Part 14 (1/2)

Zero Hour Andy McNab 75270K 2022-07-22

He fell to his knees and grabbed me as I turned. His arms tight around my legs, he sobbed into my jeans. 'All those young girls. The lost, the hiding. They sell them. They fill them with drugs and they sell them.' His shoulders heaved.

I pushed him off me and he fell back into the mud.

'I have nowhere to go. They would throw me out of Christiania. I wanted to tell the politi, but what would they do? I had to do what they told me.' He looked up at me, still pleading. 'Please, please, kill me. I am dead now anyway. I am so tired. Those girls, those poor girls ...'

He curled into the foetal position. I bent down and rolled him onto his back.

Anna tried dragging me away. 'Nick, no - don't!'

I shook myself free, wrenched aside his beard and gripped his neck. My hands started to tighten.

'Thank ... you ... I am so ... sorry ...' His voice rasped, but there was relief in his eyes.

I leant closer, my mouth alongside his ear. 'f.u.c.k you. You're living. You can remember every girl you've handed over to those a.r.s.eholes. You had a choice, and you took the easy way out. But not this time.' I fished in his pocket for his mobile before letting go of him. Then I took Anna's hand and headed back out into the street.


I followed Anna up the flight of broken wooden steps and onto the veranda of the house with flaking green paint, keeping a few paces behind her as a good BG would. I'd quizzed the call register on Gandalf's phone before binning it, not expecting anything much. He was either more switched on than he looked, or - more likely - his trafficker mates weren't taking any chances.

The house was long past being a home. A rusty fridge sat discarded by the front door. The wood under the peeling paint was rotten. The place looked more like a crack den than the HQ of an international business enterprise.

I stayed close as Anna banged on the gla.s.s panel in the top half of the door. Light filtered weakly through the minging net curtains that hung behind it.

Footsteps echoed on bare boards. The curtains twitched and the door opened just enough to show a chin unevenly coated with b.u.m fluff. Its owner nodded at whatever Anna said, but still went to close the door on us. Anna's foot shot into the gap. She b.o.l.l.o.c.ked him in fast, aggressive Russian. The runt gave up. He nodded and closed the door.

Anna waited, not looking back at me as more footsteps thundered towards us. I could hear voices, then saw movement and shadows through the netting. She had told me that these guys were greedy. That, above all, they were businessmen. A sale was a sale. We were about to find out if she was right.

The door opened. Two, maybe three, bodies filled the hallway. The first one's hands reached out. Anna tried to duck out of the way but was too slow. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her in, a pistol jammed into her neck. There was nothing I could do now, except follow.

She stumbled through the entrance. The runt already had a weapon on me. A second body reached out and gripped my coat. He shoved the muzzle of a weapon into my neck and pushed me down onto the floorboards as the door slammed shut behind me.

All three extra bodies were well into their thirties and wore black North Face parkas with fur-lined hoods. Anna went ballistic at them and they couldn't give a f.u.c.k. I heard the rustle of nylon as they went about their checks Russian-style. She kept up the b.o.l.l.o.c.king, as you would if you were in the business. I tried to look completely unconcerned as my jeans pockets were pulled out and the BlackBerry was lifted.

There was an old wooden staircase dead ahead, uncarpeted, dimly lit by a bulb with no shade. A dank smell filled the air, strong and sickly, as if the house hadn't been aired for years.

The biggest of the North Face boys got his dibs on Anna. He leered at his mates as he ran his hands over her body. She glared back at him. The stream of Russian that poured out of her told him that she was ready to bite. He seemed to like whatever she was saying, though, and gave her b.r.e.a.s.t.s an extra frisk so he could hear more.

The runt was obviously in charge of storage. He stood there enjoying the show, with both of Lilian's pictures, our maps and mobiles clutched in his hands.

I heard movement at the top of the stairs and looked up to see two wide-eyed teenage faces. The girls were on their hands and knees, trying to hide from view, but captivated by the aggression on the floor below. Apart from oversized T-s.h.i.+rts - one from a Guns N' Roses concert, the other a plain grey that had once been white - they were naked. Their hair was a mess, but pushed back far enough for me to see that both had thin, painted eyebrows that made them look like dolls.

