Chapter 178 (1/2)

Chapter 178: Moment of Life and Death

”Are you out of your mind?!” Jun Huang exclaimed. She couldn't believe what Nan Xun had just suggested. What was he thinking? She didn't think of herself as someone timid, but she only took chances when she knew she could win. What Nan Xun was going to do, though, had never been done before. She didn't think it was possible.

Jun Huang realized that she might have been too harsh. They were on the same boat. Nan Xun wanted to leave this place as much as she did.

”This is not like taming a wild horse at the border, Nan Xun,” Jun Huang said in a softer tone. ”You may be able to tame a horse, but taming this monster? That's a different story. Do you get what I mean?”

Nan Xun tilted his head and gave Jun Huang a confident smile. He got to his feet and brushed away the dust on his clothes before making his way to the edge of the pavillion. His sharp eyes fixed on the monster underwater as if he was going to skin it alive.

He untied the handkerchief covering his palm to reveal his wound. After preparing himself mentally, he cut his palm with his sword. Blood burst out from the cut and dripped into the water. The monster roared into life once it smelled the blood. It came to the bottom of the pavilion, sending ripples after ripples over the water.

As it surfaced, Nan Xun pointed his sword at it. It whimpered and stared at Nan Xun with its large eyes. Suddenly, it seemed more pitiful than menacing.

Jun Huang was shocked. She didn't expect this hideous monster to be able to comprehend human intentions. Her fear for it diminished greatly.

”If you carry us to the other side, I will give you my blood,” Nan Xun said. ”Otherwise I'll stab you again.”

Nan Xun made a play of stabbing at the monster. As he expected, the monster was a sentient creature. It could understand his words. Nan Xun's attack earlier had left an impression on it that Nan Xun was stronger than it was. It came up to the surface of the water without struggling.

”Come.” Nan Xun took Jun Huang's arm before she could recover from her shock and jumped onto the monster's head. Unlike what Jun Huang expected, the monster's head was soft and they sunk into the flesh as soon as they landed.

The monster obediently carried Jun Huang and Nan Xun to the other side of the lake – probably due to the intimidating presence that was inherent to Nan Xun. It looked at Nan Xun with its lantern-like eyes, waiting for him to award it with some blood.

Nan Xun honor his promise and sliced his palm again. Blood streamed down his hand and dropped onto the monster's body. He stopped the bleeding when he deemed it a good enough award and led Jun Huang through the door.

Once they had left the room, two men walked out of the shadow. One of them was the old man from earlier. He had a chicken in his hand. He threw it into the monster's mouth. The monster disappeared as quickly as it had surfaced.

”Do you think they will be able to pa.s.s the trial?” the old man asked worriedly.

The other man was Ji Bo, who should have been in the imperial city. His eyes were dark in bemus.e.m.e.nt. He had always been difficult to read. If the old man had not been his friend for years, he wouldn't have noticed the undercurrent of emotions in Ji Bo's eyes. It worried him.

After a moment of silence, Ji Bo answered with a question, ”Don't you think they've done well?”

The old man paused to think back to Jun Huang and Nan Xun's performance. A look of appreciation appeared on his face. ”They've done well, but it's only the first challenge. Many more challenges await them. Who knows if they will be able to come out intact?”

Ji Bo nodded in agreement. ”You're right,” he said before adding, ”But I have a strong feeling that they will not let us down.”

”I hope so. Let's go.”

Ji Bo nodded and returned to their vantage point to watch Nan Xun's and Jun Huang's every move while drinking tea.

Jun Huang and Nan Xun came to the third door after going through a short tunnel. They shared a look and walked inside. At the center of the room was an iron cage. It was big enough for a person to fit in.

Again, there was no apparent way out.

Nan Xun frowned. What did this mean? He turned to Jun Huang, who shook her head. The last challenge had taught them to be wary. They decided to take a rest before doing anything.

Seeing the wounds on Nan Xun's palm, Jun Huang was reminded of the medicine she had brought with her. She didn't expect it to be of use.

The oil lamps on the wall were dim. She had to get close to see clearly. Carefully, she applied the powder on the cut with her head lowered.