20 Chapter Eighteen: Faith Diary (1/2)
February 1, 1999 London, UK—Jide writes, ”For the last three weeks all I can say is that the Lord has been good. I have experienced His love, provision, and guidance. He has been causing things to fall into place. I have been able to communicate with my wife and children in California and I'm constantly reminding myself of my visions from Him and the many dreams He has shown me. I felt physically down yesterday and this morning, but after reading the word, I know what He has promised will come to pa.s.s in our lives. My job is to diligently listen to Him, give the Lord undivided attention, and obey. Remembering that He, the Lord, is faithful, I must listen to and obey His voice. I still began to question and doubt some of G.o.d's promises to us.
February 2, 1999—The Lord has provided for me for the few months that I will be in England. I obtained a temporary place to work while waiting for our visas to be processed. It was a place that was my very heart's desire in accordance with His prophetic Word. Praise Jesus! I have surrendered all.
February 3–14—Thanks be to G.o.d! Bukky and children are ftne. His wisdom has kept my wife and children.
February 29—I ftnally received our visa from the emba.s.sy here in London! The Lord gave us more than I asked!
M a r c h 1 —T r u s t i n g J e s u s a n d p ra i s i n g H i m concerning my wife and children. I know He loves each one of us (2 Chronicles 20).
March 2—The Lord is G.o.d! I received a call from Bukky—All is well. The night before, we were totally unsure how things would work out. My trust is totally in Jesus. ”Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless” (Psalm 60:11NIV). My wife tells me that accommodation for the month is settled, and we have a car to use for another week! I bless the Lord.
March 7—Left England gloriously. Arrived safely back home to California! Thanking you so much, Lord. My wife picked me up from Los Angeles airport.
Diary now continues with me (Bukky) in California from March 9th 1999—Praise Jesus, we bought a car! All glory and praise to Jesus. Trusting Him to complete the work He began in and through us. ”Being conftdent of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6 NIV).
March 10—Praise G.o.d. Got a call from the car company with a better deal on the car! Just resting in and praising Jesus.
March 17—Praise Jesus! The Lord provided $1200. In the midst of a phone call to a pastor regarding a donation they were sending to us, they had at ftrst thought it was
$200, checked again, and it was actually $1200, to the amazement of the speaker! Our car transaction completed and settled today.
March 22—With our paperwork now updated, we are trusting the Lord for Jide to obtain a new permanent employment position and funds to celebrate our daughter's birthday. The fuel in the new car is on quarter. We have risen on this new day with great hope and expectation.
March 22 (10:00 p.m.)—Praise the Lord! He has worked a miracle in our accounts. Money in hand and a full tank of gas. Praising Jesus. Thank the Lord for victory.
March 23—We have a $100.00 left over in hand. The Holy Spirit directed us ”Don't eat your seed.” So we gave $50.00 to a Christian ministry. We are awaiting funds to cover all our bills, renew my (Bukky's) expired pa.s.sport, extend our car insurance, and are still believing for Jide's new employment in our new land. Just watching G.o.d move.
March 23 (5:00 p.m.)—Praising G.o.d! Received
$100.00 in love gifts and $25.00 money order from someone in Seattle. Sowed $45.00 (t.i.the and offering); trusting the Lord for increase.
March 27—Praise Jesus! Jide received an offer of employment. Just as G.o.d had spoken to us over three years ago in Costa Mesa. My pa.s.sport renewal application has also been sent. Jide received $100.00 in love gifts from speaking at a men's breakfast.March 28—We have decided, according to the direction of the Holy Spirit, to send $70.00 to a church in Mission Viejo's building fund. We are trusting in Jesus for all our outstanding bills to be paid and starting a three-day fast beginning on Monday. Praise the Lord!
March 29—Funds on hold, we are unable to withdraw the $100.00 received. We had about $3.00 to manage for the day. (The Lord blessed it—even obtained a free pack of hot dogs from the store due to their mistake in price marking.) Just received a phone call promising over $300 in love gift donations. We are trusting G.o.d for His wisdom and understanding.
March 30—Praise the Lord. Sowed our seed. The Lord provided for the day. Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.
March 31—Trusting Jesus to supply all needs. Got a new insurance deal lined up (saved $600.00), always believing G.o.d to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.