They almost jumped out of their skins as Mr Big caught sight of them. They shot from sight as he dragged himself away from Anna's b.r.e.a.s.t.s and double-stepped it up there, shrieking like the world's angriest parent.

Anna and I were hauled to our feet and pushed against the wall. These guys were big and aggressive, but what was more worrying was their air of who-gives-a-f.u.c.k. They looked like they'd just as easily kill us as offer us coffee.

Anna took the lead. She began to talk to the runt. It sounded like she still wanted to meet the boss. Her tone was measured, persuasive and even - despite being punctuated by screams and shouts from upstairs as the girls got a good slapping. She had to speak up to be heard, and managed to show no interest whatsoever in the drama unfolding above us.

The runt pointed towards the back of the house, but it was clear I wasn't invited.

She didn't budge. She turned and pointed at me. This time it sounded like she was telling them to f.u.c.k off. Her words were quick and aggressive. The slaps and screams stopped and the girls began to beg.

The runt asked her something.

Whatever she answered, it seemed to work. He strode off down the corridor. Anna hadn't looked at her hired help once since we walked up to the building. She was playing it well. She gave me an order in Russian and signalled what I was to do. I stayed behind her along the short stretch of corridor and as we went through a doorway at the rear. Our footsteps sounded unnaturally loud on the bare boards.

The kitchen was large and filled with smoke. A man smaller than even the runt - but clearly infinitely more powerful - was sitting with a brew, drawing hard on an untipped cigarette. The girls and Mr Big were now directly above us. I knew I couldn't show the slightest interest in the sounds. We were buyers: we knew these girls needed to be kept in hand.

The odd glimmer of makes.h.i.+ft street-lighting managed to fight its way through what was left of the blind. It was obvious now why they kept their coats on. It was colder and more miserable in here than it was outside. There was no heating. This was a meeting place. People weren't here all the time.

The only thing that looked like it might work was a Nespresso machine like the one in my flat. It sat among the general s.h.i.+t by the sink, next to its discarded packaging.

Anna didn't wait to be asked. She went over to the table and sat opposite him. Bed springs started to squeak above us. I heard a m.u.f.fled sob.

Anna ignored it all and kept talking, cool and calm. In case he wasn't getting the message, she leant over and helped herself to a cigarette from the pack that sat next to an old dinner plate piled high with b.u.t.ts. She lit it with a plastic throwaway that lay next to his mobile.

He gave me a cursory glance, out of boredom more than anything. I looked away. He would have expected nothing less. I was Anna's BG. My total focus was on my, not on trying to establish eye contact with anyone else.

Mr Big was really getting into it. His breathless shouts were followed by a couple more slaps and an anguished scream.

Anna was playing a blinder. She exuded confidence. She sounded like she really was here to buy herself some girls.

I looked around. A small bread knife lay beside half a loaf near the coffee machine. That was the only weapon I could see. The corridor was blocked by the North Face crew, who were leaning against the wall, maybe waiting their turn upstairs. The door behind Anna was bolted. If the s.h.i.+t hit the fan, all I could do was to hold them off long enough for her to unbolt it and run.

The springs stopped squeaking and grunts were replaced by sobs. I still didn't move a muscle, but I made myself a promise then: for as long as I lived, I'd track these f.u.c.kers down - and their mates - and kill them.

Anna sparked up another of the boss's cigarettes and put the lighter back on the table. The smoke curled from her mouth and nose before she spoke. The only words I recognized now sounded like names of countries. He was still calm. He lit himself another cigarette too and took such a mega-drag I could see the paper burn down like a fuse.

Anna sat and waited while he thought about what she'd said. But she didn't wait for long. She stood up before he'd delivered his answer: she'd had enough of this bulls.h.i.+t.

I turned towards the North Face guys. I wanted them to know that we intended to leave in one piece. f.u.c.k the mobiles and the other stuff. I moved into the corridor just in time to see Mr Big give his mates a very satisfied grin and put his coat back on.

The small guy started talking. Anna stopped, turned back, went to the table and sat down. She helped herself to another cigarette from his pack.

He gave an order to one of the North Faces. I heard the front door open and close.

We waited in silence. The two of them smoked. The boss checked his mobile now and again for messages as Anna sat back, picking tobacco from her lips. The sobbing above us gradually subsided.