Part 2 (1/2)
”Savannah says she wants us to go out and have a night to ourselves. She is going to have some girlfriends over. Sound good?”
”Too right,” I say, standing.
Savannah furrows her brows, and I know she has no idea what that means. She wraps her arms around Lucas's neck and brings him down to her level. ”You guys behave tonight. Keep him in line for me, Lachlan.”
I give her a salute. She waves and disappears into the hallway.
”So, what do you think about her? Keeper?”
Shaking my fingers through my hair, I step into another pair of shoes. ”I think she is adorable, and if you love her that is all I need.”
Lucas looks relieved. I never really understood why he worries about my opinion so much. ”Good, now get ready. We're leaving in ten.”
Music blares across the parking lot, causing the car's windows to shake. It feels like home. Bars, clubs, anything with dancing, beer, and food has been my home for the last few years. The smell of nachos makes my mouth water. We don't have nacho cheese in Australia. It kind of sucks; they don't know what they're missing.
Lucas leads me toward a tall bar table in the corner of the club. He scoots in and flags a waitress down easily. ”What can I get you guys?” Her eyes rake over Lucas, obviously checking him out.
He waves her off. ”Two Buds, Jen. Thanks.”
I lift an eyebrow. Lucas tucks his head, like a turtle ducking back inside its sh.e.l.l. ”What?”
”Where has my best friend gone? That girl was checking you out, mate.”
Lucas jabs his thumb toward Jen. ”Nah, bro. Not interested.”
I smile to myself. It's nice to hear that my friend has finally grown up. About d.a.m.n time. He was the player of all players in high school. Jen sets our drinks down a few minutes later, and I order some nachos.
”So,” Lucas says, chugging his drink. ”You found anyone special down under?”
I down half my beer and wipe my mouth. No, I haven't. The truth is that I haven't even looked at another girl since senior year. Sure, I've f.u.c.ked plenty of them. But f.u.c.king and actually finding someone special are two completely different things. I shrug. ”Just the normal one-nighters, no one special.”
Lucas frowns, but tries to hide it with his drink. ”Well, if you're feeling froggy tonight, there is a girl to your left that has been checking you out since we walked in the door.”
Lifting an eyebrow, I glance over my shoulder. A blond-long legs, tight Band-Aid dress-is staring at me from the bar. She blushes, then turns toward her friend. ”Well, hot f.u.c.king d.a.m.n,” I say, taking a sip. ”I'll be right back.”
Lucas chuckles as I get up. I can feel the beer start to tingle through me. It doesn't take much. That's how I like it. The blond is leaning against the bar when I get to her. She isn't as attractive up close, but she's pretty cute. Her hair isn't as long as I like and her skirt is way too short.
”Hi, luv. Having a great night?”
Her bleached brows pull down in the middle, but she giggles regardless. ”You're foreign.” She giggles again, running her hand against my chest. Her eyes widen. I work out...a lot. It's the only pleasure I get besides drinking myself to sleep and sometimes we all need a break from Jack Daniels.
”Australian, doll. What's your name? And better yet, why are you all alone?”
Flipping her blond hair, she pokes out her chest. That's f.u.c.king right, she has some nice t.i.ts. ”Amanda,” she purrs. ”What's yours?”
I shake my head. I don't want to tell her. Not that it matters or she'll remember tomorrow, but I don't like to tell them. ”Does it matter? Let's go dance.”
She shrugs, gives her purse to her friend, and follows me out to the dance floor. We maneuver through the bodies until we get to the center of room. She automatically presses her tight a.s.s against my d.i.c.k.'s been a week since I've had s.e.x and it feels like three. I grab her waist, grinding her against me. She isn't that great of a dancer, but who gives a f.u.c.k, right? She slings her head back and forth as she continues to dance on me. My d.i.c.k protests, wondering why I haven't pressed her against the bathroom wall and f.u.c.ked her yet. The beer is starting to creep up on me, making me sway along with the music better.
She doesn't complain when I reach my hands up her dress and cup her. She's warm and wet beneath her knickers. She moans when I touch the fabric. ”Why doesn't your pretty a.s.s follow me? I'm sure I can make you feel better, baby.”
