Chapter 88 (1/2)

Chapter 88: The banished Empress

The leader collapsed and coughed out a mouthful of blood. Seeing this, the other five men rushed to help him up.

Nan Xun has not demonstrated his full power yet, the leader thought. He had been through enough fights himself to tell that this was far from Nan Xun's limit. They were bound to be defeated if they didn't cut their losses now.

”This is only the beginning, Nan Xun,” said the leader. He got to his feet with the help of his underlings. They escaped before neither Nan Xun nor Jun Huang could react.

Jun Huang snorted. She took a deep breath with a hand on her chest to focus her mind. ”They aren't that good at fighting, but they sure have mastered the art of fleeing.”

Nan Xun knew that Jun Huang was trying to lighten the mood, but he couldn't force himself to laugh. He helped Jun Huang get to the two men who had collapsed earlier. Under the masks were two unfamiliar faces. From the veins in their foreheads, it was clear that they were trained in martial arts.

The last thing the leader had said was ominous to say the least. Something was going to happen, but what it was was beyond them.

They could both feel the dangers looming over them. It was an unpleasant feeling they could not afford to ignore.

Jun Huang looked up at Nan Xun. ”Do you recognize their fighting style?”

”No, I don't recognize any of the moves they've used. That concealed weapon is an unfamiliar one as well. I don't think I have ever seen one like that.”

Jun Huang fell into a deep contemplation. She didn't like where this was going.

The moon was now covered by clouds. It was most likely going to rain the next day. She felt an indiscernible feeling rising in her heart.

Her time was limited. Her body was getting weaker and weaker as the poison continued to spread. Sometimes she found herself falling asleep in random places. The medicine she brewed herself didn't make her condition any better. She couldn't help feeling a little lost and afraid.

Her eyes turned cold as she looked down at the unconscious men. She clenched her teeth. I am going to get my revenge, she swore to herself. I won't let anyone stop me. Anyone. She would take mercy on these men if they didn't get in the way of her revenge. If they did – If they would be an obstacle to her cause – she would not let them live.

Her tensed expression worried Nan Xun. ”Are you alright?” he asked. ”Are you feeling unwell?”

His voice pulled Jun Huang out of her trance. She gave him a long look before shaking her head and curving her lips. ”What do we do with them?”

”I'm not going to kill everyone who has ever tried to kill me,” said Nan Xun. ”Besides, I don't know why they are here yet. Like I've said before, I don't kill people without knowing their ident.i.ties. Leave them here. They'll go away once they regain consciousness.” It was clear from moments like this that Nan Xun was a good general. Men like him would be a hero respected by generations to come.

Jun Huang smiled a little. She darted her eyes to the lamps behind him. The warm glow of the light reminded her of Western Que. Western Que was no more. And Jun Huang had cast aside her past self after its destruction. Now there was only Feng Baiyu, a man who lived and died for revenge.

”Jun Huang.” Nan Xun grabbed her cold fingers with a frown. He hoped he would be able to get through to her with the warmth of his hands.

Jun Huang almost lost herself to her inner demons. If Nan Xun hadn't called out for her in time, she didn't know what would have happened to her.

She looked up at Nan Xun with unfocused eyes. It was clear that he was worried. She inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself. Then she pulled her hand away. ”I'm fine. Only a little tired.”

Nan Xun was not convinced, but he wasn't going to interrogate her. If Jun Huang didn't want to talk, he wasn't going to ask. He could try to find the answer himself, or he could wait for Jun Huang to tell him willingly.

”Come on, I'll walk you back.”

Jun Huang nodded and trailed after Nan Xun.

At midnight, the men they left behind slowly came to. They disappeared into the dark like wandering spirits.

Jun Huang didn't invite Nan Xun in for tea when they returned to her place, and Nan Xun didn't stay. He had to find out who those men were. It was obvious that their target was him. What were they trying to achieve?

”Nan Xun, no matter what happens, no matter what you find out, you must tell me immediately,” Jun Huang said in a steely voice. ”Even if we weren't friends, I have the right to know as your ally.”