April 1—Praise Jesus! A sister in the Lord was directed to bless us with groceries and $85.00 in vouchers. Praising Jesus for all His faithfulness! Found out this month that the door that had opened for Jide's employment had closed. We just wait on Jesus, while continuing to minister, nothing unusual.
April 3—Went grocery shopping. Praise G.o.d. Trusting Jesus to supply all needs.
April 5—Jide received a call for a job—but it was again canceled before concluding. Still praising Jesus, we received someone's seed today for $40.00 and sowed
$30.00 into a Christian ministry. Trusting Jesus to meet all our needs. Believing for an additional $3,000.00 today; again our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.
April 6—Praise G.o.d! The Lord opened a new door for Jide to work in another temporary position for about three months. Starting today.
April 8—Our message beeper was disconnected. Then we received the check in the mail from the church in Pomona for $120.00, cashed it, and paid up the beeper.
April 9—Praise G.o.d! Jide collected his very ftrst
paycheck from working in the USA. We sowed it all to Jesus in faith. Heard from the church in Pomona that had blessed us in the past that they are commencing support for us again, and they had just mailed us $120.00. Praising G.o.d! Jide received a call for a pre interview. Resting in Jesus.
April 10—Sowed $300.00 to Christian ministry. Declared a day's fast unto the Lord. Awaiting G.o.d's miracles, always trusting and believing in Him to meet every need.
April 11—Just waiting on Jesus for all needs. We know He is faithful. Praising G.o.d! Trusting Him to meet all payments!
April 16—Found out a few days ago that it takes at least two months for the issuing of the renewed pa.s.sport that I needed to complete, but Jesus has raised up help and we are trusting Him for a miracle. Staying in. Trusting Him . . . to the limit. Resting in Him . . . believing for G.o.d's favor in banks/systems, etc.!
April 17—I was told this week that my pa.s.sport would be issued, and I would receive it on Monday or Tuesday! The Lord opened a door of ministry at the church in Pomona. We are again trusting G.o.d for His miracles as we put in an application for a new place. Trusting G.o.d for all the necessary payments.
April 18—Praise the Lord! Had a ”Holy Ghost: time at the Pomona Church. Got a call during the week from the apartment company saying ”Very good credit report, all is in order” Just to fax the letter we have. Trusting G.o.d for all the necessary paperwork to be physically sealed by Monday. Who is wonderful? It's Jesus! Praying to the Lord for further direction.
April 19—Received a call from a church (we were trusting the Lord for $1550.00), and they told us they have $900 in donations and gifts for us. By evening time, operating in the Lord's given wisdom, we had a promise to receive $1650.00 more from other sources by April 30. Praise G.o.d! We spent night in the Lake Forest area. Got the last nonsmoking room at a very nice hotel through the Lord's favor. G.o.d kindly enabled us to rest.
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April 24—Praise G.o.d! I received my updated I-94 (an immigration doc.u.ment) More than we asked for! Just returned from Mexico.
April 27—Today we had planned to fast and pray, but we allowed the enemy to hinder us with division. We are trusting in the mercies of G.o.d. Jesus has given us victory—by faith.
April 27 (Evening)—Battle over and won—forever.
Praise G.o.d!
April 28—Jide now also known at his new place of work as minister of the Gospel, was told today by boss of another company ”We must talk.
April 30—Moved into our new place. Beautiful! Trusting the Lord for furniture. We know it's a new day and are thankful to Jesus. I received my new pa.s.sport! It processed in less than three weeks, compared to the normal two months. Got our new phone line installed. Jide was also asked to submit his resume to a new employer. Trusting G.o.d for a permanent, higher paying position for him, we know He is faithful. Got our furniture! Received a call from one of our partners in Texas. I had planned to send out letters yesterday after another partner had called us, conftrming G.o.d's will for our mail out. The Lord is simply blessing what we have and multiplying it. We are sure of His mercies and provision. The Lord told us to say ”We have more than enough” . . . for our G.o.d is a more-than-enough G.o.d.
