Part 26 (1/2)
Back in the office, I threw open the cabinet doors. She was curled up like another Pompeii victim. Her face was creased with concern. It wasn't about being tucked into a filing cupboard and doing her own little Anne Frank, it was more to do with winning approval. 'I was quiet, yes? You did not hear me?'
'Yep, you were quiet. Now I have to go and work, so you have to stay up here again, OK? Go back to the airbed, rest, keep warm.'
'OK, Nick.'
I followed her into the back room. 'Not long now. We'll go out and buy you some real clothes for when we go to see my friend. I'll stay with you, don't worry, and we'll get some more food, OK?'
She nodded.
'You stay here.'
I closed all the doors behind me and headed back to the loading bay.
There were twenty cartridges in each of the twenty boxes, which was more than enough. In fact, it meant I could make my devices a bit bigger and a lot better.
Laying out my ingredients as before, I got back to work. The gaffer tape was a standard two-centimetre roll. I pulled out about two metres and placed a pan on each end so it didn't curl.
I opened the knife bit of the Chinese Leatherman and cut the top off the first cartridge. They were old. The red waxed-cardboard body cut far too easily, and the small pellets that dropped out were lead. They've been steel for years now.
After the front two-thirds of the cartridge was empty, I dug out the cotton wad that separated the shot from the propellant. I tipped the grains of propellant onto one end of the gaffer tape and an inch or two along it. I was doing pretty much the same as my stepdad used to do when he rolled his own, only this one packed a bit more of a punch than Gold Leaf did.
It took just over an hour to cut and pour the full two metres. I needed to make sure that whatever propellant was touching the tape was actually stuck to the adhesive. That way, there would be continuity in the burning even if there was a break here and there among the loose stuff if the fuse got bent. Once I'd done all that, I rolled the gaffer tape nice and tight until I had two metres of fuse half a centimetre thick. I put it to one side with the picric acid, well away from where I was working.
The next job was to make sure my bulb detonator was going to do its stuff. With the pliers part of the Chinese Leatherman, I crimped off the gla.s.s nipple to expose the insides of the bulb. I poured in propellant from one of the sixty-odd cartridges I had left over. Then I turned on the clock, set the alarm for one minute's time, and waited. The element lit up. Within three seconds the propellant ignited in a burst of bright flame. A small cloud of cordite was left hanging in the air.
I shook the residue off the bulb and reset the clock. I tried it again, this time without the propellant, and the light came on. I now knew the wire connections to the two terminals of the bulb were good, and the bulb itself was still working. Why use a new bulb and run the risk it was a dud?
I moved the a.s.sembly away from everything else. The clock was the initiation device, and the bulb was the detonator. Now that they were joined, I had to make sure they didn't do their jobs until I wanted them to. I took the batteries out and laid them to the side.
There was just one more manufacturing task, and that was to pour the remaining propellant into two of the freezer bags, one for each charge. It took me just over an hour. When I'd finished, the bags went alongside the picric acid and the fuse.
I was almost done. All that was left was to retrieve the bags of damp picric. I cut them open and spread the yellow, claylike substance on plastic to dry. Then, making one final check that Brogues's coat, credit cards and wallet were back in the boot of the Pa.s.sat, I headed up the stairs.
The market would be open now, and we both needed clothes for our exfil. I needed to look as clean leaving the country as I had when I came in. And Angeles, well, she just needed to look dressed.
The food stalls were piled with all kinds of products you'd normally find in a souk, from dates and spices to bags of rice and pistachios. The next one along sold nothing but second-hand clothing. Both of us blended in well. Angeles didn't get a second glance in her gear from the House of Bling.
I was going to keep her with me now, regardless. No way was I was going to let her stay in the safe-house with the Moldovans downstairs and a roomful of volatile explosive mixes. If she nosed around and found the bodies she might lose it completely. If she found the mix and f.u.c.ked about with it she could take down the building. Only by controlling her at all times could I be sure that I knew where she was.
The first priority was a coat each, not only to keep us warm and dry, but also to cover our existing clothes if we had to do a runner before we bought anything else. All the voices around us were Dutch, Arabic and Turkish, so I did my normal grunt and point. Next came a couple of sets each of trainers, jeans and sweats.h.i.+rts. I also bought her a hairbrush to sort out the bird's nest on her head.
I was p.i.s.sed off that I was still going to be in-country when the place went up. The timer had to be set for two or three hours at most. That way, the batteries had a good chance of staying charged. Once I left the silo, I had no control over the device. I wanted it to be exposed for the least possible time, yet still able to give me enough to get out of the area.
I also couldn't control the s.p.a.ce that the device was placed in, so would have no way of knowing if it had been discovered. I had to factor in getting back to the safe-house afterwards, not just to pick up Angeles, but also to shower and scrub the DNA and cordite off me, then get rid of the clothes I'd worn on-target. The last thing I wanted to do was to turn up at the departure gate, and have security sensors detect traces of explosives on my clothes or hands.
We moved away from the clothing stalls and she got changed in one of the coffee shops that lined the market while I slid into my nasty new black coat. I bought kebabs and coffees, and she shovelled everything down like a girl possessed.
'Your friend, what is her name?'
'You will find out soon enough.'
Even with just a few weeks left, I couldn't force myself to change the habit of a lifetime. I'd found over the years that giving out my own name was OK because it belonged to me. I could decide what I did with it, and what lies I was going to attach to it. But divulging the names of others was a different matter. That had to be up to them. In either case, you don't give out information unless you have to. The less she knew about me, Anna, Flynn and all the rest, the better. I didn't want to have an in-depth conversation about what I was doing here and where my family was. The only thing that was important was to get us both out of this situation. And as long as I kept her away from the loading bay, she'd know nothing and I could sort her out.
As we pa.s.sed FilmNoord x.x.x, I scanned the road ahead. The s.h.i.+p still blocked the view of the waterway but apart from that there was nothing out of the ordinary, not even a car parked on the pavement.
We got to the door. She saw me checking the telltales in the locks.
'This is a bad area. You have to make sure n.o.body breaks in.'
The keys ripped through the little slivers of paper and I opened up. Angeles went through with the bags. I followed and turned to close the door.
The two bodies that bomb-burst out from the garages came at me in a blur of leather jackets, shaved heads and face metal. They were already halfway across the road and closing on me fast.
I jumped inside and tried to slam the door shut.
She looked at me, terror-struck, rooted to the spot.
'Run! Go!'
They kicked and pushed, jarring me backwards and forwards. I couldn't hold it any more.
The door crashed open.
I pulled her through the fire door and into the loading bay. That was where there were weapons. Where there were weapons, there was a chance.
There was nothing else I could do for her now.
I let go but she grabbed my hand again. I had to push her out of the way. The pulse in my neck surged as my body built up to the fight. She screamed somewhere behind me but my focus was on the gla.s.s of acid sitting on the concrete.