A loud moan leaves her lips and she is nodding like a bobblehead before I can finish my sentence. I tug on her waist, pressing her body against mine. She feels...almost right. Almost like I remember her feeling like. Then she reaches up and pulls at my jaw, trying to force my mouth down on hers. It's sloppy, unattractive, and needy. I maneuver my mouth away from her, and she whines.
Lucas isn't sitting at our table anymore, but I don't care. I need this release, I need to feel...something. Half-carrying her drunk a.s.s, I open the men's bathroom door and lock it behind me. She is pulling off her dress as soon as I turn around.
Her matching black knickers are tight to her, her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s spilling over her bra. Biting my lip, I grip her waist and lift her up onto the wall. She lets out a yelp and giggles loudly in my ear.
I don't even care that she is wasted, or that she smells like alcohol and too much perfume. I'm going to bury myself inside of her until she screams. With her help, we get her underwear off. She reaches for my jaw, forcing me to kiss her. I pull back and nuzzle my head into her neck. I don't kiss. Not on the mouth, at least. It leads to emotions that I don't want or need from a girl. Would it feel nice? Maybe. I don't care. I haven't kissed anyone since senior year, when I kissed all over her dainty body. Her soft, pink lips. Her eyes, nose, chin, stomach, anything she would let me.
No-I won't think about it. Not now. I position myself while I pull a condom from my back pocket. A few seconds later, I slide inside of her. She throws her head back, slamming it against the wooden bathroom door. ”f.u.c.k,” she yells.
Gripping her waist, I slam into her again, not caring that she is being loud. Not caring that she is enjoying this way more than I am. I just need this release. Her martini breath is close and hot on my face. I can sense her wanting me to kiss her, but I bite her neck instead.
”Ah,” she groans, pus.h.i.+ng down on my d.i.c.k. Grabbing her a.s.s, I continue to pump inside of her, ignoring her unattractive moans in my ear. I'm never as happy as when I come. She is shaking around me, grabbing at my skin like she doesn't want me to let go. ”More,” she slurs. ”Me want more.”
Suddenly aggravated, I drop her until she is standing in front of me. Her face is flushed and her t.i.tties hang over her bra. ”That was enough,” I snap. I know I'm not mad at her, I'm mad at myself. But this is the only way to get her to leave.
She pouts, grabs her clothes, and walks out of the bathroom in her knickers. Standing in front of the sink, I lean over, splas.h.i.+ng water in my face. Feeling like an a.s.s has become who I am now. I can hardly find the guilt that I've pushed so far into the back of my mind.
I walk into the bar and find Lucas at the counter. He lifts an eyebrow. ”Having fun, bro?”
I shrug, slap a ten down, and gesture for the bartender to keep them coming. ”I feel better.” Which we both know is a d.a.m.ned lie. I don't feel better, I feel better for right now. Only because there is alcohol coursing through my body and I just busted a nut.
”After this round we need to head to the apartment. We have a wedding rehearsal to go to Sunday. And we know it takes you d.a.m.n near two days to recover from this.”
I nod. I seriously need a f.a.g. I would do anything to light up a cigarette and inhale. ”Sure.”
”Was she as good as she looked?”
d.a.m.n, my mate knows me well. ”I've had better.”
Chapter Four.
Laney ”Flaws, we need them to be who we are” - Bastille ”It worked.”
I glance over my Bethany is staring past me, and I'm afraid to turn around and see what she is talking about. I'm pretty sure I know. The chair next to me scoots against the library floor and then squeaks underneath someone's weight.
Glancing to my side, I see Aiden staring at me. ”Laney, right?” He is smiling, giving me his best I'm a good boy smirk. Yeah, like I'd fall for that. I almost laugh.
I nod, continuing to stare at my book. Don't make too much eye contact, it'll be all over as soon as you look into those big brown eyes. ”That's me.”
Aiden smirks, turning his chair toward me. His knees touch my thigh. ”I met you last night at The Loft. You-you kind of ran off before I could get you your drink. What happened?”