May 1–13—(Housing) Our biggest bill was paid without a thought at the beginning of the month. I have sent in my renewed pa.s.sport to request our required additional visas. Not happy to ftnd out a vital piece of information our agent did not tell us. We have just discovered that due to our ignorance of the area, our new address puts us in the wrong school district for our son's school. Our ignorance had given the enemy room to try and remove our son from his awesome school. Thank the Lord for giving us His forgiveness and favor! We fought and gained the victory for him to stay at his school, avoiding the huge disruption to his education.
We have requested to come out of the contract without penalties, but the management declined. But we know who the Lord is and are trusting Jesus about our next move. Praying for His direction and provision. Our car stopped working on May 10. The Lord opened our eyes to how and where we should get it towed for ftxing. It was repaired the next day with a bill of $0.00. Praise Jesus! Trusting Him for Jide's well-paying permanent employment position.
May 14—I met with the director of one of our city's largest charitable organizations for homeless families and discovered that G.o.d has given me favor and a voice in our city! Our eyes are on Him. The Lord spoke to Jide in a dream that he should stand up now, because now is his future.
May 19—Jide had an interview and received new employment! Waiting to ftnd out the start date! Praise G.o.d!
May 21—As of today we have submitted our notice to quit our ”wrong district” residence to ensure our son can continue at his school. Today we signed the paperwork for a new house. Trusting and praying for G.o.d's provision.
May 28—We have exercised our faith and fasted over the ftrst house we found and believe it's not G.o.d's will at this time, so we have s.h.i.+fted our focus. I discovered and found much better deal than we had ever heard of. We have put down our deposit in faith and are trusting him for the completion (besides paycheck). We know our G.o.d is a miracle-working G.o.d
June 4—The Lord has been moving wonderfully! Prophetic words/dreams received earlier in the year are beginning to take shape and manifest. We are just flowing with His Spirit and trusting that He that began the good work will ftnish it and not one of His promises fail!
June 7—As of today, the funds for the deposit check for our new place are in the bank! Received a call yesterday that has released to us by His grace a continuous ftnancial blessing—Praise the Lord!
The Lord gave us strategies for ministry:
• Train Church ”members” to have the mindset that they are to be ministers, meeting the need of people in their various spheres of influence under their church leaders.h.i.+p's spiritual covering. Jide and I are working together, and taking responsibility for prayer and evangelism. Everything has a beginning point. Before a person can become a professor, kindergarten/elementary or primary school are a must. First things must be completed ftrst; they are the route to greater things—every little step we all take toward our call is signiftcant.
• ”Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand.” (The seven lamps represent the eyes of the LORD that search all around the world” (Zechariah 4:10 NLT).
• The local church is the base for global ministry.
• Plan to open a Prayer-Line
• Pray for evangelistic strategies for our city and beyond.
June 11—t.i.thes due as of today from love gifts we received are $111.00. The Lord has given us wisdom as pertaining to our move. Praise Jesus again for His continued supply of wisdom and riches to fulftll His call. This week the Lord released funds to us from ministry and from work. We praise Jesus always for His supply and guidance.
June 16—Paid the love gift t.i.thes due ($111.00). Trusting Jesus for $1150.00 for some furnis.h.i.+ngs for our newest place on or before June 18. I received a very special blessing with regard to extending my driver's license, while still completing all necessary immigration paperwork—G.o.d has planted us. We receive it by faith, now we expect manifestation!
June 17—Jide was moved by the Holy Spirit to go to a prayer/Bible study. The word was about Joseph and all that he went through to obtain and fulftll G.o.d's promise.
”He sent a man before them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. They a$icted his feet with fetters, he himself was laid in irons; until the time that his word came to pa.s.s, the word of the LORD tested him, the king sent and released him, the ruler of peoples, and set him free. He made him lord of his house and ruler over all his possession.” (Psalm 105:17–21 NASB)
Jide was also blessed to receive $100.00 for the ministry. Praise Jesus.
June 18 (8:30 a.m.)—Our phone line has now been transferred to our new place. We have $350.00 less than what we need after all the penalties and so forth . . . We are trusting Jesus that in this day, we will have more than enough. Signed all the new papers and ftnally began our move today. ALL of our help comes from G.o.d and we are trusting Him.
June 18(11:15 a.m.)—Praise G.o.d! We have all the funds needed. The Lord gave me wisdom and favor, and amidst our praise we received our miracle!
