Part 16 (1/2)

My throat is on fire. I need to tell. I have to tell him. ”Aiden,” I chock out. ”Look, I really need to tell you something-”

He presses his lips to mine, silencing my plea. Christ. He grips my hair and gently pulls, making my stomach flip. ”I just want you to know we don't have to talk about it now. I actually have to run into town. Maybe you're up for going out tonight?” He pushes his blond hair from his big, brown eyes.

I nod. ”Sure, what time?”

”Nine. I'll pick you up then. I just...I want to spend some alone time with you. I want to get to know you better.”

My chest swells, and the guilt fills my lungs. I let him kiss me, and watch him walk out of my room.

Tonight. I have to tell him tonight. Just do it. Dropping to the floor, I curl my knees against my chest. I deserve a pity moment, or two.

”I thought we were going out?” I screech.

Aiden swerves into Lucas's apartment complex. No. No. No! Not here! Please! ”We are. I thought we could go relax. Have fun, make out in someone's bedroom, drink...just have a good time.”

My hands are clenched into fists on my thighs. Anywhere but here. ”Aiden, I don't know if I want to come here. I mean...I did kind of ruin Savannah's wedding twice. Maybe we could go down to The Loft. How about that?”

Aiden frowns, reaches over, and squeezes my hand. ”I got an invite today from Lucas. I'm supporting my cousin and her friends. Even if the Australian a.s.shole is going to be here.” He scoffs. ”Can we go in for a bit and then we can leave? I swear Savannah isn't mad at you, baby. She adores you.”

Yeah the f.u.c.k right. I was basically caught with Lachlan. I've cheated on her cousin, well, she thinks that. ”Aiden-”

”Please, just for a little bit. We'll leave if you feel uncomfortable.”

A sigh escapes my throat, but I mask it as a cough. ”For just a little bit, Aiden. You swear? As soon as I'm uncomfortable, we leave?”

Kissing my cheek, he reaches over and opens my door for me. My legs are shaky when I step out of the Beemer. The cool air slides against my skin, popping goose b.u.mps along my arm.

Aiden's arm snakes around my waist, and he pulls me into his side. ”Ready?”

Aiden helps me up the steps in my heels. I shouldn't have worn them. I'm probably going to be running out of the party, like always, in ten minutes. But, on the other hand, I may need them for a weapon. If I break up with Aiden sooner rather than later, I may have to fight him off.

I roll my eyes. I'm jumping to conclusions. I'm not sure what's going to happen, and worrying isn't going to make it better.

The music echoes down the hallway as we get closer to the door. Alcohol swarms my nose when Aiden pushes the door opened. The music is thumping from the speakers, people are scattered around. Their dining room table has been transformed into a beer pong table. Several fraternity guys from school are hooting around it, cheering an almost topless girl to chug the rest of her beer.

When my eyes adjust to the light in the living room, I see him. He is sitting on the loveseat, hands outstretched behind him. The brunette from the Cook Off is snuggled into his arm. Red flashes over me, but I push it down my throat.

I'm not here for him. And, obviously, he isn't here for me. ”There's Savannah, let's go say hi.”

Savannah is sitting on Lucas's lap, who is sitting on the couch across from Lachlan. Aiden pulls me alongside of him until we're standing in the living room.

”Savannah,” he says.

Savannah jumps up and wraps him in a hug. ”I'm so glad you could make it.” Her eyes drag to me, and I see her size me up. She didn't tell, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care. She knows. I can see it. ”Hi, Laney,” she says before pulling me into a soft hug. Is that pity in her eyes? Does she know?

I mumble my h.e.l.lo under my breath and keep my eyes focused on the floor. Aiden's hand has dropped down to my lower hip, his palm almost cupping my a.s.s. When did he get a drink?

The heat from Lachlan's glare is on the side of my face. I feel it, it's hot, scorching, even. My mouth is dry, bone dry. I don't want to be here. I want to go back and crawl into my bed.

I don't know how long I've stood here, waiting for an out. Aiden's on his second cup of beer and I smell it on his breath. When I finally get the nerve to glance up, Lachlan is staring at me. His light green eyes dare me to look away. He knows I can't. He knows I want him. Just like he wants me.

The brunette starts to tug on his arm, but he doesn't move. Eyes fixated on mine. Aiden's hot breath on my neck brings me back to reality. ”Let's dance, baby. Come down with me, please?” He's slurring his words.

The heaviness of his weight is making me nearly fall over. ”You're getting a little tipsy, Aiden. Maybe we should slow down on the drinks, huh? You do have to drive me home.”

He laughs, and pushes more weight on me. ”Puh-lease, baby. We can crash here tonight. Let's get drunk and dance. I want you to let go with me. You're so guarded.”

Do you blame me? Straightening him the best I can, I lead him toward the couch. Savannah grumbles when he lands, hard, beside her. ”I'm going to the bathroom. Stay here, okay.”

I turn on my heel, leaving Aiden mumbling incoherently. Pus.h.i.+ng my way through the swaying bodies, I lock myself in the bathroom. A weight is lifted off of my shoulder. I pull my cell from the short, blue jeans jacket and dial Heather's number.

She picks up on the third ring. ”Where are you? I came home and you're gone.”

”At Lucas's house.”

Silence. ”Who is Lucas?”

”Lachlan's best friend. Aiden's cousin Savannah's husband. They're having a party for Lachlan. I was coming to break up with Aiden, but he pulled me here. Now he's drunk and I want to come home. I can't do this. I feel like my throat is closing up.”

I hear Heather's car keys in the background. ”Where are you at?”

”Duncan Street. It's the apartments close by that little store you like on the corner.”

”Yep, know exactly where that is. It'll take me about twenty minutes to get there. Especially with the traffic. Will you be okay until then?”

I nod vigorously into the phone. ”Yes. Call me when you get here. I'm going to stay in the bathroom.”

Sliding down against the counter, I hide my face in my palms. The cool tile floor is Heaven against the burning skin of my legs. Standing up, I take a small cup from the cabinet, and fill it up. I down it, not caring that the bathroom water is nasty. I need to cool down.

A slight thump on the door makes me jump. ”Someone is in here. I'm sick.” Which is the truth. I feel like barfing all over the place.

”Let me in,” Aiden slurs, pounding harder.

Growling, I open the door a small fraction, enough for him to get inside. He staggers in, slumping over the cabinet.

”Baby, where did you go-gooo,” he whines, gripping my hips and bringing me toward him. I feel his erection against my stomach.

No. Nope. Not going to happen. ”Aiden, you're f.u.c.king drunk. s.h.i.+t-faced. I need you to stay here tonight. Heather is coming to get me.”

”No,” he yells, bringing his hot mouth down to my neck. ”You taste too f.u.c.king sweet,” he mumbles. ”Please, let me have you.”

Grabbing his wrist, I try to remove his hands, but he tightens his hold. ”Aiden,” I warn.

”No, you're not going anywhere. You're mine. I want you. I need you, Laney. You're so good for me. You're so warm, nice, funny...s.e.xy as f.u.c.k. Please, let me take you back to my dorm. I'll be gentle.”

What. The. f.u.c.k. If he think I'm going anywhere with him drunk as a skunk, he must be more wasted than I thought.

”Aiden,” I drop my voice, hoping he hears the plea in it. ”I don't want to. I need to go home. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Let's go get Savannah, okay?”