a.l.l.s with one hand, her other tracing a ring around his tender tip.
aYes,a he panted.
aAlexei. Come for me.a His breathing grew ragged as her fingers curled around his shaft. A sound of near-pain escaped his mouth and she reluctantly released him. He lowered himself against her lower belly, sealing his steel between them as he began thrusting.
Twicea A cry dragged from his soul as he came. Warmth gushed over her skin where their bellies pressed together. Glorying in the sensation of his release, she slid her arms around his shoulders as he sank against her, his breath hot against her neck as he trembled with the force of his release. The scent of warm male and shared s.e.x perfumed the air and she released a l.u.s.ty sigh. She was replete.
aIall supply the condoms tomorrow.a He pressed a lazy kiss to her neck.
aMmm, today. Itas already tomorrow.a aOkay, today.a aA big box,a she prompted.
He gave a half-hearted nip at her throat. aA huge box.a She grinned as a thrill of possession ran through her. Relaxed, she stretched her legs out, stifling a laugh when she realized they hadnat taken time to remove her stockings or her bra.
Next timea
Chapter 4.
She was wearing his gift.
Alexei watched Elaine as she chatted with two tall blonde women, twins he suspected, each dressed as l.u.s.ty barmaids, exposing more skin than was covered by their clothing. Elaine had a gla.s.s of champagne in one hand and a huge smile on her face, her green eyes sparkling from behind her burgundy half mask.
The rich wine-colored silk of her full skirt licked the top of her black leather b.u.t.ton-up boots. As she turned to wave at Dirk, Alexei caught a glimpse of her white, lace-trimmed petticoats. The black velvet corset made her waist look impossibly tiny while pus.h.i.+ng her normally adequate cleavage into bountiful proportions.
He licked his lips as he took her in shoulders, clad in fine white linen. Shead added the s.h.i.+rt under the corset to cover some of her exposed skin, no doubt. He wasnat disappointed. If anything, her modesty only added to her allure. A narrow band of onyx stones encircled her throat and shead tossed a brightly colored scarf over her arms to cross the middle of her back With this gift of the clothing, she looked like the beautiful Russian gypsy he remembered. He closed his eyes and entertained an image of Elaine dancing under a full moon, her feet bare, her hair tangled with wildflowers.
Tonight was the night to find out for sure if she was the one, and to do this he had to strip the outfit off her body. He opened his eyes, his gaze fastening on her. It was a tough job, but he was just the man to do it.
Elaineas breath caught in her throat as she saw Alexei make his way toward her. Tight black leather pants clung to every inch of his legs, accentuating his muscles as he moved. A long-sleeved, oversized royal blue s.h.i.+rt fluttered as he moved, the chest open, leaving his rippled stomach in view. Around his slim waist, head tied a burgundy silk scarf that matched her skirt. Tucked into that was a jeweled dagger.
He looked dangerous, and he was all hers.
She tightened her thighs as a spurt of warmth sprang to life. Tonight was the nighta aOh my, I just have to sample that oneaa With a swish of her tan skirts, Sabrina, one of twins walked toward Alexei, an exaggerated swing to her walk. She s.h.i.+fted her shoulder, allowing her blouse to slide off, revealing pale skin. aWell, h.e.l.lo there.a Alexei gave her an abbreviated nod and stepped around the predatory blonde. Elaineas breath left in a rush as he curled an arm around her waist and hauled her into his arms. His mouth descended and he took her in a kiss that was powerful and earthy at the same time.
She leaned into him, sliding her arms around his shoulders as he insinuated a strong thigh between hers, pressing against the damp apex of her thighs. She squirmed to get closer, anything to appease the ache of need he alone kindled.
aI missed you,a he growled.
A laugh bubbled in her throat. aAnd I, you.a aCome.a He glanced around the outdoor party before meeting her gaze. aLet us find someplace quiet.a She nodded and, together, they turned and arm in arm, walked toward the doors and the gardens outside.