June 18 (5:45 p.m.)—Received the keys (two sets) and moved in!
June 20—We have completed the move! Praise G.o.d! (Today was the last day of the special deal!) Submitted keys back to the old place. Went to view properties for our new ministry meetings!—Praise G.o.d!
June 21—I continue to travel and minister, and Jide started his new job, much more than we both expected. Thank you Jesus!
June 26—We put in an offer for our new ministry meeting s.p.a.ce building. The Lord opened the door to make known our need for new office furniture, and we are trusting Him to meet every need.
June 24—Had $10.00 left after meeting all our personal and ministry commitments—we are trusting Jesus for all our needs to be met by the end of the day. As a result of hearing the voice of the Spirit we received
$450.00 today, G.o.d is wonderful.
July 2—Praise G.o.d! We have been experiencing the goodness of the Lord. The brakes on the car wore out, and the winds.h.i.+eld steamed up. We took it to the dealer and dealt with some confusion, but the Lord repaired our car with another bill of $0.00! Spent $26.00 on oil change and had the use of a Park Avenue for two days!! The Lord is enlarging our coast and mind set! We received a donation of some beautiful office furniture, and the Lord even sent someone to help us unload the truck! The truck itself was given for the move at no charge—G.o.ds favor! As at today, all our bills have been paid! We know El Shaddai is our source and have been reminded of the Lord's promise. If we hearken to His voice and obey His commands, we will lend to many nations and borrow from none!
If only you fully obey the LORD your G.o.d and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today. For the LORD your G.o.d will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you. (Deuteronomy 15:5–6 NIV)
July 10—Praise Him again! Today we received the agreement from the landlord for leasing a property for ministry use! The Lord miraculously supplied the paperwork and a partner to sign the lease with. We are thanking G.o.d for His favor and now await for the funds ($5,000) to be transferred from our Father's heavenly account (His riches in glory) to our earthly bank account.
We know it's the Lords building! ”And my G.o.d will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 NIV).
July 13—Praising Jesus! After all expenses paid, we have gone from $5.00 and half a tank of gas to $500.00. Praise G.o.d for His provision!
July 15—As of today, all papers regarding lease on our part have been signed. The Lord has opened our eyes as to which insurance company to use. Once again we are seeing that everything we did in the past, which at the time seemed fruitless, is now fruitful and is a blessing to us. The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord ”The LORD directs the steps of the G.o.dly. He delights in every detail of their lives” (Psalm 37:23 NLT). Our lesson—no need to pray for a miracle for things that you can receive from the Lord by doing things properly and waiting for the right timing.
July 30—Praise The Lord! Jide had been saying just yesterday that the income from his new company and our ministry were not yet enough to cover all expenses, but
G.o.d reminded him that He is our source, and He will
provide any way He chooses. We were able to replace the battery in the car. The Lord had provided for it way ahead of time. Children have both started at a new school. Thank you lord! And we must remember that it has not been by might or power but by His Spirit. Once again we thank G o d fo r al l my mi ni stry i nv i tati o ns and J i de ' s employment. Everything is proving to be a miracle of G.o.d's love and favor.
Trusting for increase on every side! We received $250.00 in the mail, and a check for $1160.00. We give glory, honor, and thanks always to Jesus our Lord for His care.
August 2—Received $200.00 more in the mail! I just keep thanking Him for our ever-increasing harvest.
August 3—The Spirit of the Lord woke us up to pray together at 3:00 a.m. It has been quite a while since that has happened. We know that all the praying we have done has been by His grace! Received health insurance for family. We thank Jehovah Rapha who has kept us in divine health all these years.
August 5—Praise the Lord! Some funds we were expecting to come in have not yet come, but we praise G.o.d for the lesson we learned through the experience. Now more than ever simply on guard, watching, lest we fall back. On a lighter note, we obtained a portrait deal from the Internet. Thank G.o.d for persistence—discovered it and ended the day booking the appointment for all of us! We took professional family pictures; the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord.
August 16—There was a temporary delay in receiving Jide's wages. Praising G.o.d for another lesson learned about a bird in hand . . ., but we know Jesus is our source. Made a late payment on a bill that was due. Just praising Jesus that my brother Muyiwa arrived in California safely to visit with us; we thank you Lord!
