Part 13 (1/2)

The king tapped his chin with a grandly beringed finger. ”We cannot let this go completely unanswered, or we shall have ladies the kingdom over feeling they can say nay to their husband, should it please them, and bas.h.i.+ng them over the head when their husbands object. 'Twill not do. Yet we cannot condemn the lady too harshly for defending herself.”

A few more taps on his chin followed as he considered what to do. Finally, the king's face cleared and he nodded to himself. He looked up and glanced around the court.

”Sir Thomas,” he called, finding the person he sought. ”Come forward.”Thomas joined them on the steps of the dais, standing on her right side, opposite the Prince on her left. Nonetheless, the king's next words were addressed to her.

”Lady Juliana, as a sign of your penitence for having had a part in your husband's death, it is our order that you complete a pilgrimage to the shrine at Canterbury sometime within the coming year. Since this is a penitential pilgrimage, you will go on foot.” The king nodded to himself. ”We also feel it necessary that we immediately find another husband for you, one who will be able to take you in hand and teach you a wife's place and duty.”

The king looked at Thomas. ”Sir Thomas, you've done us good service, but we dare ask one last boon of you. If you're willing, we would have you take this lady for your wife. We realize there is a danger in wedding one who has already contributed to the death of a previous husband, but knowing your prowess in battle, we believe you are adequate to the demand.”

His Majesty looked over Juliana and his mouth crooked into a small smile. ”Though perhaps, given the lady's beauty, the risks of bedding her may well be outweighed by the pleasure in it.” He shrugged and turned again to Thomas. ”Will you do this for us?”

Thomas reached out and took Juliana's arm, tucking it into the crook of his. ”Aye, Your Majesty. I'll wed the lady.”The king's face broke into a wide smile. ”Excellent. We have every confidence in your ability to prevent future incidents of the kind she had with Lord Groswick. We would like you to marry this time tomorrow, right here. We'll be your chief witness.”

”I'm very sensible of the honor you do us, Your Majesty,” Thomas said.”Aye, just so.” He raised one ironic eyebrow for a moment, then grew serious again.

”We make it your duty to ensure she makes the pilgrimage we've designated. We trust you'll also discipline her as necessary and care for her as she deserves.””I give my word on it, Your Majesty.””Excellent. Sir Thomas, we've been pleased with your service, and grateful for it. You've fulfilled the mission we set for you admirably, and have just now done us an additional boon. Your faithfulness has earned reward.” The king tapped his chin again. ”We have now a keep with no lord at Groswick. You've seen this keep, Sir Thomas. What think you of it?”

”For the last year or more, the keep has been well managed, Your Majesty, though prior to that, I understand, there were difficulties. The keep I sheltered in for several weeks was a prosperous and well-favored place.”

”Excellent. You will not, then, deem it too great a burden should we name you Baron Groswick and give the care of this keep into your hands?”Thomas drew a sharp breath. ”I should be exceedingly honored and grateful, Your Majesty.”

”Aye, well, you understand the responsibilities and obligations that accompany the appointment.”

”I do, Your Majesty.””Very well. Go then, both of you. Prepare for your wedding tomorrow. Lady Juliana...We've given you to a husband both strong and worthy. See that you honor him as is his due.”

Juliana smiled at Thomas before she answered. ”You may depend on it, Your Majesty.””Very well, then. We're sure you have much to settle between you.”Before she stepped down, Juliana turned to the Prince, who had remained beside her throughout the king's exchange with Thomas. ”Your Highness, I'm exceedingly grateful for your a.s.sistance.””It was our pleasure,” the Prince a.s.sured her. ”Go now and be happy with Sir Thomas. You'll find in him all that was lacking in Groswick.”

The Prince went back to his seat near the side of the dais. Still arm in arm, Juliana and Thomas walked out of the room. In a daze of disbelief and astonishment, they made it back to her quarters, dismissed Ellyn, and barred the door behind them before Juliana flung herself into his arms and pressed herself against his chest.

”Is it true?” she asked him, ”Can it possibly be true? I am allowed to live? And we're ordered to wed on the morrow. I can scarce credit I'm not dreaming it. And you've been made Lord Groswick. The people will rejoice.”

”Perhaps as much because they'll continue to have you for their lady as for acquiring me as lord.””Nay, not so. They do admire you. The guards you've trained have great praise for you. And all the household respects you as well.”

”Except for Peter Randolph,” Thomas pointed out.

”Aye, well. Except for Peter. But if you return as my savior rather than my potential doom, I think in time even he will be reconciled.””He'll be reconciled if he wishes to remain at the keep,” Thomas said. And then he leaned down to kiss her, and they didn't speak again for a while.The kiss sent its usual waves of fire pouring down her back and into her gut. She couldn't get close enough to him and lifted his court tunic and s.h.i.+rt to get her hands on his chest. He tugged at tapes and laces. A few hectic, occasionally awkward and tangled moments ensued as they shed their clothes.

Relief and the lifting of long built-up tension made Juliana light-headed, almost giggly.

Thomas didn't seem to mind, though, that getting him wrapped up in his own s.h.i.+rt made her dissolve into laughter. He smiled on her mirth and mussed up her hair, tugging it free of the pins that held it up, in revenge for her pulling on his as she finally got the s.h.i.+rt over his head.

He buried his fingers in the released tresses and drew her to him for another long, deep kiss. She drank in the sweetness of that joining, knowing she'd never tire of it and never get enough of it. His jutting c.o.c.k pressed into her belly. Hands roved over her back, running up and down her spine, then moving around her sides to stroke her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She met his eyes and got lost in the fiery blue depths of them. This man was her fate, her destiny, the one she'd love, honor, and cherish forever.

They tipped over onto the bed in another awkward tangle of limbs. It set her laughing again. Between giggles, she tried to apologize. ”I feel like a silly child, laughing over the most ridiculous things. I cannot seem to help it. The relief is so great.”

His smile was tender and indulgent as he traced the outline of her lips with a finger. ”I like to hear you laugh. I'm sure you've done little enough of it in your life.”Then he ran a hand down over her breast, brus.h.i.+ng the nipple, and the jolting pleasure of it chased away the laughter, replacing it with a sharp gasp. He teased the peak with his fingers, then with his tongue, until it stood up hard and she was squirming beneath him. Fire lit the blood in her veins to a boil.

He licked down her stomach, stopping to dip into her belly b.u.t.ton, and continued downward to her cleft. Juliana held her breath. His clever mouth explored the petals of her quim before his tongue speared through them and dove deep into her. She gasped and wound her fingers tightly in his hair, holding him to her. With sharp little flicks, he teased her pearl until she writhed with the extremity of sensation.

When he drew back and moved so he could kiss her mouth again, she tasted her own

juices on his lips.

Wanting, needing to return the pleasure, she grasped his c.o.c.k and began to caress it with her fingers. When he moaned softly, it thrilled her to know she could give him pleasure equal to what he brought her. Touching his flesh in this intimate way sent s.h.i.+vers rus.h.i.+ng up and down her. The hardness of his need roused an equal response in her. Her quim swelled and tightened, demanding the fulfillment of his invasion. She wanted him, but, even more, she wanted to give him every pleasure possible in return.

Indulging a sudden impulse, she leaned over and pressed her lips to his c.o.c.k. He gasped sharply. ”Does it please you?” she asked.