Part 32 (1/2)

”Yeah, I hear you.” Understatement. It had taken them nearly four months, but finally, they'd completed their mission.


drew in a little more of that magnolia-scented air to ground himself in home.


It was time to return.

Bo pushed away from the post. ”Well, man, I should hit the road. I'm betting I can milk this for a little

TLC from someone of the female persuasion. What do you think?”


thumped the young officer on the back on their way down the flagstone path. ”I'm thinking that youbetter stay the h.e.l.l away from my daughter, sir, or I'll tell people your real name.””Yeah, yeah, I know.” Bo swung up into the front seat. ”No crewdogs for your little girl.”

”No players.”

”A player? Who me?” Winking, he cranked the Jeep. ”Catch ya' later, dude. I'm off to romance my lady friend.”

Bo revved the engine, s.h.i.+fting into reverse and roaring out of the driveway into the night.

Romance. Chuckling, J.T. shook his head. He and Rena had pretty much skimmed over that part, jumping from shared hamburgers to a shared kid, family, apartment, day-to-day get moving with life.

More lights along the rows of houses switched off, reminding him of his explanation to Rena about his

work/life switch, his inability to blend the two worlds.

Had he somehow segmented his relations.h.i.+p with Rena, as well? Dating, one switch. Flick the switch to husband, another mind-set, being a provider like his father.

Recreation had never played a big role in his life. He'd found a job he enjoyed, productive hobbies like

rebuilding his house or his car. And for smiles? Light? He had Rena.

But what had he given her for light in return?

Well, h.e.l.l. He stared down the empty road. A few weeks ago he'd been beating his head against the wall

at the prospect of entering the ”dating” world again. But now, the idea sent one h.e.l.luva thrill through him

-when the right woman was involved.

The romance gig wasn't a c.r.a.pshoot, after all. As much as he wanted to present Rena with diamonds and fancy vacations, the incredible woman he loved enjoyed circus peanuts, too.

He wasn't giving up on draping her in a diamond or two someday. But he'd finally learned he could also drape her in plenty of romance now.

J.T. fished into his back pocket for his cell phone. After twenty-two years, it was about time he asked his wife for a date.

Rena rapped two knuckles against her son's open bedroom door.

”Yeah?” Chris called from his bed, pitching a magazine to a floor already covered in clothes, a towel and


Her heart rate still thumped an extra couple of beats every time she remembered how close she'd come to losing J.T. and Chris today.

Rena tiptoed over a discarded backpack on her way to her son's bedside. ”Are you okay, hon?”

”Still a little wigged out, but it'll be better in the morning. Just need to sleep. Maybe swim some laps tomorrow. Get my head together.”

She perched on the edge of his bedside table. ”Swimming laps is a good way to relax.”

”Yeah. Gotta work out the stress somehow.” He crooked both arms behind his head. ”Dad's probably

down in his office veging with the Bard.”

”Excuse me?”

”You know. How he always reads Shakespeare and junk like that to chill.”