September 1–8—Jide had some trouble at his work place that the Lord had previously given us a heads up about. Through G.o.d's grace what the enemy meant for evil, the Lord has turned it around for good! Hallelujah!
S e p t e m b e r 1 7 — A g a i n w e p r a i s e t h e L o r d anyway—We found out that our healthcare plan was not correctly in place. I was not feeling well but was unable to receive care through our insurance coverage. We pressed in all day and ftnally received more—I was able to see a doctor who turned out to be a Christian. We now have a new medical group just around the corner from us! Thanking G.o.d for healing through every means He provides.
September 21—A man ran into the back of our car today. Great impact, but little damage to our car and no one was injured. Praise G.o.d. I got out and immediately prayed with the man who had run into us. I also got a report from my doctor, suspecting some health concern. We prayed under the unction of the Holy Spirit that no evil report would be found. The next day I received the all clear! Praise G.o.d!
September 29—Received $500.00 from the insurance company as compensation toward any additional medical treatment for the accident after they had ftxed the car. I was also blessed with $200 from one of my ministry engagements and a $50.00 love gift as a result of meeting with a lady for her counseling.
September 30—Trying times at work for Jide. He's now increased his vigilance and diligence. We are trusting the Lord for his promotion.
O ctober 2—Trusting G od for the continuing rejuvenation of our marital relations.h.i.+p and for ftnancial increase to meet certain needs and balance personal and ministry budgets. We have agreed to separate t.i.thes from offerings as we continue to give. We wait on Him.
October 9—Thanking G.o.d! We received two checks in the mail, totaling $2,000.00.
October 10—Three-day prayer and fasting. Have collected the repaired car after the accident in perfect condition.
The Lord had also made provision for us to have the use of another car from September 28–October 18. Thank G.o.d for all His provision, favor, and wisdom.
Oct 23—With a few days left to make some payments before the due dates, we trusted the Lord, and He came through again!
November—Jide experiencing the grace of G.o.d at work, and the Lord worked all the recent hards.h.i.+ps together for his good. ”And we know that G.o.d causes everything to work together for the good of those who love G.o.d and are called according to His purpose for them”
(Romans 8:28 NLT).
December13—We trusted that the Lord would provide through Jide's work and all other avenues especially before Christmas, and Jide received his biggest pay increase ever! Praising Jesus.
December 14—The Lord says, ”He has blessed my husband's work and has made him the head and not the tail”—expecting it to manifest!!
”The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your G.o.d that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.” (Deuteronomy 28:13 NIV)
December 22—Praise G.o.d! I spoke to my mother in Korea! Trusting the Lord for her ministry there. The Lord has done marvelous things. We are grateful and glad! The Lord again shows me that persecutions of Christians in Nigeria will greatly increase. We have decided to pray for the nations every Friday.
The old year is done and the year 2000 begins. Thank you, Lord, for again seeing us through!
January15, 2000—within three days of a pastor friend mentioning that she would like Jide and me to do a teaching on a particular subject, Jide heard a well- respected radio preacher teaching the same subject! Then I was suddenly blessed to receive an unsolicited book on the same subject. We praise G.o.d who conftrms and ordains our way.
February 13—Visited and ministered at a new church. Had a wonderful time in the Lord. Received a love gift of
February 14—Jide and I went out for a meal together on St. Valentine's Day.
February 16—Jide received his paycheck. All worked out well! Always Praising Jesus.
February 17—Jide was called into boss's office and commended for work done and given a $2,500 raise to his salary. We thank the Lord for promotion and increase.
February 24—As of today, our mother in Korea is doing well. The Lord is working in her life.
I am due to restart my voice lessons on the 26th. All our bills are paid, and the Lord has given favor as regarding ftling our tax returns (in progress).
Children are doing well in school and a bully in our son's new cla.s.s is now (in his words) a good boy!
Jide was commended at work by another boss in response to an email. We thank G.o.d for His grace. The Lord just opened more new doors. Our focus is ever on Him.
March 2—I'm getting ready to host our very ftrst Women of Destiny Conference 2000. Preparations have commenced with speed and favor. Tremendous responses from many ladies.