Chapter 236: Silence (1/2)

Nan Xun frowned. He was bothered by Jun Huang's response, but she seemed set on her decision. He knew there was nothing he could say to change that. He'd have to try something else in order to stay with her.

Jun Huang relaxed when Nan Xun didn't say anything. She made her way to the bedroom she'd been staying in and packed up. Once she was done and opened the door, though, Nan Xun was right outside with a pack of his own. She looked at him questioningly.

”What are you doing?”

Nan Xun smiled. ”I've thought about it. Your manor isn't safe, but it'll be troublesome to put a group of soldiers to guard it. I've talked to my second in command. I don't have to go to the training ground these couple of days. I'll go home with you.”

His reasoning was solid. She didn't have a good comeback. It was unexpected of him to corner her. This was the most shameless he'd been with her, but she found him endearing nonetheless.

She stood there helplessly, unsure of what to do. In the end, she surrendered. It'd be unproductive to keep pus.h.i.+ng him away. Since he wouldn't give up on staying with her, she might as well let him be.

Nan Xun's smile widened, melting away the coldness in his eyes. Jun Huang took the lead on their way to her manor. They encountered a few familiar faces. Those who were loyal to Qi Chen came up to her to greet her. Those in the third prince's circle abandoned their plan to mock her when they saw Nan Xun. His status in the court was undeniable.

Jun Huang relaxed when they reached her manor. There was an odd tension in the air on their way here. Nan Xun thought differently. He enjoyed the walk with her. It was something they hadn't done often.

Little Girl was excited to hear that Jun Huang was coming back. She ordered the servants to clean up the rooms and had the cooks prepare Jun Huang's favorite food. She herself brewed a pot of fine tea for Jun Huang.

Her hard work was interrupted when someone announced that Jun Huang had returned. She stopped what she was doing and rushed to the door to welcome her.

Jun Huang was happy to see Little Girl, who'd grown more and more beautiful. The girl had been with her for a while, and she was easy to like. Jun Huang had been too busy to come check on her lately. It made her feel a little nostalgic to see how much the girl had changed. She entered the manor with Little Girl on her side.

She was amazed by how much her manor had changed. The fake mountain in the garden between the east wing and the west wing was now connected to a water source. Clear stream rushed down from on top of the mountain. It was a refres.h.i.+ng sight in summertime.

The winding hallway was now hung with a great number of gla.s.s lamps. The paintings on the lamps were finely drawn. Jun Huang kept looking up in fascination. She was moved by Little Girl's gesture.

”You've become more mature,” she said with a smile. ”Your consideration is endearing.”

Little Girl blushed and threw a glance at Nan Xun, who had been trailing after them silently. ”The gentleman has been too kind. I can't find those items on my own. The prince was the one who bought them. He said that the gentleman liked lamps like those, and it turns out you do. The prince indeed knows you well.”

Jun Huang turned around to look at Nan Xun, who coughed and averted his gaze a little bashfully. A soft smile found its place to her face. She looked at him with gentle eyes. Her turquoise robe fluttered in the wind, accentuating her grace.

”I didn't know Your Highness was this good at pleasing people,” she said teasingly.

Nan Xun blushed slightly. Under the sun, no one noticed anything unusual about him. The servants thought he was merely feeling warm. They led Nan Xun and Jun Huang to a pavilion for some tea with flowers as their company.

Evening came. The lamps were lit and the sight captivated her even more. She walked along the hallway, looking up at the colorful lamps. She could drown in the vibrant colors.

Nan Xun walked out of the west wing, watching her from a distance. Lamplight covered her in a warm, fuzzy glow. Everything else fell away in contrast to her beauty.

Jun Huang had felt his heated gaze. She lowered her head and turned to him. Her cool eyes sent a thrill down Nan Xun's spine. He could almost feel it in his bones. He couldn't let go of that feeling.

”Have the servants prepared a room for you?” Jun Huang asked as she walked up to him.

Nan Xun nodded. ”They have.”

They quietly walked in the dark with Jun Huang taking the lead, and Nan Xun a silent shadow behind her.

Little Girl announced that dinner was ready. She asked if they'd like to eat now.

Jun Huang turned to Nan Xun and nodded. They made their way to the main hall and took their seats. Jun Huang had her head and eyes lowered when she ate. She didn't eat much. Her movement was elegant and mesmerizing. Nan Xun couldn't help sneaking glances at her. He quickly looked away when she looked up at him.

Afterwards, they walked toward their bedrooms to rest. Nan Xun grabbed her hand and said seriously, ”I… hope you aren't mad at me for what happened in the morning.”