Part 1 (2/2)
Within the school house is work. Cla.s.s after cla.s.s is called up to recite, and in some of them not many changes are made as to the standing of the pupils. In most of the the method of trapping is used.
Whenever any one mis-spells a word or makes a mistake on a problem, the next one below him has a chance at it; if he misses, the next has a chance, and so on until the one is found who can make right the error, then that one traps and goes up above all who have missed.
Ever since Charlie had been absent that one day, he had been working especially hard to win his accustomed place at the head of his, for whoever missed a day had to ”go foot.”
That afternoon because the lessons were rather difficult, he hoped to get near to his old place, if not to reach it altogether. When the first cla.s.s was called, his heart beat just a little faster than while he was preparing his lesson. As he arose from his seat to go, he breathed a little prayer to G.o.d, that he might remember well what he had just been learning.
Several problems were missed and as many times somebody trapped up. But not every problem that others had mistaken reached Charlie. One time he thought he would now trap three, when he himself missed, and another got it. In trapping, however, the close of the recitation found him ”third”
but not ”first.” And so the cla.s.s was dismissed for that day.
The last in the afternoon was the spelling cla.s.s. The teacher frequently began to p.r.o.nounce the words on the lower part of the page first. ”Tournament” was the first word to-day. The next was ”const.i.tute.” ”Coadjutor” was Charlie's first word to spell.
”Inaugurate” was mis-spelled near the foot of the cla.s.s. ”Sumac” was missed, and the scholars below were eager. ”Ducat” enabled the one above Charlie to trap two. ”Joust” was spelled correctly. ”Oolite” and ”vocable” were missed several times. The lesson was almost closed.
”Compa.s.s,” said the teacher.
”Revolt.” That was Charlie's.
”C-a-o-u-t-c-h--c-h--can't spell it,” said the little man next below Charlie.
”Next,” said the teacher.
”Next,” and Charlie began to wish he had been foot now, so he could get up more than one at a time.
”Next,” and all eyes began to look toward the head of the cla.s.s, for the unfortunate word was sure to go there.
”Caoutchouc,” again p.r.o.nounced the teacher, clearly. The bright little girl at the head of the cla.s.s was a good speller, but hearing so many efforts, she became confused with the word, and although spelling slowly at it, she missed it.