Part 18 (1/2)

”Mademoiselle of the Veil, according to your picturesque imagination; to me she is the intimate friend and adviser of her Highness Stephonia.” He wheeled to the troopers with a laugh: ”Hoch, you beggars, hoch!”

Maurice indulged in some uncomplimentary remarks, among which was: ”I'm an a.s.s!”

”Every man improves on making that discovery; the Darwinian theory is wrong.”

After a pause Maurice said: ”How did you get on the ground so quickly?”

”We arrived yesterday afternoon as the escort of your charmer. A pretty woman finds it troublesome to travel alone in these parts. When you slapped your friend on the back and bawled out his name--a name known from one end of the kingdom to the other--the plan of action was immediately formed. You were necessary, for it was taken for granted that you knew too much. You had also promised your sword,” with a chuckle.

”I made no promise,” said Maurice. ”I only said that I should easily be found when wanted.”

”Well, so you were; there's no gainsaying that.”

Maurice said some more uncomplimentary things.

”It was neatly done, you will admit. Life is a game of cards; he wins who plays first.”

”Or he doesn't. Colonel, a game is won only when it is played'.”

”That's true enough.”

”Kings are a tolerable bother on earth,” Maurice declared, trying to ease his wrists by holding them higher against his back.

”What do you know about them?”

”When I was in the army I often fell in with three or four of a night.”


”Yes; but usually I was up against aces or straight flushes.”

”Cards! Well, well; when you get down to the truth of the matter, real kings differ but little from the kings in pasteboard; right side up, or wrong side up, they serve the purpose of those who play them. There's a poor, harmless devil back there,” with a nod toward Bleiberg. ”He never injured a soul. Perhaps that's it; had he been cruel, avaricious, sly, all of them would be cringing at his feet. Devil take me--but I'm a soldier,” he broke off abruptly; ”it's none of my business.”

”Have you any t.i.tles?” Maurice asked presently.

”t.i.tles?” The Colonel jerked around on his horse. ”Why?”

”O,” said Maurice carelessly, ”I thought it not unlikely that you might have a few lying around loose.”

The Colonel roared. ”You Americans beat the very devil with your questions. Well, I am politely known as Count Mollendorf, if that will gratify you.”

”What! brother of Mollendorf of the king's police?”

”G.o.d save the mark! No; I am an honest man--some of the time.”

Maurice laughed; the old fellow was amusing, and besides, this conversation helped to pa.s.s away the time.

”Wake up, Jack; here's entertainment,” he said.

A scowl added itself to the stern expression on Fitzgerald's face.